Welcome to Your Secret Meetings Site
August 2, 2009 by adm-nt
Filed under Secret Meetings
Welcome to your own Secret Meetings Website. Each month, for the next 12 months, based on your account, you will have access to your personal next level.
Every thirty days your Secret Meeting level will automatically be advanced to the next level. You will find your levels in the right hand column section “Your Secret Meetings”.
Your Neothink® Society has, like any other great organization, been evolving, Neo-Tech, SOS, Society of Secrets are all discussed within your Secret Meetings. They all are now “Neothink®” and Your Neothink® Society”.
All of the information within your next 12 months of Secret Meetings with your mentor, Mark Hamilton is presented in Flash format. Flash is todays most viewed format and functions with all computers and browsers. Please ensure that your Flash is upgraded to the latest version. You can check for FLASH updates here.
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I’m still reading Ms. Annabell. Got cought up on a few thing. Very interreating. Seems A Lillte far out. But not impossable with the way thing are going.
Iam 62 And building my own pizzel. And I well finishes it in Sep. That has not been easy. In fact the next to months is hard to do.As I’m Liveing on set income. So that makes even harder to pull off.
I well be glade to meet you and hear what you say.
Must say I am hard of hearing. But we well work it out.
Rebecca{BJ} Little
hey MARK,—–Thank you for the level 2. I’ve read through what you typed and have writen 10 pages and will read them over again.as i said before,i have been looking forward to the 10 second miracle because i want to get rid of the parasites in this world.i wish to get this 10 sec. miracle with your help and to help other people aswell.leys rid these suckers right off the planet.the honest people want to live in good health,in prosperity,in wealth,and in harmony with nature and with each other.as a miracle worker, i would like to help all people as much as i can.there is too much suffering going today and in the past(in which we were influenced and past on from gen’. to gen’.)my WISH IS GET THIS 10 SEC. MIRACLE, WITH YOUR HELP ofcourse MR HAMILTON.This weekend, i was very suicidal because i felt so alone and helpless in this misurable world.From the beggining of this journey, when you and the other sos people, said i had great potential and i wish to tap into that potential, again with you guys help.i need help in healing myself first.so help me/us MR. MENTOR HAMILTON.—-THANK YOU VERY MUCH. from mr. potential SYLVESTER G.G.
I watched the level one introduction / meeting around july 12 or 13 if I remember correctly at the end of the meeting I was told that I could replay the meeting as many times as I wanted to. There seems to be only one problem to this I can not get the meeting to restart. I need to get some help here because I an in ned of taking some notes and I am in in need of this knolege to be able to regain myself of the past and to advance above the life that I foolishly allowed myself to become trapped in for the last 17years. someone please help me to regain my old momentum so that I may contribute to the future instead of being trapped.
I am 52 & tired of the rat race. want a better life for my family & myself, everyone for that matter. I have read all three books &understand alot that you say . I am still lost, hope the meetings will help me understand more.
Dear Mark it is great to be connected to Neothink Society again,there are so many new areas in the society a person could get lost so to speak, the progress is tremendous,I have just finish reading the 3000 Year Old Secret, it has renewed my energy to carry this work to the people of Philadelphia even more than before. I look forward to establishing a club house soon. You have embarked on the greatest journey any man could undertake , that is to save humanity from those that represent the anti-civilization and the ruling class that rule by force and deception, thank you for caring for the human race you are a rare indivisual, and I want you to know that I am on this journey with you and will be there until victory is won
Mark I really want to appreciate you for giving the knowledge, so that i can see. And i have been playing a lot on fridays,sat,sun on creating value is this
what you are talking about,Because i’m doing it and not even thinking it is work,but i’m working on ways to help me and others on creating income.Is this
what you mean. Thank you.
Vincent Reed
Mr. Hamilton I would like to say that I feel good and I’m seeking Civilization of the Universe. I did order one of the 300 pins two weeks ago what must I do to make sure that it’s not lost mail?. I check my pay pal account and it shows that my payment went through.
Thank You Mark for bringing me this oppertunity to join you in this adventure. I am a Native American, needless to say I have experienced the anticivilization since birth. I have lived the illusions, lies, control generated by our society. even as we speak the government strives to control us and our lives, it is nice to know there are people out there that are fed up with this way of life. That there really is more to life and the future. I have served my country for 30 years in the military. the US Navy. I was forced into the Social Security Program. My promised benefits in each of these programs have been eroded to no end, the government has taken over $118,000.00 dollars from me in SS payments, taken my garenteed mediical coverage and retirement benefits I was promised. “Sure you can trust your government, ask any Indian”. Thank you again, and I look forward to a new and brighter future within the Society!
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I have read the first 2 volumns and about 1/4 through ” Miss Annabelle’s Secrets”. I live in an area located on the Coast, with the inland waterway and Cape Fear River, all part of the City’s charm and tapestry, which means
House Guests !!! As much as I enjoy being with them, I need additional quiet time, to finish “Miss Annabelle’s Secrets”, and perhaps to go back and reread sections, of the other two volumns.
It is my hope and wish that you will understand, and allow me to defer going further until mid to late September, when I no longer feel like I am cooking for the U.S. Army,and drowning in bath and beach towels….. It’s fun really but I never got the needed time, to recoup from major back surgery, and do not have any help.
Thank you so much for any consideration you may extend to me.
Constance Cauldwell
Hi Mr. Hamilton,
I’m still figuring out my Friday night essence. I’m a work in progress and know there are a lot of fascinating values out there. I am interested in becoming a Neo-Tech Society organizer. Please let me know what I can do to become involved. I am scared out of my wits, but want to learn how to “play” and integrate into a value creator.
Mark I have been reading your work for several years. A few years back I completed the twelve levels from your videos. I was active on the website at the time. For financial reasons, I had to drop off the website for awhile. I received your mailing a few weeks ago. Purchased the Noveau Tech Package of Inside Secrets along with your letter suggesting that I become active again to proceed on my success journey. I then contacted you and signed up for the website and purchased 3000 Year Old Secret.Am currently trying to get on the website. I did manage to get on the secret meeting portion and noticed that I was on level one. Are these the same meetings that I have already completed?
I have new e-mail/username and password.Just need a little help. Also have a call into customer service and Jill Reed.
Lynn Moore
530 6th Ave. NE
St. Cloud, Mn. 56304
I am a neophyte Ernest
to whom it may concern, please answer my last letter. i have more questions and commentson the next letter.Also,where I do get your answers? MAKES NO SENSE FOR ME TO ASK QUESTIONS AND GET NO ANSWERS.I really want to move on if thats possible.thanks.
Hello Mark,
I guess you could say I am the new kid on the block. I am looking forward to really getting into the secrets. My life has been to me like going in circles. I have always had many ideas and tried various things trying to obtain success in all areas. Sometimes it is very frustrating, because I know that I have a driving spirit but things are not as they should be to me. I am hoping that things will start to come together for me and my family. I will admit finances are not good but I know that if I could just find the right target.. I will take off!!! I guess you would not call this a question or maybe I just needed to talk to someone?? Well enough for now and thank you for your help. Mark!!! I reeeeaaallllllly want to succeed, please help!!
So let me get this straight: our galaxy was created from a black hole that was turned inside out by “Zon”. Well, how did the black hole get there. If your answer is another Zon; then who was responsible for creating (the conditions for that Zon to arise) that Zon? Who was the origional Zon?
In other words: “Who made who?”
-John Van Tuyl
How did my name come to you in the first place. I thought I would be able to talk to others. I am not the best on computers my children and grandchilden are. am 77 years young should have another 20 years are more if I find the Adamantine Particles, incombustable sulphur, red elixir or white elixir I could live for ever. I have the enzymes water which will replace hemogobin count faster than a blood transfussion can. I only know this from my mother lose so much blood and my son Craig also would not take a blood transfussion after drinking the enzyme water in a few day there hemogobin was normal. I have a soil builder I call Super Boss find WWW superboss.com. I read 4 hrs a day for 20 years because i wanted to learn so I also learned all I could about Henry Ford plus History Alchemical bible how our goverment was first formed and the people back ground who did it all.
Hello Mr. Hamilton,
I must thank you immensely for the dedication you have put up over many years in creating thoughts that are revolutionizing the world. I am still reading the books and getting immense positive mental imputs.
I am in the health profession and particularly in the health coaching profession. I believe that this is an avenue through which members will connect and learn more about our selves and our environments-The World.
This is a means of introducing myself to the society and expressing my interest in sharing our lives’ events together in order to create a better tomorrow. My e-mail address is boffoha@yahoo.com.
Dr. Benjamin Offoha.
I enjoyed the presentation and admit alot of effort, on your behalf went into making all things possible for enlightenment. I would be interested in attending a congegational meeting here in Hawaii, so please keep me in the loop for that happening. The food at your banquet table overwhelms me, so for the moment I will suffice with what I have from you at this moment before becoming a member of the 24/7 club at $30 a day. I hope not to offend you Mr. Hamilton buy my comments, but changes are on the near horizon for me and this is great information you offered. My personal opinions will have to be limited to this format on communication because I need to silence my inner-voice to hear all you have to say. In time I will definitely join the 24/7 membership as well as the mentoring sessions offered with. Thank you for this opportunity of playing to become a self-leader. I once watched a man juggle 24-balls and not drop a single one.Metaphorically. Thanks for showing me how to be like that man and more. Mahalo Henry
Hello Mark, I have not received my login information yet so cannot access any site but these 3 that I am on now. I don’t remember how long I have been receiving your books and information but it has been a number of years and I have all of your books and have read them all, most of them many times over. I have been ready to start this program for a long time. Much of the neo-think process was not new to my minds thinking as I read your work. Anxiously waiting for more.
Hi Mark Hamilton my comment to you about a meeting on friday night essence .And all four manuscrip heirloom package I purchase from you is so much knowledge about real life and happening in the world now.I think with neo-tech secret society my mine get smarter.I have n’t finish read my first book yet,but I belive there is a lot of good thing will came to me.
Soon to be 68 years of age. Fixed income plus some investments. Still have a wonderful family,depending on my success to insure their future. Finally, ii can do more, become more,create more values than ever before in my life. My “Friday Essence” is writing and public speaking.I have been too silent my entire life! I wish now to speak LOUDLY. The way will be shown to me. The intergrated concepts will come together. I feel the energy returning to my mind and body. I will grow beyond all I could ever concieve. Waiting for the first meeting. Many thanks for your insight and assistance.
Hi Mark,
I found my Friday Night Essence and I now find myself working it with every extra minute of the day. I think if I can put this together, I can help others make a lot of money. I was into securities analysis in college and loved it. But life got in the way and I let it slip away.
If I can put a successful program together again, I can help others with their investments.
Thanks for everything.
Mr. Mark:
Just as William Farlee stated, in his March 19, 2011 comment that he was offered Neothink in the late 90’s, I too, received some information from Neothink along about then. Guess I wasn’t ready for it and am so sorry I didn’t pursue and peruse it at that time; lots of wasted years. Sooo, here I am now, 79 years old, very active (can still stand on my head in the middle of any room).
As recently as nine months ago, I experienced the death of my 58 year old first born son; he was an alcoholic, a smoker; and died of lung cancer. I am a widow; have 2 children left. A 56 year old workaholic son, whom I adore; my precious 55 year old daughter, although she hasn’t spoken to me since the death of my son, due to some horrible lies her father (my ex) has told her about me. She is still loved. Enough of the sad stuff in my life; I have more than my share of happiness.
I dance three times a week, Country Western on Tuesday afternoons and Friday nights, Ball Room on Thursday afternoons. Dancing has been my Friday night essence for the past 40 years. I was married to a minister for 20 years prior to that, who didn’t believe in dancing. Wouldn’t even have sex standing up because he was afraid God would think we were dancing. A little humor intended.
Twenty five of my dancing friends have come to my home for the past 43 months on the second Tuesday of every month to eat, sing, dance and act silly; the average age is 77, there are four over 90. One of the dancers is a professional pianist and every month he plays my Parlor Grand piano for us. The majority of us have danced at the same places for 35 to 40 years. We haven’t missed a month meeting at my house during those 43 months. The party starts after this ole’ grandmother of six; great-grandmother of seven, finishes standing on my head. I guess dancing keeps us young, off of the streets and out of the bars.
I am half way through Miss Annabelles Secrets and spend most of my spare time (when I’m not dancing) reading on it. Can’t wait to finish it. The anxiousness was overwhelming inside of me until I got my secret meetings information. Thanks for choosing me to be a member, I’m thankful (so far), and I can hardly wait because I am sure I will be more thankful as time goes by.
Bonnie Baker-Eidt
I am keeping my mind open to new possibilities and, I might add, hoping and praying that Neothink is at least a small fraction of what I think it can be. I’m waiting on the ten second miracle – uniting the left and right, analytical and creative, hemispheres of the brain at will. I always believed that I could say let there be light and behold, (be) creation. I am a writer and I have tasted results from just the residue of concentrated thought, the Chinese say it’s the hardest thought in the world, but the results are outstanding. I’m sixty-one and I’ve wagered the house so to speak on my hopes and prayers. I have recently come back to the world after a hiatus of thirty-two years five months, and it’s nothing short of mandatory that I be a success in all areas of my life.
I won’t accept anything less. Oh yeah, my Friday night essence is writing: starting with a premise, let there be, and breathing the life of day into it. For writers there’s the story and then there’s the story. The difference between the two is the degree writers are able to detach themselves. All stories to some degree are subjective. They begin with how the writer views life, but their jumping off point is rooted in objectivity. They let the story tell itself without interference from the writer.
Ishmael Reed a black novelist said when he writes poetry, he feels like a secretary to a spirit, a spirit for each poem. It’s the same thing with a novel. Each story has its own spirit. It’s up to the writer to allow the spirit (within) to take over. As a secretary the writer is simply an editor, someone who ensures that writing techniques – background, character, conflict, plot development, and motivation – fit with what the spirit says. Like anything else in this world or the next, there are smart and stupid people and [spirits].
Based on how well writers’ are able to detach themselves from the story-telling will determine their ability to say, “Let there be light”, yet another way of stretching the imagination.
See “Squandered Souls,” by Inmate 146305.
Hello! MR.Hamilton, this is fun having these insight sent reading, I’ve observing the world as a whole, not half. Creating new ideas and writting them down.IT amazing it probaly even better when we start creating these idea THANKS MR.H. SEE U SOON!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I have become very interested in your Neothink literature.
I have a new “design for dedication.”
Thank you for your help.
Brant Eaton
Mr. Hamilton,
Thank you for this wonderful wealth of information I have been forever
searching. I’m looking forward to a true experience of creating value and
giving to my family, community, society and the world. The essence of me is finally emerging mentally and from within. This is amazing. This is my life that I’ve been looking for since I was a little girl. Thank you.
Hello Mr.Hamilton,
I am sorry for your recent loss. Please accept my condolences. My mother has been gone a year now. I yet grapple with all the effects of loss and grief. One thing has kept me through all the trying times of late.
“What do you do when you get off work? No matter how much you love your job, when you get off work-you go home and prepare for the next day.You rest
the body,feed it,preen, primp, you look over the next day’s schedule, make executive decisions based on the fluidity of the day(not everyone is detailed oriented), take a shower or soak, clear your mind, replay the days events with an eye toward improvements, all the time inter-acting with your family and friends. Then you say goodnight, and go to bed, where you refresh the physical body(sleep/deep rem). I look @ death in this way. It has to be that way -for now. The human body replaces/renews/recycles, all parts of the body on a continuous cycle. Yet, even with such knowledge, it does not lessen the feeling of loss. It does spur thoughts as to the eradication of death. Children start out invincible, and are slowly “dumbed down” as to full potentials. As a “grown-up kid”. I am only trying offer another way to cope with death/loss of a loved one. By looking @ it in this manner-it also takes away the “fear” of death.
And as you know and teach-
“Fear is what has kept us in the dark as to who we really are, and more importantly-what we are”. I look forward to level two-Linda Hofbauer
Just recieved info and am not best with computer as age 77. But do have Ph.D. with years of university teaching (not old fashioned way so Miss Annabelle was a soulmate as I too had trouble with old time methods). I have novels and manuscripts yet to market. Look forward to future. RG Taylor
This past month I have noticed a slight change in my attitude towards work and life. Up until then I felt stagnant in my job and with life in general. Every day seemed to be the same, like “Ground Hog Day”. It felt like I was slowly but surely wilting into nothingness. No energy to do what needed to be done nor caring to do those things. But now I seam to have a little different outlook on life. Like there is hope in the future and that I can be a creator.
if this is the way I feel now I can’t wait until next month and the months after. Thank you for bringing the Neothink Society into my life.
Tom Gorman
I would like to say to Mark Hamilton that the teleseminar was great and very open on 3cent markit rize times 90% on stock share and so on, to become a woman or man of money you have to connect in order of having control. I payed my dues to the neo-tech I might be low on funs but I feel good for once in my life thank you thank you all for the neo-tech.
dear mark,
after recieving my first books i was aout cleaning and waxing our motercycle and got an idea about an invention for takeing off the wax in small areas. i have proceeded in getting a company to help with geting started and getting a patent. we are in the patent pending stage and looking for manufactures to produce it and places to sell it if any of my ss member friends can help they can go to my website at http://www.finelinedetailer.com and put in username linda, password linda6386 to view the invention. my e-mail address is also on that page to contact me about more information. it was a feeling i had when the idea came to me to do this. thanks linda
dear mark, sorry for the delay on my reply. i was too involved in my relocating to a suburb in chicago and have not read my mail.i did finished my first reading of miss annabelle’s secrets.You are a great writer mark. never had i read a book before that made me cry out of love and joy. I really felt a part of the group.now i know i need to find out how to hear miss annabelle’s lectures to the children.pls.tell me how to get copies of her lectures.
Dear Mark, Not wanting to interrupt your presentation(by making immediate comment or question),I’m more comfortable replying in this space,instead, and hope that is acceptable.
PLAY.It has been in my face for decades without me really seeing it.I was fortunate enough to be employed by two very successful artists,a sculptor-and then ,a print maker.Both were playing,following their FNE and enjoying huge success by most any measure.Great examples&mentors there,whether I realized the lesson at the time-,or not.->->-Even animals spend lots of time playing.I’m reminded of neurologist Max Levin’s theory:”If play were not pleasurable,kittens would never chase each others tails,and so,would lack practice in the motor skills needed for survival.If there were no fun in playing with ideas,children would lack practice in the art of thinking,the most complex and important survival tool of all.” I’m sure Miss Annabelle’s classes were fun ,as well as fascinating.I think I may well have had a greater than average amount of play in my life,thus far.However,I wasn’t thinking about how that might provide values to society,thus the enrichment wasn’t monetary in nature.
I hesitate to question without having thoroughly studying/absorbing all the heirloom packages.I don’t think I’m there quite yet,but I didn’t want to miss the initial meeting.One question that does come to mind is who might have indicated I’d be an asset to the Society.I see back in 1996,I was offered Neothink Manuscript #449AGZ,INFO PKG.1-5 from Henderson,NV(much shorter than current pkg.s).Maybe it wasn’t my time,one way or the other,but I don’t recall reading it back then.However,noting the Society’s apparent interest in me dates back at least a decade&1/2,I’m left wondering who took note that far back?I’d also like to know which companies presently run their businesses by deliberately applied Neothink techniques.
I imagine I’ll have better questions after further study.Seems like I may have a couple of weeks to work at that ,still.The monthly member site is the way to go,seems pretty clear.Again though,I want to re-study to make the most of it,not waste others time&so forth.I can’t always make use of the computer privately&had to stop for unexpected guests the first time I looked at the meetings website.I can understand the value of discretion & why you don’t just tell everyone everything-even without Miss Annabelle’s sad experience with those outside ,twisting&taking things out of context .So,I might tell my brother to submit his work improvement suggestions in pre-digested written form to his superiors,but I would not explain Neothink as a source for that method.
Anyhow,Thanks for not giving up on me -back in the 90’s , Woody
The Secret has help me move to a level of starting to get my Doctorate in Business Administration. My business have grown and I have received the last 2 awards for Business in the last 2 years in the community. I know my Friday night essence and will have much success. I am getting ready to start another business and keep running into people who are interested in my talents and ablities. I try to stay positive and not let others drain my energy level so that I can continue my journey. Thank you for the opportunity of the secret and all levels of education Mr. Hamilton.
Much success and wishes. Pat
Hi Mr Hamilton, I must thank you for letting me in your Neothink Society. Some of the things you speak of have been seeping into my mind for a long time , but I couldn’t make any sense of them. I see now it is possible to be free and grow to be a valuable human being. Again ,I thank you for giving me the opportunity to study with you.Cecil.
I do not know way I said I didn’t know the number for the calls.
never mind!
Thanks. I am a 75 year old (three quarters of a century) learning computer speak. I listened to the level one presentation again and tried to get on the web site you gave as http://www.neo-techsociety.com/secret web site and my computer kept telling me that it could not display this site (or something like that). Anyway, what am I doing incorrectly.
The Twelve visions party calls have been very interesting. I haven’t been on one of the calls yet but have listened to most of the calls that have been recorded. So far I haven’t found the phone numbers to join the scheduled calls.
I have really enjoyed reading and listening to all the information that has been available. My computer is kind of on the blink and needs to be taken in for some much needed maintance (blue screens a lot).
My wife of 55 years just got her second new hip. She told our children that this would make her a bionic woman, which our son quickly corrected her by telling her she would only be a robotic woman, with two new hips.
Thanks again for all you have and are doing,
Hi Mark,
Do i have to subscribe to the website before i could access the meetings?
some one told me some time ago to look in the merrow at your self betwen your
eye’s and dont blink as long as you can?
Project Life is very important.Unfortunately people do not have the finances or contacts to even start a clubhouse at this particular time You mention a second wave of contacts coming soon. Some people still can’t afford the fee to join the web site just to get informatiom from. What am I suppose to do?.
It’s good to be home
After reading all three books, I could not believe how many of the facts listed I already have been doing without realizing that it was part of a great society as Neothink. It just amazed me that there was a society out there who had the some ideas and and same agenda as myself. I am really looking forward to moving on into the deepest parts of the society. What a great journey to be undertaking.
I have known for many, many years now that I do not belong in the anticivilization. I have always felt that we should take all politicians, judges & lawyers out in the middle of ocean somewhere and feed them to the fish. There are exceptions to every rule, but not very many. I even feel the universe strongly trying to make things happen for me. To that end, for several years now I have been collecting various super puzzles pieces for my new life. But so far, I have been unable to snap these puzzle pieces together into a complete picture. Even reading thru the Neothink Packages of Inner -Circle Secrets manuscripts, I am still having some problems in getting these pieces to snap together. I feel that I need to get into local meeting of like minded individuals in order for me to snap together my many puzzle pieces together into a complete picture and get out of the anticivilization as soon as possible. So are there any meetings in the southwest Chicago suburbs where I could go to meet other society members??? shablutzel@gmail.com
Hello Mark,
I was sitiing at the contraction site, busy working, installing a goods lift! When an idea come to mind. When I looked at the storage problem of the contractors at the site, things always seemed to go missing.
I saw a plan in my mind of how I could solve the storage problem, with a moblie storage unit. That could be erected fast and easy, at a cost effective price to all contractors. To rent or buy!
This unit can be used over and over again, from site to site.
This was my first ten second miracle.
Jan Els
Hi Mark,
I’m at the local library but only one computer has sound and it’s in use so I started reading some of the other comments posted. I’m finding there a lot of interesting thoughts among the members. I was here last night and I was able to view more of thenuggets, because I was able to get the computer with sound, . So far I am at 89. I just finished Miss Anabelle’s secrets last week now I’ll go back to book one. I need to re- read the money concepts and try to relate more thoroughly to the numbers. I believe in the relationship to numbers in everything we do but it’s just not completely clear to me yet. I intend to keep at it and eventually I will get there.
just a shoet comment sp far I am overwhwlmed I would like my son to understand all about creating values Thank you
What Ive seen of level three so far is great the site keeps locking up I have not been able to get through the half way mark yet Ive tried the last two days.
Hi Mr. Hamilton,
My dad is a member of the Neothink Society! And through him I got interested in this new way of thinking. I think that the system that we have in this world of ours, is not helping anyone. And needs to change now…!!! People always seem to want to deceive people. We always seem to get deceived and I want that to change!
Personally I like what I hear about what you are doing to change the way we think and do things! I myself want to be a better person and create wonderful values for people, but I don’t know what my Friday night essence is. But it can be known..!
The number one thing I believe in is that nothing is impossible. Now I know that can be used to create powerful values for people. But the reason I am writing a comment here is that I have a question for you. If somebody is down and out (on the street), how do you go from nothing to something?
Jan. 8, 2011
I am indeed happy to have finally gotten to this point in my quest. For many years I have pursued absolute truth required for understanding and implementation of a new system of farming. In the process several viable constructs were recognized as mandatory fields of operations. I know that it is time for the earth to rest from the rape; (coal mining, oil extractions, chemical fertilizers, outmoded non-synergistic governmental formats promoting the dark side of democracy while promoting the republic format; canceling social evolution without any real evolved solution to current dilemma. The reason for “npacissbn”. Every idea (invention) that has been developed will become fund raising products for Terramedic purposes. Also, since most of the businesses are non-profits separated into three non-synergized types, a once in a lifetime opportunity exists. Your integrated mini-day, mini-company capture secrets is the last ingredient for accomplishing my AgriTower, Aqua Converter, and high-speed transportation network. I have known since 1969, when I read about a fiber that could support a house. I followed this “boron” odessey from Dupont to Acme chemicals in Pennsylvania and back to Dupont. Through the synergizing and integration of the three types of non-profits, I will use the AgriTower and Aqua Converter to solve the current crisis: lack of enough organic food to feed the entire worlds population (reducing health costs) while giving the earth a rest rejuvenating the soil; supplying the clean water to enhance natural ground water supplies offering a low cost energy and water supply system to residents while relieving municipalities of the burden and compensation to them where applicable. This approach creates many value systems within the recycling market and an unbelievable number of new and exiciting jobs. I know this is going to take a lot of work. I have an invention that will supply the launch pad. It is simple and much needed by all residents everywhere. It will cause tremendous growth in the sale and production of polymers to replace the need for ferrous metals and other natural resources needed by the planet for photosynthesis and clean air and water. I could go on and write about the forests and how they can be completely protected from serious burns. I realized long ago that if we were to enjoy a future of evolved values then there must be a clean healthy planet for this enjoyment. I began looking for answers as a small child when I first began to have to attend Sunday school. I always knew something had to be amiss because a lot of explanations in the Bible just did not add up to absolute truth. I saw through the Constantinian plot and then you come along to confirm that I was always on the right track. I have never had a doomsday attitude and the following words shed much light. I applied essence to all of the parts of the Bible and other religious books with spiritual content and gleaned absolute truth. For instance: “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you”. This statement was spoken by Jeshua, (an Iesu erroneously called Jesus). While recently watching a documentary on the Black Hole, I realized what he was actually saying. Our Father is the only scientist and all others are students and while He is infinity this Universe is one of his many mansions. The next time you meditate close your eyes and focus above and between your eyebrows and watch a Black Hole unfold. There is great benefit. You learn how to remember how to transcend and thereby maintain the child’s heart and youth. (Supreme personality of the Godhead, Krsna) As we learn how to enter into our second childhood we advance the development of the universe we are to become. This can only be attained with absolute values in progress in everyday life. Physicists and astronomers say there are more than a few Black Holes and this is understandable when we consider that all life is life and thus infinite. We learn how to procreate naturally and must learn all other natural means. After all like the advanced Black Holes we also retain all information: light and darkness. Once the upload is complete we go on to procreate the Universe we have worked so hard to accomplish. This secret holds much promise for longevity, and peace. It is a good feeling to be able to leave your body when you need to leave.