Welcome to Your Secret Meetings Site
August 2, 2009 by adm-nt
Filed under Secret Meetings
Welcome to your own Secret Meetings Website. Each month, for the next 12 months, based on your account, you will have access to your personal next level.
Every thirty days your Secret Meeting level will automatically be advanced to the next level. You will find your levels in the right hand column section “Your Secret Meetings”.
Your Neothink® Society has, like any other great organization, been evolving, Neo-Tech, SOS, Society of Secrets are all discussed within your Secret Meetings. They all are now “Neothink®” and Your Neothink® Society”.
All of the information within your next 12 months of Secret Meetings with your mentor, Mark Hamilton is presented in Flash format. Flash is todays most viewed format and functions with all computers and browsers. Please ensure that your Flash is upgraded to the latest version. You can check for FLASH updates here.
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Hi can’t seem get pass” to play full screen click this icon,… to watch the video, can i please get some help
Mark, I understand how poetry can be harmful because it tell false ,stories about love. But at the same time poetry, opera, music, and paintings give people an excellent feel for the culture. Hitstory has also tried to preserve the culture of people, even after war have destoryed the nation. So if the art is taken fior what it is a beautiful fairy tale, is it still destructive?
Hi Mark im not finished reading books yet but are enjoying
and learning
Mark, are you using some type of autosuggestion, from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill ?
The level 3 mtg was great I will get back to reading 2nd heirloom and Miss Annabell. I am soooo glad to be part of this org. From just reading the 1st heirloom has helped me in my thinking. Strangly enough I have been dealing with since last february. I have been going thru the Bronx New York Housing Court. That Institution is a disgrace. There should be a laws to protect the Landlord from tenants who abuse this Court System. It’s no wonder the Mortgage industry is failing. States like new york protect the tenant. This Tenant has been with out a lease since March 2010. Living off of me for free. I am not a slum lord. I have been suffering since march when she decided she did not want to pay and did not want to move. now she is going to a shelter. Why can’t the court system put a cap on the damage a tenant can cause an (Individule?) Anyway I have been preoccupied with upgrading the property,going to court each month, wondering will I ever get rid of this value destroyer. very destuctive to me. Hopefully the ordeal will be over by january 10th if not a little sooner??? I STAND FOR INDIVIDULE RIGHTS. WHY SHOULD OUR GOV give another person the right to (Destroy Value Producers). This has been so wrong for too long. I beleive in my mind it to be over soon?
I also want to mention after getting caught up to level 3 tonight I AGAIN STAND FOR THE INDIVIDULE TO BE INFORMED OF DOCUMENTED TRUTHS OF THE BIG PHARM, AMA,FDA How these 2 and 3 Billion a year Industries make money at the expence of Human Life at the same time robbing us for their (poison drugs). Natural Cures are more HUMANE! Let Natural Cures be covered by Medical Insurance! Let IMORTALITY REIGN!!!
Also require Chemistry of Nutrition courses. Educate Children/Adults how the cells in the body function. Give the teachers the freedom to expose the truth. Let the people know the dirty secrets of our gov. Let people know the negative effects of pharmacueticals on the human body. You hear of Deaths all the time.
I am glad to able to get back to the meetings again.
Thank You
Annette Ferlet
Im so thankfull to be a part of this,im reading my books every chance i get have’nt told anyone about this not evan my spouse will let her know when things take off, but i am very excited and can’t wate to become the person i was ment to be, i just finished electrician school and have a frew businesses i would love to get stared with the help of my Mentor and Neothink Family. Reading Mis.Annabella story now i will have to go back and finnish my other two books. P.S I realy believe this is it thank you Mark
Out of work at the moment and have returned to college to complete an Associate Degree. Your books are full of thought provoking knowledge and applications. I have devoted the past 3 months to my studies at school and did not pick up Volume 2 until a week ago, but managed to read through it in 5 days. I am now on Miss Anabelle’s book, Volume 3, and find it hard to put down to do anything else. I apologize for not,reading them as when purchased but I am finding your insights very helpful and look forward to our new found friendship and on-going learning curve. By the way my daughter and wife think I am nuts for pursuing our continuing relationship but so be it. I believe that the more I grow and change, and they see the results in me, then they too will come on board and get involved. Sometimes, we need to lead by example rather than by lecture and arguing. Disagreements only lead one down a futile path to the destruction of the family. I am 60 years old and now have a new look at the future with a great opportunity as opposed to the beaten down attitude I had just a few short months ago. Thank you for inviting me into Neothink and giving me the opportunity to find my happiness in life again.
Mark, I wish to thank you for all this new knowledge. I find it hard to keep up because I work a lot of hours. Right now I am working 2200-0600 hours. I find it hard to find the FNE and look for numbers in my place of business. I am a police officer and can not releate this information to my position; which I have worked for many years . I have read most of the books I have received and have reached level two on the meetings,any assistance in this manner will be greatly.
Lots of information,most likley to reread several parts to gain full understanding. Looking forward to visiting discussion site to further my understandig. Thanks
I am a new member. I just received my letter to activate my account yesterday, December 15. I, regretfully, admit that I’m not even halfway through my first book, and I have all three. I just received Miss Annabell’s Secrets in the mail a few days ago. I love to read, but my dilemma is this; 1. I find the first few chapters a little boring, as I’ve never been interested in running a business & such. 2. I have 3 kids. Two that go to school during the day & one that’s still real little. My little one consumes so much of my time, I find it hard to sit down, relax, and read. I’ve read the part about using the Mini-Day/Power-Thinking Team guidelines in your EVERYDAY LIFE even if you don’t have a business. I’ve already tried that, and it’s very complicated to do such a thing when you have a little one running around. I don’t get much time to myself, and when I do, it’s so late at night I’m too tired for even reading. Ever since my husband has left for Kuwait, it’s been real hard on me raising 3 kids on my own. And I’ve NEVER been on my own. I got married at a young age for all the WRONG reasons, and he mistreated me badly. He’s the father of my oldest 2, but he’s no longer of this Earth. The man I’m married to now has never been married, and the little one we have is his first. A few months back when I received my first letter I was on my way out the door to go away to my mother’s for a few weeks, and I had hoped that I hadn’t missed a golden opportunity. It bothered me the entire time I was gone, until I received another letter giving me a second chance. I have to say I was relieved, and sent off for my 1st book. I dove into my book headlong, and reached a stopping point where the book told me I had to get a daily planner before I could continue. Well, my book sat on my bed-side table for quite a while til I was finally able to get a decent daily planner. As I progressed through more pages, I seemed to lose interest because of the whole “business” part to it. I don’t mean to say that your company is boring, Mr. Hamilton, but more or less just the boring business details. Well, as time went by I just stopped reading my book. As I collected the other two I thought to myself “If I really want all the things these people are promising me, then I need to FORCE myself to get past the “boring” parts. So it’s only been recent that I’ve picked the book back up. I’m determined to have ALL 3 BOOKS read before or by January. I know I can do it. One to two hours a night? I think so. NOTHING in this world is IMPOSSIBLE, only if you allow yourself to believe it so. So I have quite a bit of reading to catch up on before my first meeting. Whoever it was, if it was you Mr. Hamilton, that gave me that “second chance” to be in this Secret Society, I want to THANK THEM for believing in me. I know you wrote the letter Mr. Hamilton, but who was the final decision-maker? I would still like to thank you for the letter of invitation. I hope I didn’t bore you too much with my ramblings. Thanks again!
April Bozone (a very unique last name. wouldn’t you say?)
Mark I am still having trouble with my computer.I,m finding it hard to get going so am I pushing the wrong buttons. I really want to get through level 1 and all the remaining levels. As yet I have not been able to get onto the teleseminar shows and that does make me cranky. I want so badly to be able to better myself even though my age makes it hard to remember what has been read.
To Mark Hamilton
Thank you for writting this book.I buy two scratch off a week for about three month never win. about three day reading this book an my luck has change. I started winning on the scratch off which I never win any thing before now everything I do I am a winner.even with my friendship with Alex. we are talking about Marriage.life is getting better every day.
thanks Mark Hamilton
Cynthia Grant
The more we pursue our goals and dreams the more united we become as we learn the new ways of Neothinking and processing our intergrated thoughts..Am so proud and humble at the same time to be a part of the New system of the 12 vision party TVP. Neothink and Neotech has brought me much happiness and there so much farther to go am barely starting on level 5 and excited to do all I can to be a part of this SOS society to join the TVP to be a Warrior and to be hooked up with a Clubhouse nearby my home in Essex MD. USA 21221-6606.
MH- but if u was to me a women that was already a member it would make ur relationship stonger and last for ever? Yesor Know
Why does nothing happen when i click on secret meetings ormeet your menter?
Thank you Mr. Hamilton for the invitation to Neothink. I’ve sensed all along that there is a parallel society. I’m power looking to the future. I have yet to receive the Third Heirloom Package of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets. Hopefully it will arrive soon so I can absorb its message before my first meeting.
Thank you again,
Mr Hamilton
I do wish to sincerely thank you for this new knowledge
True to what you said in all your correspondence,Miss Anabellles Secrets is truly a capstone to all this new knowledge and the take off point to the C of U.
Like her and all the characters in your narratives THANK YOU for your loving and compassinate nature and for being such a prophetic visionary.
Here though is my question as related to some of the many benefits that accrues to one upon contact with you / the group
I am constant barraged by envy with all my efforts and even in relationships to a point that i get overwhelmed,hence making it difficult for me to make ends meet. I have not not given up ,but just having to keep regrouping is so paralyzing.
I was thanking you for a recent victory i just had when the mayor,s office here the city of Seattle Wa gave me the official permission to work selling my art in a doorway on one of the main streets where some policeman wrongfully said icould not operate.
IF YOU do not mind ,i will borrow from your vocabulary and use the term EGOLAW to characterize the behavior of one these ANTICIVILIZATION front men
Again Sir Many for inviting me into your world
If you had the time and went to Google and entered the name boma cho what i have been doing up to this point will come up with related commentaries.
ernest boma
61 years old and still searching for the answer. Mark, please tell me that: “this is the real deal”. I know that life is a journey and I thank God I am in great health but I don’t want to invest what time, energy and resources I do have into another go-nowhere program. Skeptical…yes. Do I want to believe…yes. Mark, your assurance please.
This is for Aurea Lopez:
Dear Aurea: How lucky you are to have been given yet another chanch to find someone to love you. The man who left you will go on to yet another victim and you will find that shortly, you will begin to bloom like a partched flower that has finally gotten some water (your tears). The most wonderful and amazing thing is ‘the world is now YOUR oyster.’ Awesome! I know this for sure because, been there, done that. Look for the little wonderful things in your life that you can do now that he is no longer blocking your energy. You have amazing powers…use them!
Looking forward to the secret meetings.
My life hasn’t changed . Today is the worse day of my life my partner for 10 year left and am depressed and lonely.my mind doesn’t stop thinking . The theories in those books haven’t done anything positive in my life. Please help me to get rid of these feelings.
I am on chapter 16 of Miss Annabelle’s secrets and the neo-cheaters have defeated Anna by taking away what she loves, teaching
How are you able to perceive the sick, perverted, sexual feelings that Mr Hammerschmidt have for Anna?
How can defear the neo-cheaqters in my life?
Mark, I still can,t get into the video tour to get ideas on what to do. I,m at a loss to see what,s happening as I am sure it would help me in level 1. Since receiving the first letter from invitation processing, I have been quite excited as to what the future holds for me.
how do I use percepts and concepts to find common denominators to build my puzzle piece by piece.? How do I break through stagnation?
How can I power approach my life NOW. I am unemployed. I would like to do my Friday Night Essence. option trading for income.
the link for golden helmet chapter 5 is btoken
I am reading Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and I am absolutely immersed in this book, it is wonderful. The three books have made me very happy and have inspired me! I work at Taco Bell, I already enjoy working there! Even though it is a minimum wage job, I look forward every day to going to work. I provide a value for the people who enjoy cheap affordable fast food, that is actually healthy. I have lost from 233 pounds , down to 161 pounds by following a diet almost similar to the ideas in the books on loosing weight. I want you to know that I sat down one night, on my back steps of my house and cried! I asked the Universe or God of the Universe, to help me, someone to teach me what to do! I even talked to my mom and dad, who are both gone, cancer took them from me! I told them If in anyway they could hear the cry from deep down inside me for help! As if, someone heard me, a week later I received, my first letter from you. Everything I have ever felt or sensed was wrong in this world, you confirmed it for me. That we were living in a false Matrix of existence! Me and My husband are perfect examples of,people who fell for the Blue Collar Hoax! Both of us had what we thought were decent jobs, both of us worked for Manufacturing Companies. Both our companies were fortune 500 companies at one time. They bragged about what good jobs we had etc… Most raises we ever got was only 35 cents a year, my husband’s company was even worse,at most they only got 10 cents a year raise! We could never keep up with inflation, we had no earthly idea what our government was up to! Then they came up with Nafta and Gatt. Saying that we should be in favor of Nafta and this other, that the trade agreements would bring us more work and more jobs, what I lie. The first thing happened was, our jobs went to Canada and Mexico. All our money making,over-time jobs dried up. People started to quit, those that quit, their positions were never filled, instead they hired temporary workers instead, no longer could people walk in and apply for a job anymore, like we used too. They did not have to give benefits to temporary workers, no retirement benefits, no medical insurance, etc… Good for them, not good for the American worker. To make a long story short, my husband got hurt at work, they denied his workers compensation. They simply threw him away like garbage, because they did not want to honor his workers compensation. So, we in desparate situation, because they had big lawyer firm, my husband signed away his case for a few thousand dollars. We lost everything, our home, our lives etc…We went bankrupt and we had to start over again! In our mid forties. My mother moved us to Florida, were we got help and decent lawyers, he got his Social Security Disability, thanks to Binder & Binder. They are good lawyers. We moved back to Georgia, and we bought our first real house. So this is my story, it was tough but we made it, when i was in Florida, I had to swallow my pride and ask for help, and yes I received food stamps for a while, but I did not like it. I worked two jobs for two years, Taco Bell during the day, and the Library during the night. I did a lot of reading during my time working at the library and I did not give up. So, I hope with this new knowledge that your books are teaching me and inspiring me to not give up in the future. I owe all my strength to my mother, just before she passed away with cancer, she told me I was beautiful! She never told me this before! I cried tears of joy! She gave me inspiration I needed and I know she would have like your books. So with this long comment, I wanted you to know a little about me, and I also have lost both a mother and a father to cancer. I am happy to know that their memories and essences are not lost forever that they are a part of the Universe. Thank you! You have made me very happy and I know that my mother Xenia Velasques Rhoades and SMSGT Joseph D. Rhoades are not lost forever. Very Sincerely, Bessie Prickett.
thanks for enlightening me on how to enjoy life once again!! Just having fun again.Playing is fun.Life is playing….excited to see next lesson..steve
To be more concise,I am very interested in helping with assisting the oppressed and sick in the world.I wish to set up a 24/7 health boot camp out of the country (Ecuador). My willingness to learn is exceptional but my teachability is hampered due to a head trauma 15 years ago.I do however believe I have surpassed my 50 IQ that was decreed to me by(7)several Cleveland clinic doctors.Are there methods or tools to improve my concentration and reading abilities?? thank you…steve
I am extremely excited to get up every morning to live a new day. I find it difficult to stay up with those nitty gritty details of everyday e-mails, bills, paperwork and finance stability strategies. Can you assist please on staying up with these hard to lasso everyday items?? Thank you…steve
Mark, It’s as if you are reading my mind on my next move. 3 weeks ago I sought out Steve Heinz who referred me to Pat Lafaire at the alliance for health and wellness.I was going to approach You and K.T. for advice today on removing the limits and burdens in present their enviroments for the sick and the poor,and in another country(with less oppression +Organic fresh air sea food etc..)start a protocol of advanced methods to begin eradicating illness and aging. Pat and I discussed though, the fact that you already know the answer to aging so why should we try trial and error when it has already been achieved?Is there a better way to utilize our value creation? thank you……………steve frank
Mark Hamilton when u read this note u will find that i’m lost in every thing from family member to my i like to play my role in growing with the group i don’t have a buss. start nothing ,nobody to talk to i’m all along in my qust.to me the person that i want to be . my family just don’t like me so that really what keep me put the book down meaning not going no wear at all not only this is a disappointment but the will to go on because i know that i can do it .
hello mark, i am looking forwad to my next meeting, and also i wanna thank you for all the information you gave us.
Hello Mark,
just getting my feet wet, but I thank you for your welcome letter. I’m looking forward to talk to you. thanks!
please contact me mark, it has been awhile, since I saw you in town, thanks Jack
Thank you for the Society’s invitation to be a member of the Neothink Society. With Humility, I am honored and excited beyond imagination, flattered by the superbly convincing invitation letters. In essence, I felt ecstacy with some fresh conscious thinking of hope to become who I am meant to be and live the life I am meant to have.
Thank you for the invitation to be a member of the Neothink Society. With humility, I am honored & excited beyond imagination, flattered by the superbly convincing invitaion letters that I received. In essence, I felt ecstacy with some fresh conscious thinking of hope of finally breaking my horrible state of existence and live the life I am meant to have and become what I am meant to be. I am now retired and just struggling meeting my life responsibilities/obligations, living in stagnation and frustrations. Joining the secret society, what must or should I do to create values on Friday Night essences or weekends. Any suggestions? Or is there anything I can do to help out as member of the society? I would appreciate any advice. Thank you.
your books are extraordnary.you are a great writer.supperpuzzle was amazing.I learned a lot about American Culture.The emotional impact was also very exciting.I have never seen such a huge book, full of words and I love words.Thats my life and you fulfilled my empty soul.Thank you Mark Hamilton.
You are the best.
i am eagerly waiting to go to my next level meeting as i continue to read and search for my FNE. Thanks for selecting me for you superb society.
Has anyone heard of the zack liquidation club or the zacken corparation its a bussiness that sells to wholsailers at below retail price I have read some negative posts on some sites about the company they offer you a bussiness oppurtunity to get people to go to their site and you get 50% of whatever they buy everything I have seen seems to be pretty legitimate but I have been unable to find them on the better bussiness buerue since I trust the feedback of the neo think society I was hoping someone might know somthing about this company. any feedback would be great. just send me an email at crosbyh4@hotmail.com
Hi, I am new to to the group. I hav been struggling for the past 2 years flipping through my manuscript. My thoughts are destracted easily. my strengths and abilities are strong, that i feel. i will admit i had my sceptacism, but there is more out there for me.
At first I was skeptical to all of this but now I’m a true believer!
My Life has changed – My views has changed – and My Awareness is very alive now!
What a breath of fresh air so to speak..(o:
Life is Grand with The Neothink Society!
All three books are very good reading i am not a “reader” much but i could not but them down thanks i have started to reread second heirloom package has pre lesson 1
thanks keith manness
I’m very excirted and looking forward to seeing and experiencing growth and progress in myself. All I know is that I don’t know what I don’t know but have huge visions of grandure for myself and those I love. How to realize those dreams is eating me up with anticipation. What do I need to know to move forward now?
Mark, I need to pay my next monthly subscription fee for Neothink Society Website. How do I do this? Thank you, Tom tcdex31@gmail.com
Mark Hamilton, Mentor
Thank You for the level 1 meeting, it was a great experience to enter into VIP Neothink, Mark Hamilton I am so proved to be your disciple and you are my Mentor.
I am waiting for someone who is great to be my mentor and it was a great surprise to be so. I am waiting for a great change, and it’s my prayer everyday to have financial freedom, Time freedom and Health freedom.
I am dreaming to be someone important and helpful to other.
Vijay Pilly
I have a sudden urge to share some occurances that have happened in my life. throughout the years as I reflect on what possibilites exist for why I have reacted in certain ways based on the circumstances, & a honest deep reflection & revelation to the true alas.
From an infant I was introduced to religion, Jesus, in a non denomintaional Bible school that my 6 of 8 sibllings attended growing up. I will never forget the place. I was easily remember each morning as the bus would pick us up at our 5 acre place on the edge of town & just one of 100’s of that same ride, personally navigated by our pastor, preacher, hero best friend. He also had many kids. & I new many hymns right from the start as toddler where I would visit the church in the Judith Mountains where exists a beautiful Chapel, many cabins. I still feel at home there. Progressing through the Bible school & once the young age of Seven, I took it upon my own desire to finally open up somewhere private, & ask the Lord into My heart. I didn’t experience at this time the big ommniscent Holy Spirit awakening that I expected at the time & forever thereafter questions whether or not GOD had heard me….
Fast Forward to 1995. My 18th Birthday! I grew up, listening to Country & Rock. In fact I, at age 10 met my first beautiful girlfriend (age14). & by then had a walkman & plyed hysteria from Def Leppard over & over & over. I became a drummer, & then a Bass guitar player, & then a guitar player, & then a songwriter, & then a singer & performer, & then recorded my 1st album. I spent little time in StanfordVille at Roseland Ranch as a Wrangler on that duderanch showcasing some of my freshly written songs, upstate N.Y. & was pleased to learn that Miss Anabelle taught these students in upstate N.Y.
In 1995, my 18th birthday, drinking & celebrating the end of school. I was getting intimate with cheerleader captain when the door was kicked in and the small appartment was overloaded with cops. The cheif of Police in particular happened to be watching my new girlfriend dress & this bothered me. I told him to turn his head as to give her some privacy & he grabbed me around the throat & began to choke me. She grabbed his hand to pull it away from my throat & he sholved this little petite thing into some dressers. I blacked out & the next thing I remember the cabinets from the wall lying on him as he laid in the bath tub. apparently at 4 foot 7 inches at the time & maybe 100 pounds soked & wet, ripped his police uniform in half, broke his nose as he had blood squirtting from the bridge of his nose, broke his glasses & gave him a black eye. He was probably 6 foot 2 inches couple hundred lbs. I then calmed down & gestured to help him out of the bath tub which he oblidged & thought this was the end of it & we could let it be. He then once out in the main room where all of the other police officers could see, yanked myarms behind my back & forced cuffs on my all the while taunting me for a reaction by grabbing my butt. I told him to stop, & he wouldn’t so I kicked him from behind with my cowboy boots, he fell into the couch, & the other officers let me kick him in the face a few time before escorting me down the narrow staircase down to the copcar. I spent 7 days in Jail with a Feloney Assault charge pending a trial. I eventually was offered a bargain to plead guilty to a misdemeanor & wish I would have fought the self-defense charge as this guy much like MR. Hammerschmidt, had skeletons.
A coupple years later I rolled a 71 Ford pick up end over end at an excessive speed that left me parylized from the waistdown for several months. I soon became the Dr.s Miracle patient whom I am ever thankful for his steady hand in piecing me back together so this was possible.
2001 I wake-up one night & I am floating towards the ceiling in my house & can see in great detail the debry that has accumullated, right before shooting clear through roof & towards the city interstated SouthWest of the house I lived in at the time to rest at an accident scene. A place once up close enough to make out me laying in a ditch after again another bad crash.
4 monnths later that dream came true. I rolled yet another pick-up end over end several times & some how upon the truck’s 1st impact with the ditch the impact was so great as to have pealled the drivers door enough the I, not wearing a seatbelt, could slip between the pick-up cab & the top of the drivers door in which I was ejected at a hight speed & managed to tumble in the ditch several times wear I sprained my wrist & cracked a tooth.
My point is I have either been extremely lucky or I have a design, function & purpose & by GOd I would dread spending all of the rest of my young life not fullfilling a worthy perminant groundbreaking link to furthering man kind.
My points are:
I understood early on that I looked inward for most answers to things as no one could ever come close to solving my many unanswwered questions. This for the majority of my early years introvertantly wait pateinetly for anwers I instinctively knew others would have no understanding to resolve. I’m certain most of these unaswered questions exist in all of us & only some attempt to explain these mystic spawing seeds. I have counted on getting to the bottom of the truth, not based on what otheres said, rather found great value in determining what others motives were in order attain understanding & at least for me, peace-of-mind.
I’m proud of where I come from & ever devoted in beingin control of my destany & trusting my instincts searching far & wide for why this might be!?!? DD
I was in and out surgery so I’m late coming back in. I am still reading
your books,you write very well and I love book 3. At this time I am not at
home,I am away more than I am at home.The books are not with me. You are a great writer but your books are a little time consuming and we all need more
time with everything that is going on in our life.
I am a thinker and I have a strong belief but I am open minded.
I am aware of the power within that many don’t know or understand who or
what they are. Some see, Some don’t and just because someone believe one way
does not means it’s real…So I say Think for yourself or ask yourself
“who’s mind will You Be” ???? Will you take on the mind of another and
be that walking person or Be Yourself ? “THINK”
I am becoming more aware of my surroundings. I noticed in book I, & Book II, a couple of instances where something is mentioned, and said will be mentioned in more detail later on, yet, hmmm, the later on isn’t yet, huh? I have for years now been able to “Run Circles” around any person in a work environment, and now this just happens effortlessly. I am HERE NOW!!