Friday, March 14, 2025

Meet Your Mentor

August 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Secret Meetings

A Synopsis

The First Leg – Levels One through Three – Getting Ready
Level One opens the door to the person you were meant to be as you learn how to play as an adult. By discovering value creation, stagnation quickly gets replaced with exhilaration, and the child of the past returns. Your life leaps to a new level as you tap your deepest motivational root through discovering your Friday-Night Essence.

Level Two reveals the highly-guarded Neothink® SOS hidden secret, the coveted Ten-Second Miracle. The Ten-Second Miracle provides you with another powerful path to value creation – to the life you were meant to live. Indeed, the creation-driven life is what the human mind is supposed to experience; value creation brings values to society and pride and happiness to oneself . . . and is the answer to the often-asked question, “What is the meaning of life?” Your Friday-Night Essence and the Ten-Second Miracle are two powerful secrets to value creation.

Level Three unveils how and why you were chosen to join the Society of Secrets now the Neothink® Society. You also learn our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret. That meeting teaches you about the Forces of Nature and the Forces of Neothink®…and the powerful marketing forces of both. It also explains how common denominators can be used to pull forth those powerful marketing forces. Our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret prepares you for the next leg of the journey.

The Second Leg – Levels Four through Six – Forming Entities

Note: When I disclosed this secret information, I believed we would bring in the public through a network marketing approach. However, as I pursued the legal ramifications of network marketing over the course of this second leg, I finally decided not to take that risky approach with something so important as our goal to change the world. Keep in mind, while listening to the Levels Four, Five, and Six meetings, the network marketing approach will NOT be pursued after all, however the integrations and ideas still hold true. In fact, those apprentices forming A-Teams NOW still sit on top of a burgeoning and unstoppable movement that will grow very large. The concepts all still apply as we stay with our secret division-of-essence Neothink® Marketing Structure as found in your first Heirloom Package and forego network marketing. In the long run, our marketing approach will far surpass and outlast network marketing. Now, let us take a look at the second leg of your journey, forming local Neothink®SOS Society Chapters:

Level Four introduces the concept of taking the secret society, for the first time, to the public. The ideas of local Neothink® Clubhouses, local meetings, even a local political movement are introduced. The approach is to still keep our secrets within our society, but to now invite quality people at large into our newly named Neothink® Society of Secrets. We are transitioning form a Secret Society to a Neothink® Society of Secrets.

Level Five goes through, in detail, the three meetings to be held in the newly forming Neothink® SOS Clubhouses, as follows: the Introduction Meetings, the Workshop Meetings, and the Clubhouse Meetings. Level Five also goes into detail about the development of a new political movement now named the Twelve Visions Party.

Level Six solidifies the structure of the new entities, the newly forming local Neothink® SOS Chapters, the internal workings, the applications. In this meeting, the “marketing machine is complete” and is ready to move forward.

The Third Leg – Levels Seven through Nine – Moving Forward

Level Seven identifies the two pillars holding up the anticivilization – politics and religion. This historic meeting delivers a plan to trump those two pillars through our Neothink® Society of Secrets in order to peacefully take down the anticivilization.

Level Eight presents the big picture. In your eighth month, you will see the major movements that will come out of the Neothink® Society of Secrets. You will see the coming Twelve-Visions World. In this world, people live with great wealth, health, and peace. They are happy, exhilarated, in love, and looking for eternal life.

Level Nine releases the specifics on the first of several major movements to come out of the burgeoning Neothink® Society of Secrets. This first major movement is the political movement designed to trump politics and begin to take down the anticivilization. The Neothink® Society of Secrets, from within its Tier Two, will spread its first major movement across the country, and then the world. (Correction: In Level Nine, I misspoke, accidently saying “the eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.” Note that I meant to say “the winning percentage of eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.”)

The Fourth Leg – Levels Ten through Twelve – Engaging Public

Level Ten prepares apprentices for mentoring lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now ready to put priceless values back into the Society of Secrets, including mentoring and helping lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now openly invited, during the last leg of the journey, to bring their talents and skills into the Neothink®SOS to make it stronger. Becoming a value creator in the Neothink® SOS, living one’s Friday-Night Essence, is exhilarating beyond description. Just imagine seeing one’s own value creation moving forward the Neothink®SOS Goal, the Superpuzzle . . . you making a difference in the course of mankind. Level Ten also digs deeply into the new Twelve-Visions Government structure. For the first time, Mark Hamilton reveals integrated specifics behind a never-before-known government based on service rather than power, bringing to our planet a never-before-seen freedom paradigm and unprecedented wealth, health, and peace.

Level Eleven opens its arms to these high-level apprentices who finally experience their full human potential, unburied during this journey. Upon finally knowing their hidden abilities, these special apprentices in their final leg of the journey can finally know and access the persons they were meant to be. Level Eleven provides you with . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Eleven.)

Level Twelve points the world-wide Neothink® SOS juggernaut straight toward . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Twelve.)


762 Responses to “Meet Your Mentor”
  1. kelebogile oatweng says:

    I m left back in my learning,,,,because of money to buy my studies can u help to buy my last stuffs an join big crew…inner circle…..members.

  2. Steven Foerster says:

    Dear Mark,
    I am so grateful that you selected me to be invited to be your partner after being initiated through the League into the SOS and graciously. I am honored to have been selected after experiencing a tumultuous series of misfortunes permanently felled even an mighty men. It was only through true conviction I survived until I could take my place amongst I no longer feel targeted for destruction instead I feel my responsibility for my actions building as I am power thinking and practicing the use of the powerful secrets, wisdom and knowledge leading to THE LIFE I WAS MEANT TO LIVE.

    I am the ultimate at succeeding at anything and everything . Someone breaks it I repair it. I pursue and the proof is in the pudding as I have been seriously multi-tasking and juggling the last remnants of trying to salvage my families future. I know that now I have a Legacy to leave to my Daughter and family and I will find new pure love and psychuous love with a lady as intense and passionate about life and possibly even build a family with neo-think children.

    On my Incredible Exhilarating journey, each step I get closer I can feel the accumulation of knowledge wisdom skills keys and precious jewel I can’t wait until I can breathe through everything . I am in the best shape in years. I have lost 6 belt sizes my body continues healing even my brain I wake up and can smile .I am truly loved and surrounded by those that want to see me succeed because it will make all our goals fall into place . I feel all the wonderful people around me supportive and helpful.

    Nothing can compare to losing a house or surviving a multiple roll-over & with amnesia and cognitive loss . After 8 years I had been making progress but slow . Once I Read the Super-Puzzle , from inside me healing took place. Crippling nerve damage which remained has dwindled my cognitive functions returned, are above average and in the genius range again. My loss of memory awoke the child of the past and from there I took the strength until I was invited into the Inner Circle and through all the degrees to get where I am .

    Throughout my Magnificent Journey I am assimilating all my tools and every time I use one alone or in combination I become more in control and my self responsibility becomes stronger as each success bring confidence reinforcing what I know to be that it does.

    I have been handling everything else on the Neo-Space . I love that page and it keeps getting better.

    Due to Neo-Think , our partnership and this magnificent value creating product I believe in I want to bring everyone I love Up to us to construct our Civilization of the Universe. I want to get everyone I love inside and safe against the anti-civilization. I will attend my first club meeting this week. I am really looking forward to meeting like minded people deeply motivated that share the same desires I have and have the same knowledge but integrating with them I know everyone will utilize their knowledge differently contributing to puzzle pieces in the master puzzle. I can see the TVP and every state on board at the same time as the national falls in line by the peoples will.

    I will be happy I will not die broke and beaten or lost and devastated .A Sherriff came with initiatory force and forced Me, My wife & young daughter out of my 1/2 paid for house in the night. My phone was dead. Daughter and her mother went to stay at her mother’s house.I bought 2 vans for $400 slept in one and worked from the one. Four days later I found out my father had died the night I was forced out.

    I stood up and am standing , maybe not tall but I am getting there and I have purpose and desire and with Neo-Think I will rise to the top and with the end of initiatory force all will mend . I am now where nobody can put me back down.

    I accepted your invitation to advance to the third level of your Inner Circle and to become a business associate as your partner . I am so ready to take the Visions to fruition and I am that searcher.

    I even am researching into the brain , neurobiological responses and neurological and electromagnetic stimulation of the brain in tandem with harmonics to find the vibrational frequency that corresponds to the part of the brain that produces the signal that causes the degeneration and deformation which in turn causes cell mutations by Somatic division. Did this mutation and deformation occur we would not age.

    This is not my area of expertise however I have AST Electronic Engineering in LASER & Pulse Communications and a BAST in Robotics and my next plan was to Move on to Robotic Prosthesis which of course brings us back to Neurology , Neurobiology and whatever required electronic match variable to coefficiently-couple the neurological A/C signal in synch with the artificially induced signal by the robotic prosthesis pairing them. Had this been pursued I would have created this, and moved on to the brain.

    I had also lost my memory short and long term which forced my child of the past to awaken whom fortunately had been mentored for eight from my first becoming a conscious person to age thirteen .

    I said “I can do anything. While I haven’t tried everything, I succeed at what I pursue.” , ” I am honest, hard working and intelligent.”

    “The Prime Cure” is Perfect. I never received the copy of 3000 year od secret , could you please send me a new link to the affiliate partner site and a new password so I can utilize this tool. I must have typed the password in wrong. Every book provides more and more of the potent ingredients that convert your life when combined with the secret meetings. Each time I am able to upgrade I do , the anti-civilization is still effecting but once you get stronger and understand and can see them for what they are and reveal them for what they are they feel their shame and you feel good and see their child of their past in them trying to get out. If it is not too far gone. . Hang in there guys.

    I love you , like a father ,Mark,

    Your friend for LIFE, Steven

  3. Ganiat Bolanle Allison says:

    I will suggest they put some of the books on the video OR CD’s for those people who are disable and are interested in joining the Neo- think and, it will also encourage the slow reader to read the subjects more effectively.The audio programming of the books will also help me as an individual to read more of the books because I am a slow reader. Thank you for your lesson. I am still trying to put the puzzle pieces together.

  4. Thomas Jines says:

    Hi, MARK I am a gentlemen of 58, and for the first time in my life I feel like I have been adopted into a real Family, not a fabricated, make belief Family everyone has been trying to push off on me! One with good earnest morels and true meaningful Values! THOMAS J.

  5. Frankie Jackson says:

    This is Frankie J.I feel like we are brothers I want extend to you my greatest honors and highest respect. I have just recently found out that I have a broken neck from getting hit by a chevy truck five years ago fingers are going knumb.I have talked to a general contractor whom is working on some apartments that I will call Lovely Lane street apartments in honor of Dr.Wallace’s great memories in Hinderson, NV. where I used to fly a singal engine aircraft if I ever had a dad I wish I could have one like this great man called Frank R.Wallace
    Thank you for being my friends your friend Frankie P.Jackson loyal to the cause I feel like I have found my place in life no more guessing. THANK YOU Mark you are truly the best!

  6. gary davis says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton; I’ve thourly enjoyed reading all your books, sorry I’ve not contacted you sooner. I’m not computer literate and am having a hard time trying to figure it all out. Thanks to the lady at the library she’s helped me a lot. I don’t have a computer,and have had little experience with it. One hour on my library card with the computer dos’nt give me much time to see much. Like Miss Anabell I wish I could find a Mr.Bruce Salinski who would help me with my current problem.

  7. Ron Mickens says:

    Ron Mickens says:

    Dear Mark, I am an ex-assistant Middle School principal who was terminated without required notice, hearing and just cause. A Administrative Law Judge determined in a thirty-three months, substantially delayed post-termination hearing, that I was terminated based on a non-existence factual allegation. Based on fraud, the Polk County superintendent and school board refused to re-instate me. Based on fraud, the federal district court refused to permit me and my purported lawyer to prosecute my indisputable thirteen 42 USC SECTION 1983 integrated claims and causes of action. The school board admitted it’s guilt when it adopted the administrative law judge’s findings of fact and conclusions of law in it’s entirety.

    Based on adjudicated findings of fraud by J. Tim Strickland, the Polk County State Attorney, the Property Appraiser, the Sheriff, Allen Damron Construction Company, Stewart Title Guaranty Company, the Tenth Judicial Circuit, the Second District Court of Appeals, the Federal Middle District Court of Tampa and the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals conspired to avert Judge Strickland’s findings without jurisdiction. The governmental agencies conspired to commit fraud to seize and to take our private real property with force after Judge Strickland ruled that our property had been defrauded by Allen Damron Construction and Stewart Title Guaranty. The governmental agencies conspired to extricate Allen Damron Construction and Stewart Title Guaranty from their fraud without jurisdiction to our detriment.

    There is no stature of limitation on fraud. I am an integrated thinker who need a lawyer like Bruce Salinski. Based on the above information you can imagine my unconscionable bad experiences with the government.

    I want to become a God-Man and depoliticize the country starting with the state of Florida as a forerunner. I look forward to meeting you.


  8. Rhonda Nakama says:

    Mr. Hamilton,
    I deeply appreciate your mentorship and guidance as I continue my journey in the Neothink/Neo-Tech Society. I have three questions for you…

    I work a demanding job, salary paid regardless the hours I work. It requires an on-call rotation of 15 days out of each month. I am finding it challenging to break my days into physical movements because the nature of my job is reactive. Can you help me with this?

    I, too, am finding it hard to discover my Friday night essence play is not so easy for me because as a child I worked far more than I was permitted to play. How can I break through this?

    I would be interested in attending a congregation of the Church of the God Man. Is there one in my area of Thornton CO?


  9. Sharon Dodson says:

    Where do I get the Windows Media Player browser plugin to view the content of the meetings. I can’t view the meetings & have to wait for Mark to down load.

  10. salvatore says:

    mark,as salvatore vaccaro,yestaday i was ring up to speak to fagan,
    because do yuo said in 4 level ,we have to advertise in library,in restaurante,
    every way in world,i will ,that is ok,let me know,why do you non reply every e-mail i send to you? let me know all answer
    thank you salvatore vaccaro

  11. carl wirz says:

    I was impressed with the keenness
    of thought and the future of mankind in the near future that you portray in your books. Look forward in meeting you.

  12. steven coats says:

    Thank Mark Hamilton. Im leaning as a read. From reading my mind is still in a child mode im truely still a dreamer. I get some of our member have read and a love to learn more. But i see a vision to teach my family to build a true denesty. Your knowege is as good as the members use these tools. Say if you read all these book. Each one of you sit down and teach your childen like Miss Anabele. Hope to do this with my young kid. How to use thoughts pictures and puzzles to broad the minds of you furture Denesty of childen to watch then grow into superpuzzles. If you want money keep writing down my goals if you want a house keep writting it draw a picture of that house. Go walk into that house. Work the number for that house. The Universe will work your goal into a picture and you will be setting goals to see what it takes to owe that house. That become you next goal. Money will show up into different goals. How many member live by these goals. The Universe isa magnet that draws your thought and persents them indifferent opprotonities. Opposites attact and your think are sent out to the word and your hold all the power in a large cataloge to scriped to any thing your need its in your mind and thought.

  13. steven coats says:

    Dear Mark Hamlton! I have a Neothink vision to build a town on say 100 arcers. A Community of like minds Neothink members. A training camp to became the person you should be. The center of the land a council of the greatest minds with Mark as head council leader. A Captial sancuary for Heath and Weath and aging each member work in groups to grow each profession to a weathy state. Each member to add her or his company to sell and market his talent to the adult thems like heathclub Dance club and organic food green smothies red beets all the purest superfood. In small portion a drink water after each bit or wine. I sancurary greenhouse to pick it dayly fresh. Golf waterparks. Every Adult activity in walking and electric golfcart distance. All this under prime law.

  14. richard britton says:

    I’m thinking to better absorb the information
    in a Henry Ford way it would be much faster if
    we had your literature in audio books

  15. steven coats says:

    Dear Mark Hamilton! Im Steven Coats. Ive received the four manuscript. Little by little my mind is creating a big vision. Its about a new store. Traveling down the highways with your own tralier billboard web pictures and traveling in style with a custom trailier store. A female. Neomember as a codriver taking calls to stores and delv new produce to each store and meetings in all 48 states. This is something you can mind puzzle into a network capital and my puzzel into a Ceo of vision. As in getting new members calling and interested in different state. If you like my new vision or any of the new store owner would like to invest in all the transportions needs of your products. email [moderator: Do Not Put your email address or phone number on the public internet]. or text me a good time to talk on phone [moderator: Do Not Put your email address or phone number on the public internet].

  16. Ricky Brown says:

    Hello Mark, I have looked over a few statements, and I seem to be a little more fortunate than some others. I saw through the ruse of government and religion many years ago. I discovered my Friday night essence roughly 7 years ago. And Saturday through Thursday night essence too. My intention is to take advantage of the Neo-Think Society to fast track 3 new inventions. They are, not in any particular order: 1- Water production from condensate in the most arid locations. 2- Production of clean mega electricity from the Fresnel lens. Also a 200 amp sun generator system/ electric storage system for off grid living (luxury living). 3- Not last by any means, a vehicle that generates more power than it uses. Basically, a car that runs on air. This can be applied across the board to many methods of transportation. Just imagine a system like this applied to our interstate trucking system. The bottomline price of commodities would make a drastic drop, not to mention the amount of pollutants that could be prevented from contaminating our air. This invention alone would almost make gas obsolete. I guess you can see where I might pick up a few enemies.

    My life chart is almost used up. Its like a roll of toilet paper, the closer it gets to the end the faster it goes. Lets make this a fast year. RickyB

  17. emmanuel erskine says:

    Hello your excellency Mark Hamilton,
    I am still waiting for your promise of job in the net working or sending me books to sell because I have been stuck in the job I told you of cleaning toilet and the little income for the family is what I’ve used to buy all your expensive books so please help me out from this stagnation for I can’t take it any more for that custodian work

  18. Luis Alcantar says:

    Hello Mr Mark Hamilton I am very excited in becoming a member. I have always been successful when i received proper training and guidance. I use to work for uncle Sam and was horrified when i found out the true intention and ways of uncle Sam I left working for uncle Sam back in 1997, but since then i have been struggling with success I continue to accomplish and obtain victories with very little resources and knowledge, but it has been hard with successes short lived or not very successful. I am exhilarated in overcoming my current obstacles and becoming whom i dream of becoming and giving myself and children a life they deserve to live. Having the family i have always dreamed of having. I especially am looking forward to the live meetings. My past USMC, Fed Law Enfor, Monk I was offered 7.5 million 100% financing when i was 23 and i became scarred of the obligation of owing 75 million o i turned the oppty down. In 2008 I was offered 237 Mil, 100% emi grant to build a company in So America, but the CRASH erased that dream. So now I have two stage dream One that will rock this country and shake/awaken its spiritual slumber and then second phase to build a multi million dollar Corp in So America, than will eventually become a worldwide billion dollar corp. Thus My training and knowledge from Neothink and other training/resources from Ceo_ _ _ _ _!
    I am ready for your leadership and training!

  19. Timothy Huett says:

    Hello Mark, I just finished my first meeting on the secrectmeetings site with you i recieved your first letter after i got home from the hospital having lower back surgery i started reading the first book and couldn’t put it down and read all 1210 pages in a week the second book took me two weeks the third one i’m about a third of the way through and had to take a job to pay the bills that is a stagnation job but am trying to put your teachings into action anyway and with your help i know i will succeed. yes i am interested in either starting a congregation as you called it or helping someone who has in my area St. Louis Mo and will work hard to make this happen but money right now is a problem so with some help from others that are at a higher level than i am i will work with them and hopefully learn from each other to help make the political twelve party program or as you called in your first book the four party become a reality i agree that we need to depoliticise the government as we know it for a better working government for the people it will take some time but if we work together i know the society can make this happen for all mankind and i am thrilled to be a part of this and would love to help in whatever way i can. I’m still working on my FNE but with all the ideas now racing through my head one will settle me down
    to a FNE . I could go on and on about so many of the ideas in your books that i agree with and hope that some day i’ll be able to discuss some of those ideas with you I know your a busy man so thank you for this oportunity and for working with me great things are bound to happen now I know thanks again Tim Huett

  20. Jacquelyn Manhertz says:

    Dear Mr Hamilton thanks for inviting me even thou at this late stage .I am reading my books but the number with miss annabelle struggles as given me hope. I have never told anyone this your teaching seem to be working.I have very low sellf-esteem. A s a child i was beaten and told a child shod be seen and not heard this i was never able to break from.I am still afraid of myself .I really need your help to break from this night mare I am struggling with the computer i having problems getting in to the programs i am computer elitarate would you please have some one to help thanks

  21. john nuamah says:

    hi mark john nuamah am sorry to tell you that i lost my job but is all good because i can concentrate and do the rightthing i have already paid for my last book so ican wait to see you and hope you expedit action pls so am ever ready

  22. Sidney Saddler says:

    I have been practicing the Ten Second Miracle for years now. And it’s nice to know there’s an official name for it. My wife would ask me how do I accomplish such and such? I would think about the goal, notice what I have to work with, and wait for the ideas to come in. I am totally impressed with Neothink, and the possibilities it’s opening up for me.

    However, Mark if you happen to see this message, I have your “Forbidden Revelation” book, and would like to ask you a personal question reguarding the Godman perspective as talked about in your trilogy. You have my email address, and I look forward to corresponding with you.

    Thank You for everything,


  23. kenneth deneen says:

    i dont know what to say about all of this? im still a little confused? i still havent found my friday night esccence? as i was brought up in a very poor family,i dident ever,ever think of tomorrow? or have a big fantasy dream? i was just happy to have a plate of fried mush,with homemade syrup,my poor mother slaved to prepare for me,my 5 sisters and four other brothers,while my alcoholic father layed around,sucking on his sweet lucy,A K A,white port wine.if this is child hood happiness? what? AND WHERE IS THE REAL ESENCCE OF HAPPINESS? K.

  24. Kenneth Morton says:

    I’m just getting started with this whole process and so far I’m excited but yet a little confused. My job is Law Enforcement and I have reached the level of mangement. My day consists of very sporadic unroutine fragments in the form of putting out “Fires”. I’m more than ready for a financial breakthrough and my Friay Night Essence seems to fall in the category of projects that need addressing to take off the “Honey Do List”. The list is growing. I read myself to sleep because of irregular work hours. I’m anxious to see where this will lead.

  25. Ike Okwuonu says:

    Your teachings help me increase my love power. I beleive that those who create are expressing their love to increase and multiply for themselves and for people everywhere.
    Ike Okwuonu.

  26. theodore white says:

    hi im enjoying the books ive been receiving but I just finished book one which book do I need to read now?

  27. Lisa Goetz says:

    Mr Hamilton I enjoyed reading your Neothink Books 1 and 2, I have not yet finished 3. I am so impressed with the mini-day schedule. How can I work the
    mini-day power thinking when I do no have a job? I have been a Realtor for
    about 24 years and now I am retiring as the Real Estate Market is at its rock bottom for years and I do not see much improvement in the Real Estate Market.
    I would love to start my own business with iron grip control. Unfortunately
    I only love to paint, this is what I chose for my Friday Night Essence. But
    I do not see how I could make this a lucrative business. As I am not a Picasso, Matisse or Rembrandt.

  28. Peter Martin says:

    Dea Mr. Mark Hamilton
    I’m gratefully looking to meet you.
    Thinking? It is only for me…and to divulge at the proper moment.
    The three “Manuscripts”: Exceptional…Superior literature…foremostly, leading to….the wright end.
    Gratefully, P. Martin.

  29. virginia sims says:

    Hello Mark Hamilton, I Virginia Sims sent in for Final Neothink Manuscript 2800-pages Wealth Accelerator to unlock my Transformative Power – Free and to be able get enter into Neothink Secret Core Group Meetings-Free along with the payment of one-time core member due of $299. I post dated my check for 5/21/14, on check # 1210 for which I sent it in already some time ago, but since than I received three letter indicating this opportunity. Because I did not wanted to lose out, and that date was the only way that I could participate in receiving that final manuscript. Therefore that date is here tomorrow 5/21/2014 that it can get withdrawal from my bank account.

    Virginia Sims

  30. kenneth lamb says:

    Hi Mark. I am slow to read the books but working at it. I was confused why I was chosen but am thankful. My life currently is existing. At 73 years old I have had a ten year battle with my health. After three strokes and full carotid surgery I am in fair health again but for arthritis and high blood pressure which am controlling now. I am currently on SSI so I am next door to destitute. You give me a glimpse of hope. I do not live so much as exist in an isolated life fifteen miles from town. I look forward to continuing this journey and maybe someday I will be able to meet you. For now I get a ride to town once or twice a month. Kenn L

  31. Aaron Mancho says:

    Hi Mark,
    I am done with reading the “Forbidden Revelation, Secret Teachings to My Exclusive Inner Circle’, what next? I got email to attend webinar but missed the session and unable to get the link to read literature on the meeting. I also got the last communication maybe from you to buy another book, which I questioned the fast request when I had not finished the assignment to read the Forbidden Revelations I was on, and since then I have not heard or had any written communication as to what next after the last stated assignment, Forbidden Revelation. Are there club houses in Denver Colorado?
    After reading the ‘Forbidden Revelation’, the on the ground message beside the literature is, tell others friends and family members about Neothink SOS, true? Because, from the beginning reading NT, this was not the message in the previous books one, two, and two, which am delighted of Neothink’s readiness to go public? I just need to know more. I am appreciative of the information base obtain from the four books I have read so far, thanks. Please, let know of what next.
    Aaron M.

  32. Eva Griffin says:

    Mr. Hamilton,
    I am looking forward to meet you face to face one day, very open to your words of wisdom and your plans for me. I will follow and try to obey. I am honored to have you as my mentor.

  33. Thank you Mark Hamilton for bring. Me abroad it bless to get meet you have mentor under your wing this first. Time day l just more keep tbe Faith you send from Heavily. Sign up the meetings to

    Mark Hamilton all today. This live I was supposed to life. I like HamiltonAmerican see on the other side
    Neothink member.

  34. Gilberto Caraballo says:

    Every day I’m more life is the key to our knowledge and to learn how to be induced world so I follow that knowledge to be learning and my time with the secret society thanks Mark, to be my mentor and the one to teach me the reality of life sometimes we cannot write a lot but when I’m nonage everybody knows what you mean your Friend Gilberto

  35. Trampas Ginn says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton. I look forward to the 2nd level meeting. I have been a truth seeker for along time. I have read every book that was sent to me. I am fascinated and definitely in agreement with the content of the material. I am amazed with your human potential abilities/skills. Based on what I hear,see,and know/don’t know about you, you are a very intriguing/fascinating person who is my mentor. I am honored to be your apprentice. I have been in the shadows with my knowledge/skills/abilities because of public persecution and ridicule. I would like to share my story and achievements with you one day. Thanks
    Trampas Ginn

  36. John Tsai says:

    Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton, my mentor
    Thank you very much for selected me to the family of Society, and being my mentor. I appreciated. I am just an ordinary business man, working very hard daily to cover many jobs for the business. I have no complain about my business but could be better. There are a lot of accounts receivable, people don’t pay on time as agreed. That is why stopping me to fill in more inventories to customers whenever they may need, and earning more accounts.
    It is regret to complete the reading of all books because of lack of time, and sickness..
    my neck hurt badly back to first week of March while travelled in China for business. I visited my specialist doctor in NYC, Dr. Patrick Kerr, and diagnosed that my neck is crooked. It was feel much better after two weeks of special type of treatments instead of traditional method of getting a shut, massages, or surgery besides my neck confined the same position by using the neck brace. I was not allowed to read books, computer, ipod, and reading mobile devices. On April 14, 2014, I have to leave the country for China to attend the trade show as planned and travelled to many towns to visited factories from South to North of China in two weeks, and returned home on April 29, 2014. That is why I could not complete reading the books in the 30-40 days. I will try to catch it up after the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas from May 5- May 8, 2014 but don’t know if I could make it since it is busy in the season. I got many containers of material arriving port of New York this week and the following weeks too. This is try to explain how things going on and on, and made me feel bad that I could not complete reading the books on time as instructed. Please understand, and help me out by allow me more time to reading those books, may be another 40 days or so. Thanks for your understanding.
    John T.

  37. erica mcgee says:

    Hi Mark

    my name is Erica M. I am very excited to meet you. I have been reading the book that you sent me and I’m very excited about being a new apprentice under your wing. I look to gain a lot of knowledge you and the society

  38. Aaron Cooper says:

    Mark Hamilton,

    Good evening. I am your new apprentice, Aaron C., and I look forward to meeting with you.

    I am also a musician named Count Drawko, and I have 10 full length CDs published. You may check out some of my work at:

    If you like my music, I would like to present you with copies of my first 10 albums as a gift: 5 metal and 5 meditational albums that I have personally created.

    Also, please allow me to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for selecting me: I will work hard to be a most valuable asset.

    Thank you. Have a good evening.



  39. Nagnouma Komah says:

    Hi Mark ,I have a lot tell u about my self but I will not able to. so my major problems are my health ,find the right one,financial,and I have my green cart.I was marie to someone I never met, I had very bad childhood. I am in US for 15 years but I can prove because this men abuse a lot ,one day he bait me my neighbor call the police so they took me to hospital and give him order don’t get close to me ,take him to gial.But he took al my traveling document I didn’t claim anything I just want to be free. But that was mistake after few year I applied for a green cart . I couldn’t prove how came the judge didn’t believe my argument. After my divorce I were Marie again but this time I did have where to live and I couldn’t go back. I have two daughter from him but right now he move out. I had house wich one I had co-signe before to have . I am very desenpointter in my life but since I have Neothink I have hope . I need help ,I can’t give al the detail it to mush to said.But I know with Neothink I will be there.

  40. Aaron Mancho says:

    Hi Mr. Mark, It’s been a very exiting journey these far, even though with lots of questions. I admit this is real knowledge, life changing. I know during these meeting, you asked for us to fill the local State, is it just for practice? Will I not meet members in the club house first, organize and understand what the club house is before anything else? Another question: The ‘Forbidden Revelation, Secret Teachings to My Exclusive Inner circle”, is the meetings you have on the to some extents, right? So, I decided to read all the book first, is that alright? In all I am happy for the great literature and knowledge you have exposed to me, thanks.

  41. Gilberto Caraballo says:

    Mark thank you for being my mentor I walk the trail also says right now I became to be a businessman not help with dealer I am so used cars and being in my way to success I’m very happy that you chose me to be my mentor I know one day I’ll be by your side and I will meet you and our be happy to see you in person thank you to you I have a great power on life I help a lot of people that needs my help and I do everything in my way to help a lot of people so I’d like to create a lot of Good for my people your friend Gilberto caraballo

  42. Wichita Santos says:

    Hi Mr. Mark,

    I hope to meet you in person, because I have a lot of idea inside my mind. Its about the product that I have in my farm that its not yet popular here in the U.S. I want it to start exporting international.I know it needs a big amount. To tell you the truth, I dont have this amount to start. I will tell you the name of my product once I meet you and thats not the only one. Since I read the 1,2 and 3rd book that’s the time I’ve learned and think a lot of idea. Thank you very much Mr Mark Hamilton.


  43. Dennis Sapp says:

    I have some new ideas for a product but need to know what or how to go about marketing or patienting it. I have had ideas at the place I used to work and was told they were no good and about 8 to 12 months latter some one else surprisingly enough took credit for that same idea and got credit for them probley made money off it. They also had a problem they needed a solution I told them about my Idea not sure if they understood what I was trying to tell the but for some reason they told me to try it I did they had 30 sidewall to fix after I fix the first one they were so impressed with how I fixed the problem they had me fix them all and when I was almost done fixing them all several supervisors and upper management came around and complimented and praised me on my work saving them close to $100,000.00 I never got one cent and when I was done it was as though I had not done anything special I was just a nobody

  44. Shelby Locklear says:

    Hello Mark,
    I’ve read your books and have been truly inspired by them. I’m a housewife just recently married and my husband was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Our financial funds are very limited. We barely get by but I managed to get your books. I love to write and started a book 7 years ago but never finished it. Since reading you books has encouraged me to start again. I’m almost finished with one book. Finding a publisher is another problem, they cost so much and I don’t have the funds for it. Anyway back on your books. I’m a Native American Indian and my dad is what I call a medicine man. He believes in herbs. That’s how we were raised. I do believe there are cures for every disease out here but the government don’t want people to know because of greed. They want you to spend money on pills that may help one thing but not good for something else. I’ve never had faith in our government at all. I read your books over and over. Just want to say thanks for the encouragement to get me motivated again. If anyone knows of a cheap publisher who would willingly help, please let me know.

  45. Toni Wiggins says:

    Since I started reading neo-think books my mind has been open up to a different way of thinking i get my work done much faster now it doesn’t seam like such a chore, but i want to get a new job is that possible for me right now.

  46. marvin t flemmings says:

    Dear Mark,

    I am shaking in my boots, curious, apprehensive, just plain scared. I doing all I can to keep up, I have been missing the Clubhouse meetings. My Computer, was hacked 1200 times. Which left me not knowing what day and times of the meeting. I am excited about being recommended to the Society. I think I have received a letter from The Society a while back. I never dreamed of being selected to be a member. I plan to keep up, from this day forward. I am getting low on my funds, but, I will keep up. Thanks again.
    May I request the schedule for the clubhouse meetings be mailed to my email address. Thanks you Mark for looking at me. Please, help me live a nice wealthy life. So, I help me and my family members specially my Granddaughter. Once again thanks for selecting me at Society.
    I am yours truly,
    Marvin T F.

  47. jesse brewer says:

    first of all I would like to say thank you mark and thank you for reaching out to me whoever it was that “recruited me” into the sos and gave me the opportunity to be a member that of wich upon absorbing the literature can absolutely see has been a major key missing link in my inherent “personal makeup”. as I look back on my life in the past I do see how I had struggled to conform with the masses and anticivilization.. and also looking back to a time when I was active in the military and had out of boredom conceptualized/visualized in my mind how to discover a “new effentient” means of “natural” energy consumption, had figured out how to filter/capture carbon dioxide from algae in a natural environment to use as fuel; and shortly after about 2weeks later saw a infomercial on the same topic on tv by a big fuel corp., wishing that only I had gone to college and had access to science and biology labs- would have possibly been a great opportunity for my growth as an integrated thinker… I don’t think of myself as a genious and am terrible at math and algebra. I do have a question that I have been curious about wich is; how are members noticed and or found as being potential soulmates in the C of U of the sos? and if possible who/how was I noticed by the sos.
    thank you,
    J B.

  48. Linda Delles says:

    I’d like to say that I was very excited when I read your books; I have known some of your concepts all my life. I just did not have a name for them. I was always the odd ball in the group and most people treated me like I was an alien. I did not know why until I read your books and then I finally understood why I never quite fit in, it was because I did not think like other people; I saw a different world than they did. I’m not really sure how this happened. I certainly did not grow up in an environment that was conducive to learning or thinking differently. I suppose because of my childhood I needed some kind of escape and chose to escape in my head and as a result achieved a different level of thinking than most people.

    I have tons of questions, and wish to find a club house in my area; I currently reside in Phoenix, Arizona. Can you help me find a club house?

  49. Carmenia Natarte says:

    Hello Mark,
    I’m enjoying all of the information. I will be on vacation today till the end of April. When I get back, I be in touch. Thank-you.

  50. Dana Gregory says:


    Trust, love, and protection is vital in life and shattered trust is created from violations, rather it be abuse in any form. I have faced with broken and shattered trust in my life, So my question who went into my mind and why?

    I personally do not like when violations occur to human beings because all we do is what we learn and are trained to do, which is abuse back. Then, we are conflicted for life in pain of which was created to us and how ended up, hurting people along the journey.

    Why now are these mentors coming in to protect us, when time has passed and conflict has happened. I do not understand….

    Truly who is Mark Hamilton… I found out…. its someone else…

    I really just want the truth… I am seeker for truth but since, I have been abused for so long, I have come to believe the violations are real, then the real truth in front of me. and these are my escape modes …. How do I believe and flip this back into truth..?

    Thanks for reading and feeling my pain and helping during this journey… No matter who you are… You are a real person and I just do not want to be violated or pulled into something that will hurt me…

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