Friday, March 14, 2025

Meet Your Mentor

August 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Secret Meetings

A Synopsis

The First Leg – Levels One through Three – Getting Ready
Level One opens the door to the person you were meant to be as you learn how to play as an adult. By discovering value creation, stagnation quickly gets replaced with exhilaration, and the child of the past returns. Your life leaps to a new level as you tap your deepest motivational root through discovering your Friday-Night Essence.

Level Two reveals the highly-guarded Neothink® SOS hidden secret, the coveted Ten-Second Miracle. The Ten-Second Miracle provides you with another powerful path to value creation – to the life you were meant to live. Indeed, the creation-driven life is what the human mind is supposed to experience; value creation brings values to society and pride and happiness to oneself . . . and is the answer to the often-asked question, “What is the meaning of life?” Your Friday-Night Essence and the Ten-Second Miracle are two powerful secrets to value creation.

Level Three unveils how and why you were chosen to join the Society of Secrets now the Neothink® Society. You also learn our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret. That meeting teaches you about the Forces of Nature and the Forces of Neothink®…and the powerful marketing forces of both. It also explains how common denominators can be used to pull forth those powerful marketing forces. Our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret prepares you for the next leg of the journey.

The Second Leg – Levels Four through Six – Forming Entities

Note: When I disclosed this secret information, I believed we would bring in the public through a network marketing approach. However, as I pursued the legal ramifications of network marketing over the course of this second leg, I finally decided not to take that risky approach with something so important as our goal to change the world. Keep in mind, while listening to the Levels Four, Five, and Six meetings, the network marketing approach will NOT be pursued after all, however the integrations and ideas still hold true. In fact, those apprentices forming A-Teams NOW still sit on top of a burgeoning and unstoppable movement that will grow very large. The concepts all still apply as we stay with our secret division-of-essence Neothink® Marketing Structure as found in your first Heirloom Package and forego network marketing. In the long run, our marketing approach will far surpass and outlast network marketing. Now, let us take a look at the second leg of your journey, forming local Neothink®SOS Society Chapters:

Level Four introduces the concept of taking the secret society, for the first time, to the public. The ideas of local Neothink® Clubhouses, local meetings, even a local political movement are introduced. The approach is to still keep our secrets within our society, but to now invite quality people at large into our newly named Neothink® Society of Secrets. We are transitioning form a Secret Society to a Neothink® Society of Secrets.

Level Five goes through, in detail, the three meetings to be held in the newly forming Neothink® SOS Clubhouses, as follows: the Introduction Meetings, the Workshop Meetings, and the Clubhouse Meetings. Level Five also goes into detail about the development of a new political movement now named the Twelve Visions Party.

Level Six solidifies the structure of the new entities, the newly forming local Neothink® SOS Chapters, the internal workings, the applications. In this meeting, the “marketing machine is complete” and is ready to move forward.

The Third Leg – Levels Seven through Nine – Moving Forward

Level Seven identifies the two pillars holding up the anticivilization – politics and religion. This historic meeting delivers a plan to trump those two pillars through our Neothink® Society of Secrets in order to peacefully take down the anticivilization.

Level Eight presents the big picture. In your eighth month, you will see the major movements that will come out of the Neothink® Society of Secrets. You will see the coming Twelve-Visions World. In this world, people live with great wealth, health, and peace. They are happy, exhilarated, in love, and looking for eternal life.

Level Nine releases the specifics on the first of several major movements to come out of the burgeoning Neothink® Society of Secrets. This first major movement is the political movement designed to trump politics and begin to take down the anticivilization. The Neothink® Society of Secrets, from within its Tier Two, will spread its first major movement across the country, and then the world. (Correction: In Level Nine, I misspoke, accidently saying “the eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.” Note that I meant to say “the winning percentage of eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.”)

The Fourth Leg – Levels Ten through Twelve – Engaging Public

Level Ten prepares apprentices for mentoring lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now ready to put priceless values back into the Society of Secrets, including mentoring and helping lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now openly invited, during the last leg of the journey, to bring their talents and skills into the Neothink®SOS to make it stronger. Becoming a value creator in the Neothink® SOS, living one’s Friday-Night Essence, is exhilarating beyond description. Just imagine seeing one’s own value creation moving forward the Neothink®SOS Goal, the Superpuzzle . . . you making a difference in the course of mankind. Level Ten also digs deeply into the new Twelve-Visions Government structure. For the first time, Mark Hamilton reveals integrated specifics behind a never-before-known government based on service rather than power, bringing to our planet a never-before-seen freedom paradigm and unprecedented wealth, health, and peace.

Level Eleven opens its arms to these high-level apprentices who finally experience their full human potential, unburied during this journey. Upon finally knowing their hidden abilities, these special apprentices in their final leg of the journey can finally know and access the persons they were meant to be. Level Eleven provides you with . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Eleven.)

Level Twelve points the world-wide Neothink® SOS juggernaut straight toward . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Twelve.)


762 Responses to “Meet Your Mentor”
  1. david anderson says:

    Hi Mark.
    Once again my job is not going anywhere being part time, driving 60 miles round trip. Government wanting to raise minimum wage to $10.00/hr. my wage won’t be worth crap anymore. You see big hopes for me, I sure hope you are right because I am getting stressed out not knowing what to do. I’m reading 3 books at once and seeing everything coming together. I want to start my own business but not sure how to get started, can’t afford to pay a lawyer. I want to go to a clubhouse meeting, trying to locate one close to my home. Thinking about going to the Prime Law Rally in Erie on 22nd of this month.


    Mr.Hamilton. I want to thank you for your great work, secondly I want to ask you how can I communicate with you and how can I get to open level two and three since I am a new member who is waiting eagerly to know every thing. This is my E-mail address [moderator: do not put you email address on the internet] please contact me thank you.

  3. james gayden says:

    I No About The Neothink It CREATE I WONT TWO TO Thank YOU Mark Interduce To
    The Neothing SOCIETY BRING MY Dream BACK I DON’T To MUCH NO About Computer But
    I Am Learning A About It Creation VALUE Mean Creation JOB OR Spirit Power My
    Dream Come TRUE I Wont to Thank You Mark Again For Interducing I ALL Way Wont
    My Pass TO Come True When I Were a Child Mark You Or bring IT back I Want to know About The Value Give Me Ideal.


  4. Preslaire Charles says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton & Staff:
    I’m most excited to be a member of the Neothink Society of Secrets. I’m pleased to see the abovementioned members as well as I read through some of their comments. I’ve been incorporating some of the terminology of our Society in my writings and how those concepts apply to what I enjoy writing about. I amazed how those pieces of puzzles fall into place. I’m passionate about writing: human relationships and marriage, and wisdom are a few subject topics I enjoy writing about. I anticipate being a great publisher and owning a publishing house to help other aspiring publisher.

    Kind regards,
    Preslaire Charles

  5. Stephen Koper says:


    Well Mark,
    I am still waiting for an answer to my simple question I posed at the end of Level 4, level 5 and level 6.
    Neither you nor your staff has answered my question. So, let me ask it again, but in a different way:
    Am I INFRINGING on yours or your Company’s INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY by Creating a Church Called “CHURCH OF ZON”?
    A simple Yes or No will do.
    Thank you
    Rev Stephen

  6. Roy James says:

    Hi Mark. What a wonderful ride! You are my prime mentor and I am forever grateful. I’m ready to go to Level 12. Still reading “The Prime Cure.”

  7. Roxie Fransway-Greening says:

    Is there a list of God Man churches and there locations somewhere?

  8. diana belot says:

    sould i be watching a video of mark hamilton, i need help

  9. Roxie Fransway-Greening says:

    Dear Mark,

    I am very excited to get started. As I read the book, I could feel energetic changes going on inside of my body most of the time. My problem is that I am laid off right now and my Friday Night Essence would be as a photographer or a dancer. I would need a new camera to do the one.

    I just started to read the last book and should be done in a week, so there is time. But I have always had this drive inside that wishes to proceed at 200 miles per hour. Unemployment has slowed me down a bit. Therefore if you have any suggestions I would appreciate your imput.

    By the way, last night as I was going to sleep, I felt access to omnipresence more easily than I ever had. It was a very peaceful experience.

  10. Stil I dontn knmow where sholuld I enter and where is my username asigned? Ther is so many subtitles, I have no idea how to begin?? Please give me an instruction on my e-meil! I am 85 years old and it is not easy for me!!

    Thanks. Mihaly (Michael) Hargitay. 01.09.14 7.05 PM.

  11. wayne benson says:

    Mr Hamilton:

    I always wanted to do the right things in life, I always considered my
    actions and how they effected others. People around me always lied to me
    or hide the obvious truth from me,like they had to keep me from the
    choices that I needed to make in life. Every girl I meant as a teen
    supposedly was a cousin, not true I found out later in life. I never knew
    my real dad and did not find that out until I was 48 years old. I realized
    that there had to be more to life than living from pay check to pay check,
    so I went looking for GOD. I prayed and people got heald, recieved
    miracles, but when I asked for something God was silent. People keep
    coming for prayer, how did they know to come to me? The people kept coming
    to me, but would not stop doing bad things, I got sick of what the people
    were doing and I stopped praying for them. Then it dawned on me, maybe
    there is no GOD…Again the heirlooms were my comfort, I don’t have to
    rely on audible hollucinations, or lies from people manipulating me. I am
    a GOD-Man and capable of guiding my self with NEO-THINK…

  12. Martin Miler says:

    Dear Mark,
    How can I experience these meetings if I do not use a computer? I have a friend who helps me with computers, but I am handicapped and cannot use one… is there a way that you can contact me via phone? Please advise and thanks.

  13. Gina Burton says:

    Well I am really going to try and do things that the book instructs me to do to see if changes my life. I hope it’s worth the work cause i put in over 60 hours of overtime every paycheck to keep my expensive taste satisfied. But I prefer to live the lifestyle of the 12 students in the first heirloom.

  14. tom borman says:

    Ok I have paid for 4 books now totally spending about $500.00 to this date and I am trying to put my all into this society but as of now I cannt see how this is helping me as of yet but I have not giving up hope yet I still am putting all my trust and faith into the society but as many others I cannt afford to put any more money into it until I start seeing results for I work from payday to payday so please don’t lead me down a dead end road with all my money and time becauce I get up during the middle of the night and read your books over and over and as of now I still believe put please understand I need to know I am not wasting time and money and that you are not taking advantage of hard working stiffs like me I believe I am doing everything right so for and keep getting promises of not having to worry about having enough money but now I believe now I need a sign please let me know if I am doing something wrong.

  15. reggie says:

    I am so glad I bought Neothink books. I read it three, four time. My personal life and my financial life change. Thank you very much.

  16. Teresita Hamilton says:

    I have no cooperation from any of my family.
    Teresita H.

  17. Teresita Hamilton says:

    Dear Mark Hamilton,
    I am sorry but, I cannot attend any of this meeting. I guess I am naive enough to think I could do this. My problem is, I am 76 year old and the only income I have is my social security pay check ( which is only 600.00) I am retired and not working. I could not do any thing in this book. I tried to relate this book to my husband and I got cooperation. My kids are the same way. So what can say? I am sorry again for wasting you time on me. I enjoy the book. I diabetic, but not on insulin thank goodness. I am managing my sugar.
    Yours truly,
    Teresita H.

  18. Badang Bun says:

    I am gambler. I don’t trust people easily; however, the book hold honesty as core value that’s why I kept ordering. I am not a business person, I work hard for my money and like to gamble with it because it is a quick way to acquire cashes when you want to travel and spend freely. The hard earn money is hard to spend when you need to pay for the service of a $100 plus a night just to sleep then wake up and move on but if you win from your gambling you don’t feel hesitate to spend a few hundreds here or there in day. I lost most of my pay check every week and looking for a way to win in life that’s why I here in this group and I knew it is someone business to make money and ambition to bring his/her idea to the world he/her want to live in. There is always two sides of a coin, so does the society. Also there is two kind of people the one who get it and the one don’t. I come force into this life from the source of love: my personal life’s experiences is just my past thought. It’s confirmation has happened to me that’s why I dare wrote it here. I have been very fortunate so far as my life continue to coexist with all the living things. I already know that I will be a winner if or when I can win over myself (my desire), but I still want to control, compete, challenging with the number. I know that I cannot get a head when government can make decision (the FED Reserve board can issue to print the currency as much they wanted or needed to), and I am just a manual labor worker. More over, the keep. Taxing everyone on every dollars we earned. It is an unfair life to live in this society. The one producing and creating value always have a way trying to do so and the hoax manipulated continue to run their shows.

  19. lola lowe says:

    does anyone know where to find the book . How To Raise A Genius Through Five-Minute Bedtime Stories by Darlene Belle

  20. calvin collins says:

    Hello MR Hamilton what if my Friday night essence is already being put in place and what if I have more than one I am very multi talented in various areas ?

  21. RUDY SCHROCK says:

    Hi Mark this is Rudy S. I thought I’ld let you know that I don’t have a credit card or can get one right now.

  22. Joe Jones says:

    I am almost through book 2 and just received book 3. I am having a lot of trouble finding my Friday night essence. I work in a “labor” job and I am disciplined if I try to step outside my assigned duties. I want to go into business for myself, but after years of working 90 hours a week and currently taking care of 2 daughters, I’m not sure how to find my essence and provide a value to society. The only thing as of late that I find that I’m passionate about is my 2 daughters education. The current school system is failing them and I am finding it difficult to properly educate them at home – undoing all the negative effects of the school system and propelling them forward. In the book 1, Friday night essence workshops were mentioned. Are there any such workshops in Michigan? I am 40 and I am deeply concerned about what little time I have left on this earth to make it a better place for my daughters. Please advise and thank you for all that you have done so far.

  23. collins says:

    I would like to learn more

  24. collins says:

    Dear mark,
    read Neothink 1st . Book I assume
    it was very informative an eye opening an honest in today’s america
    but I’m not rich an can’t afford your books would like tolearn more though

  25. Robert Sobie says:

    Mark you had tried to involve me twenty years ago.I can not remember why I did not follow thru.I am quite surprised that you contacted me again,especially at my age of 83yrs.Do you still think I can help at this point?I would sure like to hear your response!

  26. Patrick Bryan says:

    Would love to have a fresh start in Las Vegas, I am not a gambler, I am a Housekeeping Supervisor, working for the State and its a dead end job. Love to sing and invent; among other things, see myself realizing my friday night essence there. Just need a great recommendation from Mr.H…Planing to be on vacation in Las Vegas in 10 days. Lets see if everything is on target.

  27. Patrick Bryan says:

    My name is Patrick B. New Jersey.I want to meet the great man, Mr. MH himself, very soon, Just to throw some theories at him, some of my ideas, in terms of his visions and to see what he thinks of creating a new industrial revolution, which would put him right up there with capitalism. As i think you can only fight corrupt capitalism with the strength of moral capitalism(corrupt money with the strength of moral money). Just another way to the end game.

  28. Matthew Akana says:

    Hello Mark,
    My name is matthew a. I found this page because I decided to do a google search on miss darlene belle’s book mentioned in the third book. I’ve ordered the first three books but when the notice came for the remaining books, i’m sad to say, I just could not afford another one. When I stumbled upon this website I must say i was even more motivated to join the society. But, sadly as I have mentioned in many of the letters that I’ve sent back with my previous invites/ book order forms I do not have the money. I wish, no I need someway to get out of this hole, i’m tired of struggling and it seems no matter how hard I try I just seem to end up back in the hole. I really want to be a part of this and I really want to provide a better life for my family, I don’t want them to struggle as I have struggled. Please anything you could do to help would be greatly appreciated, and as I stated in one of my letters if I could get help with becoming a member I would not only pay it back in full, I would also make it my goal to guide and mentor at least 100 well qualified people to open their lives to the path of neothink and do everything in my power to bring them into the society so we can grow and change the world. Please mark I am asking, I am begging please help me! Thank you. Sincerely Matthew A.

  29. Ivy Holmes says:

    Mark, I have listened to the three stages of Level one and I posted my questions to Bill on the Integrations section. I have already posted 3, but one when I first received my letter of invitation. Was that not posted on the page after watching your video? I just finished watching part 2(left information and questions for Bill) which I submitted and it went through, but I went back to the page and it read “Who am I” asking for my name and e-mail address which was already showing. I don’t know if you or anyone else is receiving my queues or not. Please let me know by e-mail, but I have also called the members (800) number and left a message for Joan since she was my mentor in the 3rd part. I do have one question that kind of relates to the older man who has made his fortune and was ready to die, but wanted to know who or what to leave his money too. My question is how am I supposed to obtain happiness and wealth when my husband doesn’t want to back me in this great society that you have spent so many years trying to bring into our time right now and cloning has been done, why is everyone afraid of using it to cure most of the diseases that are killing millions of people to this very day? They can take DNA from a person and clone their bodily organs that are failing them now. Yes, I know that it is the FDA, the people, government, and the ruling politicians over the scientific organizations, but why don’t they see how much it could help to preserve life now? I am sure you already know this, but I can understand now why we are fighting for such a wonderful society-Civilization of the Universe-The Neothink society. Well, back to my question, if my husband believes in the same way as you do by taking out all of the government and politicians who are holding us back and trying to keep us poor(stagnate)stuck in a world full of illusions, why do I feel like he is trying to do the same to me? We love each other, take care of my 8 year old grand-daughter, but he fights or argues with me over the smallest things and his money is not our money-it is his. I caught him saying that too many times and “we need to watch our money”, but he is the only one spending it except for buying my medicine and doctors bills. What do you suggest I do? I forgot to mention that he was made to retire from a job he loved for 30 years until another company bought it, that is when he couldn’t stand working there any more also they gave him the option to quit or be fired with no 6 months severance pay which was last July. I truly believe that has made him bitter at everything. What do you think?

  30. Bryan Hopper says:

    dear Mr Hamilton I read all the books up to 950 secret society books but I’m stuck because I’m disabled and you’re always talking about getting on top in your job I’m confused and I don’t know what I’m supposed to go from here I know I have a gift I need your guidance please let me know. Sincerely Yours Bryan David H. Neothink Society member.

  31. Alfred Becerra says:

    Hi Mark, This is not the first time I start the meetings, last time I went up to the nine or ten level. I have been reading your books since the appearence of the God-Man book, back on the late 1990’s, I did not finish reading though. I have the full collection of Miss Anabelle story, now in two different sets a black one and a burgundy one; this time though I knew what I was reading and the reading was more enjoyable. You also improved your writng, it is more deep and clear, now I am understanding what are you conveying. Miss Anabelle story is more agile with more stronger feelings, the characters speak with passion and attract more the attention. I have also the The Cure, and the 2000 pages Heirloom.
    What I did not understand the first time I read about the business system, I am understanding now. It is difficult to implement not because of being obscure the instructions, but because the identification of our own esponsibility areas are ifficult to see and separate from the everyday thinking. I am still trying to identify what are my areas of responsibility, but I am seeing that I must identify first the projects I am involved to then find the areas of responsibility, then I can separate the different tasks to integrate a miniday schedule; but I am trying hard.
    My problem right now is to finish as fast as I can the 950 pages Second Book. I am in a miniday daily, form 8 to 9 am for reading and also in a miniday 10 to 10:30 pm also reading.

    Thank You for the time you spent researching and developing these books and for making them available to us.
    You are showing that to become a Zon is achievable. You are showing us the way to become also one.

    Again Thank You my Friend.


    Alfred “Fred” B.

  32. Arnulfo Paat says:

    Hi Mark good day to everybody in Neothink society.can I have more information about ten seconds miracle or may if there was a book on it can I avail one please.

  33. Arnulfo Paat says:

    Hi Mark once again Im here to ask more information about ten seconds miracle or may be if there was a book Im also interested to have one.Thanks and have a good day to each and everyone in Neothink society.

  34. Gustavo Marin says:

    Hi Mark:
    Thank you for being my mentor. You marketing letters are outstanding and convincing. I wish I had follow it thru when I received the first and second books in the early 2000 + . I was skeptical. But now I identify with your ideas about the ruling class destroying this blessed Country taking advantage of the so call democracy, that allows individuals depending from our taxpaying money decide the future of the entire society with poorly informed votes. Add to that the unchecked fraud:Corruption!, that eventually leads to Plutocracy(the government of the worse class) we are living now.
    I believe like you do and many others, that your vision of the The Twelve Vision Party, The Prime Law and Budget are the most probable solution for a better life for all stratus of society. We all are GOD MEN AND GODESS WOMEN, by the grace of our CREATOR, THE ALL IN ALL, THE I AM THAT I AM.
    Thank you again, very sincerely.
    Gustavo M.

  35. Herbert Rollins says:

    Mr Hamilton I must say your teachings have brought a new passion to my life,I am truly happy.I have found an extended family where truth ,honesty and love prevail.I did not know what to expect the day I read your first letter to me,I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the new person that you have shown me in myself. There is no turning back now you have inspired me to move forward with self growth and dedication to my brothers and sisters within the society.Again I thank you and may your and now my visions of a new world move forward with great speed and success. Yours Truly Herb R.

  36. maggie meador says:

    Hi: Mark Hamilton Well I have been trying to follow the Neothink Secret Society Meeting. I live in Deep-East-Texas and my Hughes Net is working real slow. It took one hour and a half to be able to hear and read just half of the meeting. But don’t worry, I will get on the phone and see if we can get a higher speed on our net. I understand knowing the important of playing while you work as being step into the future, and I love that ideal, so here my problem: Billy does not like for me to participate any activities out side the home. We (Billy and I) have been married forever, and just lately I can’t do anything right are able to please him. So I’m really down at this time. I tried to get him to read the with me, but turned me down flat out (NO). So you see this going to be very hard, and then on the other hand, I have to do this for me. This morning while trying to get the meeting on my computer, I got the home site, and signed up for more of the books to read. I have not told him how much money I have spent, but he not going to like it. O’Well he will have to over it. Just wanted you to know I’m going to carry this ball all the way to the goal post. Think you so much.

  37. Arnulfo Paat says:

    Hello Mark,I already got 5 books of Newthink n red the contents.I wonder this group or society I felt strange .Im asking to myself on how I can give fully trust if I cant even see personally the society.

  38. Mark hope you receive this message. Have gone through your writings and am very impressed. The other day signed into the web site and saw just how much I need to learn to get the full concept. From what little I know let me fill you in on what I fill and hope for. In reading over the three books I got a very good feeling but not truly knowing why … What was written about Jesus Christ was all so eye opening and seemed so very logical. Have felt all my life things have not gone right but knew in my heart all would be fine. Try very hard but … To make this short so as to not take so much of your time let me quickly vocalize: Do not yet have the Friday Night feeling down but get the purpose. Know what I enjoy to do but can not yet put it into action, $ making. Love to use my knowledge to make things easier, quicker, fun and … Be that whatever I do at work, play, anything! My degree is in technology so I love to use my hands. Want to make the world a better place, a happier place. That brings me to the most eye opening inspiring statement you make about Neothink. What brings it all together: LOVE, the glue that holds everything together! See the light at the end of the … but being new do not understand and grasp it all, so all you can do to help will be most helpful. Thanks Randal B.

  39. pat bailey says:

    Dear Mr.Hamilton:
    Thank you very much for selecting me to be part of “the secret socity”Elite members of inner circle have studied,from your “Mark Hamilton”s secret teachings to your Exclusive Inner Circle.I did given up my real life to waitings for long time.finally my days is come 14 years,since I was 45 years old now I am 59 years old;is my dreams will come “will real ?”I wish this time is real. anyway thank very much for your secret Teachings me your I did its my end makepayments.

  40. William Smith says:

    Dear Mark Hamilton,
    My name is William S. and what I`m about to tell you is going to blow your mind. My story begins when I was growing up in Honduras. I am now a US Citizen. Since I was a little boy my dream was to be a carpenter and a mechanic and I`ve always wanted to build boats. Since I have finished reading Neothink Superpuzzle I have gotten alot wiser and my child within has awakened and he wants to see all of his dreams come true. And now this child is in The Neothink Secret Society. When I finished reading about Ms Annabelle and her 12 3rd grade students I had a very emotional reaction and started to cry like a baby. I had to stop reading the book and go back to it because my emotions were so strong from the beginning of the book to the end. Honest to God, this book was filled with very strong, powerful and emotional words and I have been inspired by them. I am about to start reading the 2nd Neothink manuscript and I can’t wait to delve into it and see what happens. And I want to sincerely thank you for being such an inspiration to me and to tell you are truly a great human being. Thank you very much. Sincerely , William S.

  41. Liette Monic says:

    I must say the processes of this transformation is quite a challenging one. I am doing everything in my power to succeed. I have been brainstorming about my own mini-business. Came up with a few ideas which led to opportunities and invitations and so the web begins. I have many project ideas and need to yet incorporate them into a mini-day focus. I have began to use the phone mini-day and found it to be quite lucrative in the amount I am able to get accomplished. I need to focus more on common denominators in my clientele which I know will create new projects. My calender has more definite clients/events appointments than before actually just from the little I already incorporated. Continuing to move forward…

    Now, this journey is not easy. lol As the more work/play I get to do the more my body screams out in pain. The more I must take medication to get through the time I need just to be able to play and make good money. The longer it takes me to recover from a 12 hour day (an easy day for most). It takes 2-3 days to work through it to the point of being able to function in public again. You know me – I must speak the truth – this sucks! I am open to NeoDoctors. Do you have an idea?

    This week I began focusing on numbers. Amazing. Doing this I have been able to break through a wall holding me back for some months now. Thank you. I look forward to other puzzle pieces I am able to form.

    I must be honest – some of the teachings I am still wrapping my head around. Okay like the one where the woman stays home to raise the kids and support her husband. Well, I was never able to have kids even though I did try. So where exactly does that leave me?

    I would also like to comment on the few people I have met thus far on this journey. They have ALL been very helpful. Each and every one of them in their own way. I look forward to my first local meeting and actually meeting some good people in person.

    You have a very good evening!

    In Gratitude
    Liette M.

  42. drpeterc says:

    Mark Hamilton,
    I am learning a great deal. Much of what I am learning is that I was on the right track. The combination of learning new knowledge and reinforcing what I already believed is great. Anxiously awaiting levels 2 – 12. Thank you for all you’re doing. Dr. Peter C.


  44. Dontrel Murphy says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton:

    I am troubled by many things. I appreciate the fact that you selected me into the Society, and I thank you. However, the Society seems to be for people with jobs. You see, for about three years, I have tried to find a job with no glimmer of success. I graduated from Texas A&M University-Texarkana as a Magna Cum Laude and a bachelor’s degree in General Studies. I also have an Associate in Arts degree from Texarkana Community College.

    I just do not understand: I did all the correct things. I made decent choices. I chose not to follow America’s anticivilization even before I joined the Neothink Society. Now, at 27 years old, the anticivilization keeps me down; it will not give me a single chance. Here is why I am writing to you, Mr. Hamilton. Because I have not experienced the work force, the information in my three heirlooms do not seem to apply to me. For example, the mini-day schedule only applies at a place of work; I don’t have a place of work. Furthermore, the anticivilization seems to attack me most of all. I’ll tell you why:

    As I said earlier, I chose not to accept the ways of America’s anticivilization long before I joined the Neothink Society. I wrote a code of moral and civil conduct, my superpuzzle, and I have adopted it as my Bible. In that code, I explain the three virtues: morality, equality, and civility. Morality is the principle of correct actions and wrong actions. Equality is the principle of balance and mutual respect to one’s peer. Civility is the idea of order which results from the union of morality and equality. To simplify it, he or she must know right from wrong to achieve mutual respect in a world free from corruption, perversity, and disarray-a Society of the Universe.

    Using my code as well as the Neothink mentality, I believe the negative forces in the anticivilization have obstructed me from the success I deserve. Nevertheless, I can not achieve success without a start in life. I know I must live in the evil America (anticivilization), but I refuse to sacrifice my code. All I want is a chance before my life passes. I know you are a busy man, Mr. Hamilton, but I do not have anyone else to talk to. Why can I not get a fair chance in life? Why does the anticivilization torment me so? Do I really belong in the Society?

    – Dontrel M.

  45. arthur emmons says:

    I have been off the website for a while but am back the info is awesome & will devote time into getting my Friday night essence.

    I know that I am amazing & thanks to you mark Hamilton I am on my way to a great life.

  46. wilfred haylett says:

    from a child i know that one day i was going be with all of u well did i learn anything from reading yes that all things i was thinking about was truth i have known about it from age 0f nine for years i stop reading books because they were repeat but with neothink i really enjoy it what have read make things clear when i finish reading the third book then i will put it to the test for now i will see how my mind response it should altered my thinking and automatically put me in the neothink mode that is the law thank you

  47. Liette Monic says:

    Good Morning Mark,

    I am so sorry to bother you with my stupid issues but I have no where to turn. My whole family does not want to deal with my issues, help me in any way, they can’t handle my disabilities. They feel I need to be put somewhere. My mind is fine & I’m not paralyzed. So, now that I am at one of the lowest points in my entire life people just keep kicking me and putting me down and trying to squash my drive and ideas…. I went to storage the day before yesterday to begin selling things. I lifted alot of heavy things. An air conditioner to be one. Well, yesterday morning I woke up vomiting from pain. On top of this yesterday my family drops the bomb – I need to get out now. He always attacks me when I am at my weakest point! I don’t get it. Sorry about my emotional outburst but no one understands me – no one….

  48. Liette Monic says:

    Hi Mark,

    My brother informed me I need to move out as soon as possible. His daughter is pregnant for the second time and her boyfriend quit his job so she needs to move home. I understand however my financial situation is shot. Like I mentioned before I have a few dollars in change, I have bad credit, on SS disability limited income, have a small dog & cat & a car payment since my transmission went out two months ago. lol It is time for TVP to take over. I don’t know what to do…

  49. Liette Monic says:

    Hello Mark,
    After exploring my options with 2 days notice of needing $149 for the 4th book and getting approved for a short term loan for $200 the payback was $1,123.14 in their costs. Normally I would have just done it. However, something strange happened and I calmed down. I began thinking through things in a different way. I came to realize that through the use of my mini-days I will be able to market myself (my product) in different avenues to make more money so I can buy the 10 secret book for $300 now. 🙂 However, it is much easier to make/payback $300 than it is over $1,100. So, I see me paying & ordering your coveted book by the middle of next month. It is later than I want but it is what it is. I also came to realize that when I do parties I make out very well and want to push that arena. Parties, giving channeled readings, I am able to easily see their futures with over 90% accuracy. When I give readings I easily spot their Friday Night Essence and as I get excited about it and what they could do with that they get excited. Now, over the many years I’ve been doing this I have come to see and have confirmed that the ones that follow my direction wind up doing well for themselves. An example, a client – I will call her Mary, came to me after hitting rock bottom. Her business partner, to make it short, stabbed her in the back and drove Mary to bankruptcy. Losing her home, her business, her relationship on the rocks Mary was crushed. I was able to see her teaching people how to write books that change the world for the better. I went into some detail with her on how she could possibly do this as I could feel her passion about publishing/writing/teaching in this area. Again to make it short, Mary went home and in 3 years she is halfway to becoming a millionaire!!! I am so proud of her and so happy for her. She bought a new home, began her own business in this area, repaired her relationship and things are going great for her. I just gave her another reading a few months ago and saw so much more for her entire family and how they could all contribute and each make money even the child. I am anxious to see where they are a year from now. This is just a most recent confirmation of how I am able to help people change their lives for the better. I know with your help Mark I can do so much more as I see what is coming for our world. I have one problem – I cannot see my own life/future/etc. and I don’t trust anyone to get a reading from. I have a few projects in the works and I must bust through them, help people, make money and begin new projects. I am excited Mark about working with you and your mission. I am excited to learn what I can do for you. Ok – ha ha ha – that was alot. I just wanted you to understand that I am not making a cop out with not getting the next book by tomorrow. Financially I have a few dollars in change. ha ha ha I have to laugh about it as I am pushing my limits and doing all I can. I have decided that since I have left house fulls of material things behind many times in the past that I am going to sell my stuff as well to get money too. I will just buy it again or find it along the road when I need it again. Anyway.. Thank you and have a great night Mark.

  50. sam schneider says:

    Mr. Hamilton,

    I can’t express how excited I’ve been since mid march 2013. Right up front I must tell you I never began this journey for money or fame. For me it’s my passion to know the GODMAN within me. I’ve had many profound experiences.

    I’ve had my first and only OMNISCIENT AND OMNIPRESENCE EXPERIENCE BACK IN 1980 BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. Before I had this experience, I had a serging of energy in the core of my body. this lasted for about a 3 or 4 days off and on. Then it happened I was walking towards the front office suddenly it was like the top of my head opened like a “V” I knew, I was everywhere at once and part of everything. I also knew I would have to do is focus my mind on any subject and I would have all knowledge of that subject.Then it shut down. I’ve never had that experience again. I know that it’s dormant within me. I at that time had no one to talk to, I kept it to myself. AS I was reading in the beginning of GOD_MAN and you were explaning the sensation of energy serging I almost fell out of chair.

    Two other experience I would like to share with you, I was sitting in ala

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