Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Welcome to Your Secret Meetings Site

August 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Secret Meetings


Welcome to your own Secret Meetings Website. Each month, for the next 12 months, based on your account, you will have access to your personal next level.

Every thirty days your Secret Meeting level will automatically be advanced to the next level. You will find your levels in the right hand column section “Your Secret Meetings”.

Your Neothink® Society has, like any other great organization, been evolving, Neo-Tech, SOS, Society of Secrets are all discussed within your Secret Meetings. They all are now “Neothink®” and Your Neothink® Society”.

All of the information within your next 12 months of  Secret Meetings with your mentor, Mark Hamilton is presented in Flash format. Flash is todays most viewed format and functions with all computers and browsers. Please ensure that your Flash is upgraded to the latest version. You can check for FLASH updates here.

NOTICE: Some of the FLASH videos have instuctions to play full screen, these are no longer valid. To play full screen click on the icon as noted:


Once again, Welcome to Your Secret Meetings. Enjoy your journey.


756 Responses to “Welcome to Your Secret Meetings Site”
  1. Jose Vargas says:

    Hi, Mark, I’m very excited about today’s lesson number one and as you said I going back to the books to read vision one, two, and vision climax, I want to memorize everything so I can get to the next level. This is like a life transformer and I ready in my journeys to a new lifestyle with your direction. Thank you!

  2. Clark Campbell says:

    Hi Mark I’ve made. My first meeting, trying to observe it all. I must say. U R. A Very talented writer an story teller. There is no doubt in my mind that U R the master mind of the Neothink series. I’m struck by the same thoughts are very similar to mine.I’ve always been a conservative in my thinking. I fell you have come alone a way to convert more people to the conservative why of thinking. 4 that I applaud U. As Longtime marketing ex. I also applaud U on your marketing skills in promoting your books quite remarkable. I’m here for the ride can’t Waite to see we’re you take us next. Ccc.

  3. Deborah M Sheriff says:

    Hello Mark, I am inspired with the books. I am new to Neothink but look forward to meeting you and working with you. I would like to make a difference in the world around me, and to make the world a better place. Thanks so much!. I wonder how you
    got my name?

  4. Roy Cochran says:

    Hi, Mark
    I’m, still, a fan of you all (since 1990).
    I hope you enjoy a real good day.
    Thank you.

  5. Dale Crochet says:

    Hi Mark,
    Thank you for the lesson today. Ive got all month
    to study. Again thank you.

    Dale Crochet

  6. Dale Crochet says:

    Hi Mark,
    I cant believe I finally get to speak with
    you. I dont have any questions but I would
    like to comment on the 1st section of what
    you taught. I think it was great and for me

  7. Joyce Legere says:

    I am wanting to thank those responsible for my being here. I am some what overwhelmed and trying to get caught up on the reading. My eyes don’tlike reading for an extended amount of time, so I read every chance I get.
    I am 72 years old and I do not work. So I am a little at a lost. I would like to work to stop the injustice of this world by the Neocheaters. But much care is needed and research which once I get done with absorbing as much knowledge as I can from Mr. Hamilton’s books, my goal is to create value in the knowledge acquired to help people to see the truth about the Neocheaters. The hard part will be to do it without revealing my source of information.
    Mr Hamilton, I am reading as much as I can, as fast as I can, so as not to fall behind. I know my child wants to come out and play. I just don’t know quite how to start or where. I am a strong advocate of justice since my youth. I have seen injustice grow like a cancer. My wish is to be able to reach people and wake them up to what is happening to our society and to not ignore it. That our true way of life has been stolen from us and we need to get it back.
    I am so grateful that my eyes have been opened and I would very much want to help the Neothink Society members flourish in there endeavor to bring the people together and do away with the Neocheaters. I need to get back to my reading so as to make progress in becoming a Neothinker and beyond. I have read the beginning of Forbidden Revelation thru part one to part 2. Let me know if i need to wait for your first meeting. I am finding trouble trying to determine my true essence. I believe I may need your help.
    So Excited to be here,

  8. Cary Ann witt says:

    Yes I would like to talk with you very Important . And to say wow the books are amazing if in the right hand can any one get them .Because I was chosen to get them yet well we should talk some people should not be allowed to have such gifts the ones whom I have tryed so hard to speak with you about does no one even care what they do when in the wrong hand

  9. Rudy Singletary says:

    Mark, in May of this year I received your first book and your prediction of my future is incredible. I brought a new 2017 Toyota corolla, sent letters to the President Donald Trump, and the King of Saudi Arabia. Mark, you said by this time next year I will be a millionaire, and based on my progress you are RIGHT ON TIME.
    Thank you for your insight and wisdom. I can not wait to see these powerful meetings.

  10. Anthony Villatoro says:

    First I would like to thank you for the invite. I have to say that I’m so proud of myself because I never had the attention span to read a book. I’ve read the entire 2nd book and currently reading the 3rd Neothink book. I have an understanding but I’m still struggling to go into power thinking, hopefully with these meetings and books I can be my true self. Again thank you

  11. Christina Ramsey says:

    Hi Mark, I have been reading the last book I purchased from the Society entitled Forbidden Revelations. It’s amazing and also a lot to take in. You are a an awesome person. My journey do far is amazing and the more I learn is the more this reality as a lasting affect on me. There is only one thing that troubles me is seeing Bill Gates on your information video. I know you know that this man is not very popular in society in this present time. Within world affairs and the issues around the pandemic COVID 19.Can you please enlighten me on this. As I would like to know exactly what your view is on this. I patiently await your response. Christina Ramsey

  12. Karen Stokes-Tyiska says:

    I am excited and awaiting with baited breath to begin the Mastermind class!

  13. Robert Redman says:

    Mr.Hamilton thank you for inviting me into your society, so far I’ve read the first 100 pages of the third book and I’m still reading in my spare time as I can I’m a local truck driver and I read while unloading.I’m trying to figure out how I’m gonna get to where you think I can be and I hope it gets here real soon. Haven’t found out when the next meeting is.

  14. John Norris says:

    Hi Mr. Hamilton, I am so very glad to be here! For some reason, I’ve always felt that there was more to this life than what was being presented. Thank you for connecting me to this Reality! I’m ready to MOVE ON!

  15. Christina Ramsey says:

    Hi Mark, I am interested,in knowing more about initiating a party in the city where I live.

  16. Rocky Hales says:

    Everything is slowly coming together tyvm and I have moved to a nether place

  17. patricia hurst says:

    Hi,Mark Hamilton, I would like to introducing myself to you. I am Patricia Hurst and I’m deaf. I want to learn what I want to be. How can Ijoin with them and will they teach me. I am so exciting and overwhelming and thank you for inviting me to join. What do you can do for me? I want to have happy, money and wealth and trying to join my children together.I hope I will find right time to work out what I can do.I read a Superpuzzle book and I feel like wanting to be like them and thank you marvelous story, in advance, for such as fascinating and awesome.Please answer me soon and I need some help for tomorrow and future.

  18. Christina Ramsey says:

    Hi Mark, I’m responding to your request. I must say the reading so far is pure brilliance. I propose to take the steps and ready to pursue this exciting journey. When and how do I pay the 30 dollars. Also where my Friday Evening Essence is concerned, I need to be sure I’m making the right choices as I have more than one passion. You are a really good mentor.

  19. William Clyde Bynum says:

    I’m elated ,surprised and curious. A lot of people that I know don’t care about
    so I’m shocked that anyone cared as to my success or failure. I’m eager to
    learn all that you would have me know. Looking forward to the journey. Still very
    interested in who noticed me and recognized such quality and attributes in me.
    Thank you for TIME, TALENT, and the sharing of your TREASURE’S investing in and
    sharing them with me.

  20. Lawrence Carter says:

    Hello Mark,
    I am extremely excited and exuberant as to what the future might have in store for me and my family. I future am too very curious as to how I was chosen to join Neothink Society.
    I look forward to my growth and development as a new neothink member and my contributions!

  21. LIZ GUIOT says:

    Hello Mark Hamilton. I am very excited as to what the future might hold for me and my family. I am very curious as to how I was chosen to join Neothink Society?

  22. Raymond Brogle says:

    Mr Hamilton I had to fall back on Engine of wealth an i am working.Also have time for Neothink meeting and ready for change power wealth an love.Do I need to take care of monthly acts. I am ready for this lets do it please get back with me.

  23. Betty Shubert says:

    Mark thank you for including me as a member. I got one email and it said in a few hours I would get my Neothink society entrance to the secret meetings. Since then I have not heard anything else. But I am paying the $30.00 for the next year. Please let me know if I did not complete something I should have please. I feel very honored to be in the Society. Thank you very much.

  24. Joshua Brown says:

    Was Introduced to my 1st meeting last night and it was a Blast. The Lectures given were so unique and Uplifting I felt Changes In My Spirit. Cant wait to attend the next upcoming meeting.

  25. Diane Raxter says:

    Thank you Mark Hamilton, I really appreciate you believing in me. Please bare with me, I’m a slow reader, Hope I can be better with time


    Good Morning, Beautiful Soul, Mr. Hamilton.
    I have to start again. I quit my Toastmasters speaking club after my speech about the Subconscious mind did not fit into the club’s idea of what it is about. I don’t fit in anywhere right now, waiting for Humanity to catch up. After my 2/2/2015 stroke erased my beliefs, memories and academics, I was left with only my body and my Subconscious. While I communicate with Source on a daily basis for healing all of Humanity, I a alone. I have no ambition for companies or wealth nor do I believe I can help companies. I can heal animals and people without touching them as long as the person is willing to turn inward to also help themselves heal. Neothink is all I have left. Leaving all Egotism aside, I function like a 2yo climbing trees with inner FREEDOM & JOY, inviting all of Humanity to join in my FREEDOM & JOY. Unless you have a specific need for my unusual talents, perhaps I do not belong here either? HUMBLY WITH PEACE, JOY, TRUTH & UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, chrissy, a walking-talking miracle 2yo inside a 65yo body.

    ps– I have been out of touch because of a book I had to write in order to heal myself–FIRST! Thank you for your time and considerations. I will try to be on the phonecall on Sunday…..

  27. Michelle Price says:

    Hello I am a new member. I need the date and time of the next meeting. It would be nice to receive a call from one of the top officials of this group. I then can explain the responses I gave in the questionnaire after the first meeting. I trying to find out when the next meeting will be. Thanks for your time and attention to this matter.

  28. ernest maynard says:

    Hello Mark, I read the comments on the page and can relate to many things that are talked about. I have read the trilogy series and halfway through the 4th. I may be a little ahead in my 4th but I try to look ahead. When I read about the bicameral man it started to come together for me. While I was reading it was like you read part of my mine. Thank you for hearing my call for help. Sheryl C. has a really good point and all of us need to do our part.
    Thanks again, Ernest.

  29. Doris HensonDmvhenson says:

    Hi, Mark hope all is well with you. For a woman of 71 I am doing very good, I thank. I do not know why you’ll chose me, I have not worked since 2004 because of a back injury. I have 6 rods and 8 screws in my back, but I am doing well I do not have to take pain pill anymore and can now walk up to 5 miles. I like the Ideals in your books I am reading book 3. And now I have a dream to open a plastics recycling plant in my area, but in order to do that I would have to win the lottery [a big win]. I have known for a long time that our government has held us back. For one thing they took our social security and we only get less than 1/3 of what we should, and trying to live on 1200 dollars a month is impossible. with having to $400 for meds. and car repairs and so on . I also have COPD, and chronic Bronchitis .But I am with you all the way. And would love to me all of you’ll.

    The books are wonderful just wish I could figure our how I am going to make any money. The 4th book promised to tell me how to win the lottery, and at slot machines , I hope that is true. I have ordered the 5th book.
    I would like to know why I got another introductory letter. along with the option to get the 5th book. can you tell me. okay that is enough for now. Have a great day. looking forward to meeting you’ll.

  30. Pierre Schexneider says:

    Thanks for reaching out to me again, I was a member several years ago but I was not ready to accept the truth. I am now prepared to take it to the next level and look forward to meeting the members of the clubs.

  31. Veronica Seymour says:

    i would like to thank you for letting me join the society and i am so excited to be able to meet everyone in the upcoming months and i am glad that you and your members seen protenial in me and im going to best to make you guys proud of me.

  32. Christopher Fechter (CJ) says:

    I have been away from the group/having a membership, for Too Long! As I just finished with “Forbidden Revelation,” I noticed the IMOPORTANCE of my involvement on Spreading Knowledge of Neothink!
    Especially since I started doing so while reading this and Inner Circle Secrets, I started to Realize this Life is no joke, and my participation is Essential to see a worthwhile reality for a Twelve Visions Reality.
    I am having some difficulty subscribing to the website. And when calling in this past week, I was lead to believe that I could go online (by myself) and Re-subscribe this way, but I am having trouble trying to do so.
    Is there a way for me to get instructions here, by email, so I don’t have to make Another phone call to customer service?
    Please and Thank You

  33. Douglas Green says:

    Good morning Mark Hamilton and Thank you all for the opportunity.

  34. Delta C Duarte says:


  35. john says:

    John E Shingles Jr

    Hi, I’m new to this journey but I’m not new to any secret society.

  36. Jennifer Pfeifer says:

    Salutations, I’m really new here, learning my way around the site to absorb knowledge and make connections as well as share what I see. We must work against the force of oppression and deception, love is more powerful but will we unite. We must …I really need to connect with people close by …I really love face to face communication…I want to be around others who can see too!!

  37. Lilly I. says:

    I am really glad Mr Hamilton that this is active. Thank you for this. I know you will be glad that they are getting ready to stat once a month Twelve Vision Party movement; A Grass Root movement I gathered.

  38. Edwin Garcia says:

    Hello Mark,
    I have read 4or 5 of your books which l found to be very enlightening,very well written, motivating,and inspiring to say the least. I thank you for speaking the truth of our existence.
    I looking forward to meeting you and forging new bonds and friendships with forward thinking members.
    I am presently embarking on a much desired business and can use all the support l can get to be successful at my highest potential.
    Thank you for finding me.
    Edwin Garcia

  39. Xameleon18 says:

    Hi Mark!I’m here from the year and I never understood why I have been chosen! I’m trying to understand your books and I really couldn’t find what it’s this 3000 years secret and also how to become reach as how it was promised to me in any letter before I buying the books, so please let me know what I’m missing! I feel like my life should be better but instead I’m stuck without job and money…So when the real meeting it will be and can you please email me I need to learn the way I should read and understand your books! I feel like I’m doing something wrong! I may need help!To be honest with you I was very excited last year when I received my first book but after that any other book was confused me more and more….I don’t think I have the power to do something against the politics and I don’t know why you chose ordinary person like me to be in Neothink! What is my power? What I can do to help? And when finally my life will change in better way? Thank you for everything and Hopefully I will have answer from you!

  40. Monique Coates says:

    The Journey, so far, has been quite amazing & very interesting! Thank you so much for the opportunity Mark, and everyone at Neothink!

  41. Tommy George says:

    Great journey of learning. The best! Thanks.

  42. Isaiah Kapologwe says:

    I fall short of proper words for appreciation, for your kindness bestowed to me, I thank you a million times!! I have enjoyed reading your books and still continue reading the third book. I must confess, the style used to tell stories is peculiar never seen before like it. I congratulate you for your effort and intelligence.

    I. Kapologwe

  43. Isaiah Kapologwe says:

    I fall short of proper words for appreciation, for the kindness bestowed to me, I thank you a million times!! I have enjoyed reading your books and still continue reading the third book. I must confess, the style used to tell stories is peculiar never seen before like it. I congratulate you for your effort and intelligence.

    I. Kapologwe

  44. Becky C. says:

    I feel like I just woke up haven’t used my mind in 35 years It will take me a long time, but am ready to work

  45. Ronald Graham says:

    Pleased to meet you please be patient with me it’s a lot to take in but I’m in and with some help Neothink will deliver a poor black man who came from nothing in the life I’ve been denied and has been out of reach for me so I’m in but at 69 years old the miracle year I’m hopeful

  46. Charlene Lowitz says:

    Thank you so much for the invite I love reading the books which are changing my whole life. I am not working right now because of the virus but hope to be soon. I want to buy a truck and turn it into a bakery and make our own bread for our sandwiches and sweets so I hope someday I can win the lottery so I can get the truck they cost so much so I keep reading and praying that I can someday this truck will also give other members of my family jobs. We use to have a bakery and we have all of it in a storage unit in my front yard so we don’t need much just the truck to get started.

  47. Ms. Jerry Koempel says:

    Dear Mark,
    As you are my mentor, I would like to ask your permission to read the Neothink Manuscript that we discussed in May. I would appreciate the opportunity once again please. Please see what you can do for me.

  48. Sheryl Castro says:

    Hi I would like to thank all of you Neothink Society for inviting to join. So far I am a little overwhelmed but in a good way. It means I realize I have a long road to navigate all the secrets to better my family and all the people that need to be here. As well as to make this world better.
    Sheryl C.

  49. quentin alston says:

    Hey Mark I’m excited to have made it to this level

  50. N. Green says:

    I spent some time thinking about how Mark structures his time in a series of mini-days to improve on his productivity. But I don’t work in publishing where most activities are cut-and-dried. I usually need the ability for quick reaction, which constantly redefines the concept of a mini-day.

    I found an easy solution to this conundrum, which works for me. It starts with a slight redefinition of the sets of activities as defined in the use of the Franklin Planner. All “A” activities are the moat important, all “B” activities are of somewhat lesser importance, and all “C” activities are of the least importance, such that these are unlikely to ever be completed. I now redefine “A” “B” “C” “D” etc. as my initial mini-day split at the beginning of the day. Every activity is eventually completed over time as everything that I do is important; at least it is to me. This works because a have a complete record of every thing that I do and nothing ever falls between the “cracks.” Some of my objectives will take years to complete, but I cannot fail.

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