Friday, March 14, 2025

Meet Your Mentor

August 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Secret Meetings

A Synopsis

The First Leg – Levels One through Three – Getting Ready
Level One opens the door to the person you were meant to be as you learn how to play as an adult. By discovering value creation, stagnation quickly gets replaced with exhilaration, and the child of the past returns. Your life leaps to a new level as you tap your deepest motivational root through discovering your Friday-Night Essence.

Level Two reveals the highly-guarded Neothink® SOS hidden secret, the coveted Ten-Second Miracle. The Ten-Second Miracle provides you with another powerful path to value creation – to the life you were meant to live. Indeed, the creation-driven life is what the human mind is supposed to experience; value creation brings values to society and pride and happiness to oneself . . . and is the answer to the often-asked question, “What is the meaning of life?” Your Friday-Night Essence and the Ten-Second Miracle are two powerful secrets to value creation.

Level Three unveils how and why you were chosen to join the Society of Secrets now the Neothink® Society. You also learn our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret. That meeting teaches you about the Forces of Nature and the Forces of Neothink®…and the powerful marketing forces of both. It also explains how common denominators can be used to pull forth those powerful marketing forces. Our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret prepares you for the next leg of the journey.

The Second Leg – Levels Four through Six – Forming Entities

Note: When I disclosed this secret information, I believed we would bring in the public through a network marketing approach. However, as I pursued the legal ramifications of network marketing over the course of this second leg, I finally decided not to take that risky approach with something so important as our goal to change the world. Keep in mind, while listening to the Levels Four, Five, and Six meetings, the network marketing approach will NOT be pursued after all, however the integrations and ideas still hold true. In fact, those apprentices forming A-Teams NOW still sit on top of a burgeoning and unstoppable movement that will grow very large. The concepts all still apply as we stay with our secret division-of-essence Neothink® Marketing Structure as found in your first Heirloom Package and forego network marketing. In the long run, our marketing approach will far surpass and outlast network marketing. Now, let us take a look at the second leg of your journey, forming local Neothink®SOS Society Chapters:

Level Four introduces the concept of taking the secret society, for the first time, to the public. The ideas of local Neothink® Clubhouses, local meetings, even a local political movement are introduced. The approach is to still keep our secrets within our society, but to now invite quality people at large into our newly named Neothink® Society of Secrets. We are transitioning form a Secret Society to a Neothink® Society of Secrets.

Level Five goes through, in detail, the three meetings to be held in the newly forming Neothink® SOS Clubhouses, as follows: the Introduction Meetings, the Workshop Meetings, and the Clubhouse Meetings. Level Five also goes into detail about the development of a new political movement now named the Twelve Visions Party.

Level Six solidifies the structure of the new entities, the newly forming local Neothink® SOS Chapters, the internal workings, the applications. In this meeting, the “marketing machine is complete” and is ready to move forward.

The Third Leg – Levels Seven through Nine – Moving Forward

Level Seven identifies the two pillars holding up the anticivilization – politics and religion. This historic meeting delivers a plan to trump those two pillars through our Neothink® Society of Secrets in order to peacefully take down the anticivilization.

Level Eight presents the big picture. In your eighth month, you will see the major movements that will come out of the Neothink® Society of Secrets. You will see the coming Twelve-Visions World. In this world, people live with great wealth, health, and peace. They are happy, exhilarated, in love, and looking for eternal life.

Level Nine releases the specifics on the first of several major movements to come out of the burgeoning Neothink® Society of Secrets. This first major movement is the political movement designed to trump politics and begin to take down the anticivilization. The Neothink® Society of Secrets, from within its Tier Two, will spread its first major movement across the country, and then the world. (Correction: In Level Nine, I misspoke, accidently saying “the eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.” Note that I meant to say “the winning percentage of eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.”)

The Fourth Leg – Levels Ten through Twelve – Engaging Public

Level Ten prepares apprentices for mentoring lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now ready to put priceless values back into the Society of Secrets, including mentoring and helping lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now openly invited, during the last leg of the journey, to bring their talents and skills into the Neothink®SOS to make it stronger. Becoming a value creator in the Neothink® SOS, living one’s Friday-Night Essence, is exhilarating beyond description. Just imagine seeing one’s own value creation moving forward the Neothink®SOS Goal, the Superpuzzle . . . you making a difference in the course of mankind. Level Ten also digs deeply into the new Twelve-Visions Government structure. For the first time, Mark Hamilton reveals integrated specifics behind a never-before-known government based on service rather than power, bringing to our planet a never-before-seen freedom paradigm and unprecedented wealth, health, and peace.

Level Eleven opens its arms to these high-level apprentices who finally experience their full human potential, unburied during this journey. Upon finally knowing their hidden abilities, these special apprentices in their final leg of the journey can finally know and access the persons they were meant to be. Level Eleven provides you with . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Eleven.)

Level Twelve points the world-wide Neothink® SOS juggernaut straight toward . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Twelve.)


762 Responses to “Meet Your Mentor”
  1. Sorie Koroma says:

    Hi! I’m curious to get started with my mentor since I have received my manuscript. I’m now reading the book. I’m so excited and appreciative.

  2. Jon E. Sloan says:

    Hello my name is Jon Sloan, and I need
    more time to absorb these three huge
    books I got from you, I’m not a very fast
    reader sorry.

  3. donald stanfield says:

    I would like to thank you for this chance for freedom and happiness, I am 46 yrs old and feel like im in a rut i take of my dad who had a hart attack 6yrs ago and has dehmentia in late stages, i feel helpless as watch him getting worse everyday and theres nothing i can do but watch eventhoe i here of cures if u have the money, even if i was to make a million dollers on a yr it would be to late.Funny how the cures arnot open to the people who have insurance only cash. my dad is a ww2 vet yet does not have dental. HOW MUCH i want to do for the world but stopped by red tape and illusions when theres no real anserws out there why not?

  4. Dear Mark,

    I truly want to let you know how how much I want to meet you–the Head of NEO’THINK! Truly, I believe I shall experience what the meaning of
    —-truly, emotionally overcome the by feeling I am beginning to feel
    by a tremendously unknown weight of positive emotional feelings!

    Hope and pray that day is not far off,

    Dr. Robert J. Shoaff, PhD

  5. richard s. Ito says:

    Mark this is Richard Ito member#0614579852 doing my 3rd or 4th reading thru all the materials, It finally clicked but for the FNE I came up with 5 or 6 different combinations. I started to use down stream focus and I can see all the possibilities by integrating knowledge thru my visualizations. Since I am so quiet I have started to put the puzzles together and came up with one heck of a matrix. looking for more advisement thanks Ito

  6. patricia holland says:

    Mark ready to start after a bout of depression. Have read all books that I can afford at this time. Patricia Holland

  7. patricia holland says:

    Patricia Holland
    After serious bout of depression am ready to get started.Mark teach me well.

  8. evelyn shaw says:

    Hi! I have reviewed and revisited material and websites, really excited as I search for my deepest motivational roots, felt growing excitement about learning more about becoming the person I am meant to be.

  9. Phillip Madewell says:

    dear mark
    hi phillip madewell here i feel ive came along ways in the society as of today im currently third vice chair in the missouri TVP but however im struggling with my friday night essence i talk to jill reed alot she is very helpful but also very busy can i ask for help in finding my FNE i mean i realy am stumped first of all i dont remember alot of my childhood so yes can i ask for help in finding my FNE ive allways wanted to be rich and famous who doesnt but i have trouble with my value where is my value my focus down stream seems to keep me swimming up river lost and confused trying to find a way and by the way i have new email dont know how to change it here so i will give it [your emal has been update] hopeing to here something im at point in my life where maybe i can take advantige of finding me i actually have lots of issues but this is where my main focus is right now so needing help needing answers have lots of ideas so yes where do i belong

  10. Christof Bieker says:

    Grüße meinen Mentor Mark Hamilton
    selber durch Autounfall mit Schädelhirntrauma und Behinderung geschädigt
    versuche ich den Kontakt mit meinem Mentor von Neothink.
    Meine Englischkenntnisse sind nur begrenzt vorhanden.Aus diesem Grund wäre zuerst eine möglichst deutsche Kommunikation möglich?!
    Christof Bieker

  11. Allen says:

    Thank you for selecting me. Let’s get onto health, wealth and immortality.

  12. lyeisha94 says:

    Dear mentor, it has been brought to my understanding that I posses a rare trait that not everyone has. I am pure in heart. I want to help others dreams come true. Why dont people understand what you are saying when it’s clear that what is not known is our higher self.

  13. chad venezia says:

    Hi, I’ve read several of the books and am still having trouble putting it into practice . the truth is I’m in prison and scheduling is not in my control. i try but feel like a victim of my environment. my books are at my home and i can not get them sent in(must come from publisher ) and I’m on a cell phone illegally so access to this site is also limited to my environmental situation .Any advice. u may offer will be greatly appreciated .

  14. Robert Trigg says:

    I am about half way through the third book. By and large the reading has been motivating. However; I was hoping there would be physical meetings to attend because the interchanging of ideas would be so much easier. I prefer to look a person in the eye while we are discussing.

  15. Kimmi Murphy says:

    Hello to all, I am Kimmi Murphy.and a special hello to Mr.Mark Hamilton. I am excited to be involved in your meeting.It was interesting but I did get abit confused. I will get to understand though I did take notes so I can read over and make the conclusins of my own.Even though I have been getting you books for a few yrs. now I am behind in my reading. at first you kept in touch with me, then I didn’t hear from anyone for a couple yrs. then it was a new book every two weeks, so I am behind in my reading. But I will catch up,I look at it like jammin for college. I look forward to next Saturday.

  16. Hi Mark:

    The library is closing to night. I’ll get back to you very soon. My computer is not set up at home to attend the meetings yet.

    Flo Thornton

  17. Hi mark I am so proud that I get to meet you and what you said in the video was so touching it almost made me cry.I can’t wait to finish the levels and get to see you.

  18. horace jackson says:

    Hi Mark I am reading the books that I bought from you and in this last book it has said that I need to come up with a number or set of numbers not really understanding that. Can you let me know about what that means or give me something that I might see what you are talking about. There was a part where it said that you knew I was a truck driver and I was at one time years ago. I had an accident many years ago that where a chainsaw cut my leg and then I couldn’t drive anymore. I am really struggling with trying to stay at the job I have now they have shifted me all around and I’m tired of that. I am looking forward to meeting you.

  19. Kesmen says:

    John Tsai, I might have the answer to your solution. You can email me at [moderator: not NOT put your email address on a public website.]

  20. james barber says:

    well hello there mr hamilton this is my frist metting and from what i can see there is a lot of thing’s comming out of this vision i know that what i have with in me now will some day come out know i’m like the young lady jackie james and i too have that something that the will make thing”s grate for in this new vision and future world but what i’m doing now toward’s that is taking me a bit of time and would like a little help so if you can and any way please let me know
    your’s truly
    james b.

  21. Bob Permenter says:

    I was wondering who else is in Amarillo, Texas, who is a member. And if any one has started a club house in Amarillo, Texas. Bob P!!

  22. Edward Endzel says:

    Mark, I am at Level 1 moving into level 2. I have read all of your material and am philosophically in sync with you. I am new and not well versed on Neo Think but would like to help establish a Monthly Local Neighborhood congregational meeting in Greenwood, Indiana (A south side Indianapolis suburb) if you think my inexperience will not dampen the initiative. I am a retired Navy Officer and, after the Navy, I tested for and became a International Facility Management Association (IFMA) Certified Facility Manager (CFM). I was the Indianapolis Chapter’s President for three years and have chaired other professional committees. I therefore think I may be able to help with the Twelve Visions Party organization. Sincerely, Ed Endzel

  23. Jackie James says:

    Hello Mark, thank you for the invitation to join a group of people such as this. I also watched the “Secret” several times and applied the techniques, and then your invitation shows up. So glad I heeded the call. I have been creating things my whole life, but, never knew how to follow through as you teach, mainly because I just enjoy dreaming things up. I was surprised I stayed focused long enough to read all three manuscripts, because, I had to take a break from your writings and start creating my own, I was so inspired.

    In the last week I had the confidence to pick up one of my, gone nowhere projects, and study it some more. And then is when I found a company that will sign a mutual-nondisclosure statement to review my invention. Yes it was thrilling…but, now I’m very concerned because I have no idea what the financial impact for producing it will be. Even tho I know it is a million $$$$$$idea. My opinion anyways, is others/people will be glad it has FINANLLY arrived on the planet earth. Be like “where you been”. I’m thrilled about it, but to, too many fears of the unknown.

    Thank you Mark, at least I now feel, dreaming and creating are gifts, and creation is KEY. Have had the most beautiful summer of my LIFE!

  24. Jen Feak says:

    Hi m.h. , trying to find a clubhouse in Cleveland Ohio area.and the phone number . I would like to do photography like a pro someday. For the past few yearsI have been doing that as a hobby.

  25. Lawrence Obi says:

    My sincere thanks to you, Mr.Mark Hamilton, for this great work you are doing in our time; creating indelible awareness of the necessity and importance of the evolution of the human consciousness for better world of humankind.Truly your work is in line with current knowledge that CHRIST gave to humankind in His ‘Truth of Existence’, thus: “It is the spiritual evolution of human consciousness that brings about the mental and physical evolution in our personal and global lives and brings humanity into ever more harmonious states of well-being”, (Christ Returns Reveals Startling Truth, page sixteen). Your three heirloom Neothink Manuscripts plus your recent F/Rev seem to me indispensable and sure applicable tools of power to “End the rule of man and launch the wealth of mankind”. Thanks for choosing me to be one of the pioneers, who will usher in the C of U.

  26. Hello Mark. I am so grateful that you put the interest you have had in my supposed talents. I do do have human value as part of my life. I try not to do anything to anyone that might be harmful or put them in danger. I love my family life, have worked hard all my life and, even though I am not a religious person, I do believe in a Mighty Jesus Christ. Thank you for your interest in me. I look forward to those great things that will be happening to most of us. God bless you,
    Fermin M.



  28. Darla Jackson says:

    Good afternoon! I am looking forward to meeting with you. Your books were very interesting to me. I’m very curious about how I was chosen to become one of your advocates.

  29. Gary Twaddle says:

    Hi Mark,

    It’s Gary Charles T., it’s been a long time coming, been studying
    and absorbing NT for quite a while now. Received many letters from you
    and have many of your hierlooms in my library. I know you have developed
    a powerful Marketing System and often wondered if what you have written
    in the many letters accompanying my heirloom purchases are carefully
    developed marketing letters or if you were really taking the time to
    contact me personally. No matter, I am here now and I have had many
    integrations based on my NT education. One of the things I have been
    power thinking about may seem very bold to you, since we have had no
    direct communications and it is a very large project which would have
    limitless mini companies with areas of purpose under it’s unbrella.

    You state in all your marketing literature that you want to make all the
    people wealthy, if that is true then it make sense to not just market
    this goal through your hierlooms and internet interaction, but to create
    integration centers where people can come where there is no mention
    of inside terminology yet the entire center is based on NT and people
    experience NT power integrations without realizing they are, that
    these “IC’s” as I am going to refer to them as are the next logical
    step to move humanity to the CofU.

    As you have clearly pointed out repeatedly in your teachings people
    have to be free of mysticism to truely enter the NT world, and though
    I beleive your use of terms of NT Jargon is important for study, it
    is now important for you to consider how to introduce your vast
    integrations to society with out them attaching a mystical point of
    view to form an opinion to come back and attack you or NT. It is
    time to create IC’s that let people integrate through experience.

    It is time to bring together everything that is necessary to bring
    humanity to the next level. Apple comes to mind immediately as they
    are a company with which the vision of their founder saw the beginnings
    of what I am speaking with their development of APP’s for everything.
    They will be crucial partners to make this happen. I have had a vision
    of what I speak and it is far to detailed to lay it out here.

    If you wish to have direct discussions about my integrations with me
    you have my email. I look forward to our meeting.

    Warm Regards


  30. Glen Walthall says:

    I am so thankful for your material. My mind has been racing with I ideas,thoughts, and anticipation of what the future may hold. Lokking forward to the meetings!

  31. Eulalia Conaway says:

    I decide to go back to the Neo. I got a book call “THE PRIME CURE” And it came with all the information as well as “One Time Core Membership. Just to let you know. So far amazing.

  32. Trevor Bild says:

    Hi Mark, thank you for attracting such a great group of people. We can tell from the comments we have been reading. That, we feel, is of great value. Fortunately we figured out our FNE before receiving our first volume and decided to create a business that provides great value and encouragement in a fun way. Business is about to explode without any paid advertising. People already see the value in what we do. New ideas are coming in daily that are locking right in place. What fun!

  33. Jake Sadro says:

    Hi, why, and how was ? Who picked me? Yes I’m interested in knowledge. Someday I’d like to have breakfast with u. Good day.

  34. Munira Dadkhah says:

    Hi! Thanks so much for this amazing technics to create VALUES! It has been couple of months that I have read two books so far and I just got the third one, I am still learning. I am looking forward meeting the rest of members and be part of discussions.
    Warm Regards

  35. Sandra Miller says:

    Hi Mr. Hamilton,

    I am looking forward to meeting you and beginning this journey.
    I am very honored to have been chosen. Sandra M.

  36. Franklin Gordon says:

    Mark… I am glad to have made it to this part of Neothink. I am excited about the all the levels and to be a part of the creating values for the world.

    Thank you!

  37. Patricia DeBruyn says:

    Hi Mark, I have been watching the angry world we live in and have wondered what I could do to change it. Thank you for giving me the chance. I am very excited to get started and to help make this world a better place to live. I am still reading your incredible books. Thanks Patti

  38. Hi Mark I am very glad to make it to this part of Neo-think! It is my sincere pleasure to be a new member. I am amazed about the twelve visions reality for our very near future; it is very promising and I am over-joyed by it!!!

  39. shirley jacobsen says:

    Yes, I would like to meet with you. I am available most times.

  40. Teri Skow says:

    Hi Mark,
    I am looking forward to the meetings and getting to know everyone! Also I can hardly wait to find out why and how you choose me to be a part of it all.

    Take Care,

    Teri Skow

  41. JoAn Siegrist says:

    Do you have any meetings close to York Pa?I would love to meet you and other members.I have several of your book’s.
    JoAn Siegrist

  42. tiya Gaines says:

    hi I have had the book for almost 2 years now thank you

  43. John Tsai says:

    Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton, my mentor
    I did not keep update with the meetings in the past months since I was buried by my daily jobs from 8 – 12 midnight or even late after midnight because of so many things must be done, and should be done correctly. FYI, my business made a loss of over than four hundred thousand dollar in the year of 2013 which is the first year my business made loss since 2005. I started to work harder began early March this year after the long Winter. I meant harder, that is day and night. This year, the sales improved, we have already more than 70% sales of the past years of 2012, 2011,and any other years back to 2006 except 2013
    However, I am afraid, it could not reach to the annual sale like we had in the past. One of the main reasons is customers won’t pay the bill in time as agreed. Up to this date, I got more than 500 thousand dollars of aged receivable, that comes from over 60 days to over 106 days, that hurting me from using the funds to purchasing more material to serve other customers in the market. Today business men, people did not keep their words to make the payment on or before the due date. That is why I have to spend every hour I could use to find more good customers, and chasing customers to make the payment. I also work very hard to find the right material and the reliable suppliers in China but they required payment in full before shipment. In short, that is why I could not keep update any meeting or write you for learning more and more about the society. I just open the box of the book The Dr. Frank R. Wallace Collection that I ordered and received back to August 18,2014. I will try to read this book and finish it as soon as possible but it might takes longer than expected since I have to keep working harder for my business that is struggle to survive. I am considering to going out of business sooner in 2015 or later in 2016. Please accept my apology for not contacting you for any advice. Let me know if you have the good solution and advice for my business. I would appreciate. Thanks for being my mentor.
    Best Regards
    John Tsai
    August 26, 2014

  44. ohanlall umrao says:

    Ohanlall Umrao Hi Mark thank you for book 3, I just want to let you know that i do not have intenet service at home i am useing the Lirary computer and i am not very good with computer because i never had a computer groing up However iam looking foward to meet you.

  45. Hi, Mr Hamilton! My English is not perfect, so I am wery sorry.
    I got a big problem, since June I am not getting any more, my promissed manu script, by a big mistake somebody sent me again the manuscript of Miss
    Annabel story so I had to send back
    Somebody sent me from Henderson 2 short note without any name asking me what
    manuscript was missing. I answered to that completely. So after that on July
    31 again my credit had been charged with $149,00 but unfurtanitly until today no any manuscript had been arrived! I am worried a lot because I was
    so happy for the manuscript which was promissed to me! So I am olready weeks
    without my manuscript, completly stopped in my development! Please investigate what happened again and where is my manuscript Who is Mr Bill, my mentor who wrote me a lot of beautyful letters? I want to know him!
    Please inform me ASAP becouse I lost all my hopes! If you can, please call
    me in the evening hours at: [Moderator: Do NOT put your telephone number on the public internet] after 7.00 PM eastern time.
    Thank you for help and best regards: Michael (Mihaly)

  46. Sheku Bayoh says:

    Hi Mark:Thanks for this enlightening program.Iam i just need my username sign in and enjoy this wonderful journey.Thanks again.Sheku.

  47. Sherri Todd says:

    Hi mark! Thanks for the great information in the 3 books.
    I am starting to see the beginning superpuzzles now.
    Looking forward to gaining more knowledge and insight.

  48. Antonio Ybarra says:


  49. Liliana DeLeon-Urquia says:

    Hi Mark, it is such an honor; I am humble as to what are my hidden talents that you guys place interest in me and very much interested in what is ahead, looking forward to meet all members in person. I was worry for a good while, cause I keep receiving envelopes and packages in the wrong name. Looking forward.

  50. carl wirz says:

    Hi! I am Carl Wirz interested to meeting you because of your keenness to
    thought and vision. I am interested in your twelve visions aspect for the
    future world.

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