Saturday, March 15, 2025

Meet Your Mentor

August 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Secret Meetings

A Synopsis

The First Leg – Levels One through Three – Getting Ready
Level One opens the door to the person you were meant to be as you learn how to play as an adult. By discovering value creation, stagnation quickly gets replaced with exhilaration, and the child of the past returns. Your life leaps to a new level as you tap your deepest motivational root through discovering your Friday-Night Essence.

Level Two reveals the highly-guarded Neothink® SOS hidden secret, the coveted Ten-Second Miracle. The Ten-Second Miracle provides you with another powerful path to value creation – to the life you were meant to live. Indeed, the creation-driven life is what the human mind is supposed to experience; value creation brings values to society and pride and happiness to oneself . . . and is the answer to the often-asked question, “What is the meaning of life?” Your Friday-Night Essence and the Ten-Second Miracle are two powerful secrets to value creation.

Level Three unveils how and why you were chosen to join the Society of Secrets now the Neothink® Society. You also learn our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret. That meeting teaches you about the Forces of Nature and the Forces of Neothink®…and the powerful marketing forces of both. It also explains how common denominators can be used to pull forth those powerful marketing forces. Our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret prepares you for the next leg of the journey.

The Second Leg – Levels Four through Six – Forming Entities

Note: When I disclosed this secret information, I believed we would bring in the public through a network marketing approach. However, as I pursued the legal ramifications of network marketing over the course of this second leg, I finally decided not to take that risky approach with something so important as our goal to change the world. Keep in mind, while listening to the Levels Four, Five, and Six meetings, the network marketing approach will NOT be pursued after all, however the integrations and ideas still hold true. In fact, those apprentices forming A-Teams NOW still sit on top of a burgeoning and unstoppable movement that will grow very large. The concepts all still apply as we stay with our secret division-of-essence Neothink® Marketing Structure as found in your first Heirloom Package and forego network marketing. In the long run, our marketing approach will far surpass and outlast network marketing. Now, let us take a look at the second leg of your journey, forming local Neothink®SOS Society Chapters:

Level Four introduces the concept of taking the secret society, for the first time, to the public. The ideas of local Neothink® Clubhouses, local meetings, even a local political movement are introduced. The approach is to still keep our secrets within our society, but to now invite quality people at large into our newly named Neothink® Society of Secrets. We are transitioning form a Secret Society to a Neothink® Society of Secrets.

Level Five goes through, in detail, the three meetings to be held in the newly forming Neothink® SOS Clubhouses, as follows: the Introduction Meetings, the Workshop Meetings, and the Clubhouse Meetings. Level Five also goes into detail about the development of a new political movement now named the Twelve Visions Party.

Level Six solidifies the structure of the new entities, the newly forming local Neothink® SOS Chapters, the internal workings, the applications. In this meeting, the “marketing machine is complete” and is ready to move forward.

The Third Leg – Levels Seven through Nine – Moving Forward

Level Seven identifies the two pillars holding up the anticivilization – politics and religion. This historic meeting delivers a plan to trump those two pillars through our Neothink® Society of Secrets in order to peacefully take down the anticivilization.

Level Eight presents the big picture. In your eighth month, you will see the major movements that will come out of the Neothink® Society of Secrets. You will see the coming Twelve-Visions World. In this world, people live with great wealth, health, and peace. They are happy, exhilarated, in love, and looking for eternal life.

Level Nine releases the specifics on the first of several major movements to come out of the burgeoning Neothink® Society of Secrets. This first major movement is the political movement designed to trump politics and begin to take down the anticivilization. The Neothink® Society of Secrets, from within its Tier Two, will spread its first major movement across the country, and then the world. (Correction: In Level Nine, I misspoke, accidently saying “the eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.” Note that I meant to say “the winning percentage of eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.”)

The Fourth Leg – Levels Ten through Twelve – Engaging Public

Level Ten prepares apprentices for mentoring lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now ready to put priceless values back into the Society of Secrets, including mentoring and helping lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now openly invited, during the last leg of the journey, to bring their talents and skills into the Neothink®SOS to make it stronger. Becoming a value creator in the Neothink® SOS, living one’s Friday-Night Essence, is exhilarating beyond description. Just imagine seeing one’s own value creation moving forward the Neothink®SOS Goal, the Superpuzzle . . . you making a difference in the course of mankind. Level Ten also digs deeply into the new Twelve-Visions Government structure. For the first time, Mark Hamilton reveals integrated specifics behind a never-before-known government based on service rather than power, bringing to our planet a never-before-seen freedom paradigm and unprecedented wealth, health, and peace.

Level Eleven opens its arms to these high-level apprentices who finally experience their full human potential, unburied during this journey. Upon finally knowing their hidden abilities, these special apprentices in their final leg of the journey can finally know and access the persons they were meant to be. Level Eleven provides you with . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Eleven.)

Level Twelve points the world-wide Neothink® SOS juggernaut straight toward . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Twelve.)


762 Responses to “Meet Your Mentor”
  1. jermelda fore says:

    Mr.Hamilton I’m not computer savey the book that I received about Miss Annabelle’s it is an enlightment I really injoy reading the bookabout her.I’m sorry every since my accident I don’t remember alot the book is very good.well I’m going to finish reading this book so I can get a understanding good i will be paying my 30.00 a month fee

  2. Dear Mr. Hamilton:
    I am honored to includ my name under your mentorship. If there is any other way, I could express my gratitude besides saying Thank you, there would be no hasitation for me to do so.It is hard for me to imagine how I feel, if I am standing in front of you and talking to you directly in person. While I am typing this note/message to you, I am trying to pinch myself if I am dreaming or I really writing a note to the Mark Hamilton Author and Mentor of “The Neothink Society”. Thank you for sending me this information so I can start my journey of joining Neothink Society meetings and training.

  3. Shilah Castonguay says:

    Mark, I enjoyed the tapes that I got from you and the book you sent me . I have read all the books.I also enjoyed the Dr.Wallace book. I went and made the arragments for my sisters funeral. It was a sad time for me but I know where she is at .

  4. paul purdy says:

    I’m still skeptical. I have started my own business, I do believe in the manuscripts it has changed my thinking a lot! but this sounds to good to be true!

  5. Ana S. says:

    Hi Mark,

    First of all I would like to thank you for the manuscripts that you and father Dr. Wallace had written I have learned so much by reading these books.
    My hopes are to be the person I was meant to be soon.
    I am still reading Miss. Annabelle’s Secrets.
    I am half way through the book and also reading Pax NT.

    Thank you for all your efforts.

    Ana S.

  6. Hello Mark
    My name is Laird Gearhart I am a Born Again Orthodox Christian, I know that a human soul goes to 1 of 2 places when that person dies,1 that soul goes to Heaven if that person was a Born Again Orthodox Christian, or 2 that soul goes to hell if they are not a Born Again Orthodox Christian. I arrived at the above statements upon arriving at the essence of the above subject of Christianity after 40 + years of study on the subject.
    The Christian God (Jesus The Christ)2 ED member of the Holy Trinity is coming back to earth very very soon to claim His Throne. The Christian God Loves all human souls and wants to save as many human souls to him self as possible.
    The Christian God has been proven by scientific means to exist.
    On other subjects I am also an inventor, artist and musician.
    As an inventor I am offering to all illuminati members a 10.5% finders fee on the net profit of all orders over 1000 units ( a unit = 1 complete Clear It kit) of the invention Clear It. To you personally Mr. Hamilton I am offering an 11% finders fee on the net profit of all orders over 1000 units of Clear It. NOTE all orders are first come first pay, I won’t pay 2 people for the same order!
    Note Clear It, is patent pending.
    What is Clear It, it is an invention to clear dried medication from ASTHMA inhaler despensing devices, this invention may be viewed on the catalog page at on your internet explorer ( the blue e ).
    As an artist I am offering 11″ x 14″ pencil portraits of human babys for $400.00 per baby, in my vocabulary a toddler and above is not a baby. I am offering oil portraits for $3000.00 per person. For toddlers and up this includes bust portraits only. 3/4 and full portraits are more money this to be discussed on an individual basis. These portraits can be done from photos, NOTE the oil portraites must have the flesh tones applied at personal settings, all food, lodging and travel expenses for me or for themselves are to be paid for by the client. The above portraits are 90% warranted and the monies will be returned upon the distruction of the drawing/painting, NOTE the monies for the food, lodging and travel are not refundable. Note this is a limited time offer!
    As a musician I have composed 4 Christian Songs and am composing a fifth. In the future I hope to receive gigs, etc. for the above.
    I Praise and Thank the Christian God for all that I have.
    Thank you for reading this Mr. Hamilton, hoping to do business with you in the future.
    Laird G. G.


    Hi Mark; I have read a lot of what everyone has been saying, but I have many problems in my life more so in the last 4 years. But lately I am not sure what is letting things happen, that I don’t understand. I will be sitting alone Reading or just thinking & it is like I am not alone. I have voices asking me questions. I don’t know the voices, but I answer the questions, but when I look up knowing there can’t be any one here with me. (of course there isn’t but I still have to answer the question.)
    I want to understand but I feel things I can’t explain, & have started to like day dream about things maybe because I wish things were different.Or maybe things will upset me because someone is doing things & it feels wrong & sounds wrong to me I want to change it but I have know Idea how to do it.
    I have always felt like I don’t belong here. When I was small 5 or 6 years I felt I was with the wrong family I didn’t fit in right. I got married I tried but I didn’t fit there either I would go off & sit by myself. I am now 62 yrs. & I still don’t know where I should be. I don’t fit in. Is there something you know about me to help me. I would like to fit in some place & fit in with someone.

  8. dedarah lewis says:

    Hi Mark Hamilton this is Dedarah, I like most of the people commenting am a slow reader, I am trying to learn the photoreader program to speed up my reading but i agree i do read slow and sometimes over and over to comprehend what i have just read but plan to continue this journey. Oh i almost got mad when i thought i couldn’t make to the meetings until i typed it in correctly i had been typing something else instead.
    Now it works. I am still reading Miss Annabelle’s Secrets,and its interesting.


  9. Lynn Moore says:

    Hi Mark Completed all 12 levels (actually for the second time). Still getting reminders to make sure to log in to secret meetings. I do plan on reviewing mtgs if OK.

    Lynn Moore

  10. carol benck says:

    Hi mark
    I am having difficulties with this .I have a hard time knowing what Im supposed to be doing or how to get on to the web sites you are talking about so Im probably way behind everyone . I mentioned to you earlier that I need someone to show me as I learn faster that way. I am wondering if their is anyone in my area that could be of help to me . my situation is ,I have had a severe brain injury years ago and I have came along way and would love very much to be able to do this for myself. I have endured many trials and tribulations in my rehab and have troubles understanding something if I have never heard of it. So what Im asking is to help me to do this because I truley want to become an over achiever under my sercomstances and make my life better. One of the problems is I have internet but only at the library and only sertain days they are only open to 5 or 6 depending on the day of week. My other problem is my money situation I live pay check to pay check with little left over so my other question is do these phone conferences cost money and how long are the meetings and what happens if I cant do them? or if I cant attend an out of state conferance because I dont have the money to travel? If their is anyone that has read this and can help me out please contact me at and just so I dont delete the message use the word society as a code and I will read it. thank you for your time

    sincerely carol

  11. frank ball says:

    Hi, Mark . I am frank Ball I am reading the great books you sent me and feel that we have met since i have the bible you wrote some years back. I cant help but wonder how to get to the life i want to live but the books are opening a whole new world slowly but surely. I cant thank you enough for the life i’m going to live. Thanks again Frank Ball,Jr.

  12. jason stearne says:

    hey mark how u doing this is jason stearne i havent heard from u in a while how are u i thought u where pissed at me cuz u stopped writeing ihave been meaning to tell u four some time im sorry about what happend to your father but i just got a hold of a email

  13. vincent carlisi says:

    vincent carlisi

    mark I have received all 3 books ,and I am trying to read them all but,
    I am a very slow reader ,and I am having a problem comprehending alot
    of the information in the books, I guess Iam a slow learner,maybe I
    have too many things going through my mind where I CAN’T CONSINTRATE
    ON ONE THING, is this going to be a problem for me,can neothink help!

  14. Shilah Castonguay says:

    Hi Mark, I love all the material I read.I even sent for the 5 tapes. As you already know I am a hair dresser and some of the people I work with I like and others I don’t like.

  15. Kenneth Day says:

    Hi Mark
    I purchased the book of secrets a few years ago i started reading it but for one reason or another it got lost or misplaced when i ordered the book i never received any contact info i had no way of contacting anyone I was never
    assigned a mentor
    A few weeks ago i received a letter in the i read the information about a secret society and that it had many rich and famous members i thought to myself i have read this before
    I started digging through my closet , old boxes and i found the book of secrets. I have started reading it again and have many questions

    Thank you for contacting me I cant wait to start experiencing all the great things neotech has to offer, but i need a mentor and i need contact info can you help me? what can we do to get me caught up and on the right track
    Thank You
    Kenneth D.

  16. Tamarah Mack says:

    I can’t say thank you enough Mark. The books and the information within the material is so powerful. But, I think that I have sort of gotten of track. I accepted a new job making more money, but due to the hours working overnight, I barely have time for my FNE which is causing me to become frustrated and leading to stagnation- I don’t want to go backwards, I want to go forward in discovering the person I am meant to be. . In the meantime, I am looking for another job with some decent hours that I can get back into my FNE because the money isn’t worth neglecting my FNE. I have made too many accomplishments like the publishing of an ebook and etc.. by using the mini day, powerthinking, and FNE. I don’t want to go backwards.I am open to hear any suggestions for me you may have.

  17. Curtis Lane says:

    Is it too early for me to be attending the meetings? I am excited about being selected and what I have learned about myself so far, but I am only half way thru my second package. I would feel more comfortable once I’ve completed all the reading


  18. Valley Laganiere says:

    Seeing as how I’ve paid for the books and the year I will continue with these. However, I see that you actually haven’t gotten all of the facts or information. I see that you aren’t the ones, but I will try to assist all. Eventually those that seeded us here will return and I personally am not looking forward to the whining and crying.

  19. Allan Mayranen says:

    Hi Mark Hamilton,
    Just starting out. 76 years young. I’d like to have financial freedom with no bills to worry about. I think excellent health is the most important thing to be concerned about. God Bless.
    Al M.

  20. Upkar Sachdeva says:

    Dear Mark, my comments are not going through you tube.I have basic knowledge of computer.I have completed my twelve lessons and I am reading your website which I got it by reading the comments of neothink members. This wedsite is very valueable and must be read by all members.I have an old version of windows XP needs upgrading. Thank you Mark.

  21. Owen Williams says:

    Hi, Mr. Hamilton.
    I think I met you or your brother in the mid 1960’s. I don’t remember the name though.
    Neothink has improved a lot since the ’70s when I first read some of the material.
    Please keep improving.

    Owen Williams

  22. Raymond Ebbeler says:


    Because this is Level I do I need to wait to progress to level II at the end of one-month? I really like to absorb the valuable content when I have something of value to share with others. Is there a limit to how many comments you submit?

  23. bruce prince says:

    I had been looking for A LONG TIME for someone like Mr. Hamilton, (who could explain what was WRONG with life) The answer came in (three large books) I would not take any amount of money, gifts, or anything else that could be offered for my journey so far with neothink, and i’m only level 2. I look forward to a long,learning,and profitable experience with Mr. Hamilton and the rest of the wonderful people I have met so far. Mr. Fagan, Mr. Moore, Mr.Defcoteaux, and the beautiful sound of Mrs. Jacqueline Browne’s accent on the internet. I certainly look forward to a meeting with each and every one of these and ALL the rest of you wonderful (now truly free) people who have been given the best and most precious gift in this MIXED-UP world.

    Bruce E. P.

  24. Anthony Jordan says:

    I am reading the books very slowly. The reason for this comes with the fact that I have to absorb concepts at a specific rate. I am not slow. I just have to have time to allow the information to infiltrate my spirit, and soul.

    I thank you for selecting me. I will do my best to integrate with all the energy available to me, in this society. I know with the astrological chart that I have, I am meant to do great things. I will realize and perform at my full-potential, once I relax. Placing so much pressure on myself to do well, causes me to burn out. I journey to the inner part of my world to alleviate that.

    Thank you again for this opportunity to soar, and never sink again.

  25. basil hylton says:

    Hi Mr Hamilton thank you for accepting me and for helping me to find me. I have very little computer skills and find it hard to look at the screen, within minutes i have to stop and start all over but i will try my very best to keepup. thank you.

  26. Sarah Brethorst says:

    Mr. Hamilton,
    I would like to express my gratitude to you and the person who selected me, for giving me Hope once more…. Life has thrown me some curves that I struggle to understand, and be ok with. I’m struggling to really get into all this because my world became so chaotic and out of control. I keep reading bits and pieces when I can focus enough, and I’m slowly coming out of the fog. I truly desire to be Happy and Content, and show my wonderful daughters how to achieve this, also. Thank you for the Loving boost and the encouragement to strive in Life once again. Yours Ever So Sincerly, Sarah

  27. Henryka Towarnicki says:

    Hallo Mr Mark Hamilton-Thank you for chench my live,oll you do its mirico for me,I see my live dyfrent way ,I doig fine,I hav my own business Cleaning service also i invest for realtstate property.I boliv God hi open the dor for me vith you halp,I thank you a milion times I never forgat abaut to rest of my live for you.the book Mss Annabelle’s its the best book I riding,I order the Pax ,bat i don receywet yet.I receywet for my nev frend the CD:(you wish Is Your Command) olso i pay a Gin members, I try to do my best to lern 10 min mirico, You with the God provayd me.I boliv dys monc grow me op .You ar the best teacher, I boliv I em lucki,healthy, bat i has to no hau crate to rili,rili love, Thank you agen Henrieta T.God bless you

  28. Pablo Palacios says:

    Hi Mr. Mark Hamilton;

    I really want to thank you for letting me part of the Neothink Societ I will like to tell you that I want to be a posible source to enter on the Spanish speaking possible members. I have the capability of translating.
    And also I would like to see the posibility of taking the Neothink Society to Latin America, the Caribbean including Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico of course, the US Virgin Islands, ectra.
    I am certain that TVP and Neothink is the change we need in the whole World to be what we are ment to be.

    Thanks from your Pablo P.

  29. Robert Rentzell says:

    Hi Mark I have done more reading in the last two mounths than i have ever read in my life. Thank you I hope to get to meet you some day.

  30. Hello Mark
    I have gotten your letter to sign up yesterday and I posted
    Do you normally reply to a post on this media or my mail.

    Trying to absorb, this project/Scociety
    certainly is different

    As the book you have written, to place a value, especially on Time.
    Once that hand passes, that period is Long gone or forgotten and to relive that time, is certainly not possible, so we look to what the future will really hold.

    My best and met vriendelijke groet as it is said in Holland

    Victor de T.

  31. leonard broach says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton
    I want to thank you personnally for this platform which parallels many of my beliefs all thru my life. I’m very proud to have become a member.

    I also wanted to reply to your last letter and express my great sorrow. I lost my father at the age of 22, even though it has been over forty seven years I still feel the loss and not being able to share my successes and my set backs, I truly know your pain. I am truly sorry that I do not have the funds available to make the purchase of his great work at this time, I am currently on social security disability and have no disposable income at this moment. As you stated in your letter it has a greater value than is being asked. Well I agree and I will gladly pay the price when I become able to I truly respect yours and Dr. Hamiltons works and insights to the truth. Yours faithfully Leonard L. Broach.

  32. Doris DeBord says:

    I am in bad health..I do not want to miss out on the progress of Neothink. I want the gifts you say I am gifted with. I want to help, how can I help, I still have not had a break thru?????

  33. James Moore says:

    Hello Mr. Hamilton:
    I’m honored that you selected me to enter the Neothink Society.I’ve completed the first three books and I’m excited to enter the secret meetings.But I’m having a slight problem.Shortly after I completed the last book,I was involved in an automobile accident and was in the hospital for a couple of months.After I returned home,the letter to enter the meetings was waiting for me.I tried to enter the meetings but was denied access because the password didn’t work.I see on this page that it says that you read all comments, so I hope you notice this one.I would greatly appreciate it if you would E-mail me and let me know how I can access a password.I can’t wait to enter the meetings. My E-mail address


  34. Rosann Ogden says:

    Hello, Mark

    I have been having a difficult time of late because of my honesty. I knew I would have a difficult time working for others and really gave a lot to my Friday Essence over the past year before you contacted me. I have been bullied my entire life and my lastest attack was over my unemployment. I came home and cried because I am worried as to what i am going to get accomplished and how much money I truly need to survive alone thrive. But what happened was before I got Miss Annabelle’s story. I actually heard my voice as a child come back to me and it really scared me. I jumped out of bed bur it also confirmed what it is that I need to accomplish and that is publishing a book about bullying and some survival tactics that worked for me. It breaks my heart to see teenage suicides over bullying and the timing is right for marketing such a book, so I hope that you will help get me started in the right direction to make that happen. My time is running out, I try to be a leader by example that happiness is our prime responsibility to outselves but it gets very difficult to be alone and I thank you for accepting me in your society and right now I need allies to help myself so I can help others. I also acknowledge that I have an anger issue with all of the sets backs that I experience because of neocheaters. My child says “I’ll show you, to my bullies” that is so true I would love to be a successful happy person that I deserve to be inspite of them. Please contact me as soon as possible, I have questions that need answered to help me more forward.
    Thank you for listening,


    P.S. I thought how far I would gone with a teacher like Miss Annabelle, I would love to be her student now regardless of how old I am, count me as her 13th student!!!!

  35. Neil Lowrey says:

    ready for change can only get better

  36. Ambrose Barry says:

    I am having ahorrible time getting in the first level. The problem comes from the fsct that the first time I tried I had no sound so I shut it down. I got the sound fixed and tried to go bact on but it would not let me in. It said my password was already used. what do I do now?

  37. john braswell says:

    dear mark i do not have my own computer i am having to use an office computer at my girlfriends job. i do not like having to talk to you like this. i had to borrow the money tobe able to purchase the three books that i got from you. i don,t even have a job right now,and my unemployment has not kicked in yet. things are really bad for me right now. please send me your personal adress so i can write you.any and all help you can give me right now is greatly appreciated. i will send you a picture of myself along with more info, on me i will not be able to get these meetings because of my situations i really am between a rock and a hard place. please help! sincerely john t. braswell. my # (919) 440-6873 101-a derek dr. golsboro, nc. 27530

  38. Jason McMillan says:

    Thank you Mark for your insights and sharing this important knowledge.

    I was getting extremely frustrated, looking for answers and having difficulty understanding why some things were so hard.

    Your writings have opened my eyes, put me on a level playing field with cheaters and pulled me from a rut. I am extremely grateful.

    SOS – I have finally found people on the same wavelength. Life will never be the same!

  39. Tammye Lindsey says:

    When reading the first book I stopped smoking. It gave me the tools and confidence to stop. After reading the section on being attractive to the opposite sex by not smoking and being in shape I wanted to quit so bad, but didn’t know how. I’d tried several times and always went back to it. Then it happened, every cigar made me nautious, so, I thought it was the cheap cigars, then, I tried the one’s I liked the best, same thing, so I went back to cigarettes, same thing. After a nine days of everytime I lit something up, it making me nautious, and feeling awful for 20 to 30 minutes at a time, I realized my mind and body were actually telling me to stop. I may be slow, but eventually I will get it. It’s been that way with a lot of the information I’ve been absorbing. Thank you for my life back.

  40. Bessie Prickett says:

    Thank you Mark Hamilton for the wonderful experiences that have come from your literature and the twelve level meetings with you,which I have finished, I am looking forward to the Mentor program, and I appreciate all of the new knowledge that has come from the integrations with other members. Much Love and appreciation. Bessie Prickett.

  41. IM very thankful; to be a part of the twelve vision/neothink world I can keep hope alive;with tvp.and thank you mr,mark hamilton for the help you have giveen me.when we will get things straighti it will payoff;thank you.

  42. Gary Griffiths says:

    Hi Mark. I also want to thank you for inviting me into the main event. I just received my third heirloom package and love it.

    Thank you,
    Gary Griffiths

  43. Joseph Bangura says:

    Joseph Bangura says
    January 20 2012 @ 2.47 AM

    Hi Mark Hamilton,
    Thank you for considering me in your NeoThink. I have just registered today and am excited for what the future holds. Please be patient with me as am very slow in absorbing your wealth of information from heirlooms.

    Joseph Bangura

  44. Kevin Lehman says:

    Mr. Hamilton, 1-16-12 Thank you for the new life experience and the awakening that goes with it!I HONESTLY and WHOLE HEARTEDLY mean this from the tips of my toes to the skies not the limit! I am seriously looking forward to the days in the future when we can power think together with all the energy and focus that only God-Men and God-women can harness.God-Speed to you and all Brethren in the C.of U.LOVE YOU BROTHER, Kevin Lehman

  45. Daniel Gonzalez says:

    Neothink® replace my glasses for I can see the guest vision of the New World.
    I am so gratefull with you Mark Hamilton for select me to this incredible journey, for your great mentoring,your devotion, and your wisdom. I also gonna say thank you for wrote the magnificent Heirloms.

    Daniel González.


  47. Alfonso Chan says:

    Hello everybody, we all have heard what Mark Hamilton said about being ourselves to sell, we are selling ourself for people to really understand what you are offering them. It’s what we felt,learned and benefited from Neothink Society. Just sharing to all what I’ve picked up from listening to Mark as a selling point if we really have to market Neothink Society. I’m also reading back my Heirloom Package and it really helps staying focus and I’m really looking forward for what we’re heading. Lets build C of U. Thank you all……….


  48. arpad.j CSIZMADIA says:

    arpad j
    December 17 2011 at12:15 am.


    Mark Hamilton one of the “GREATEST AUTHORITY” of the “NEOTHINK SECRET SOCIETY I hope all of you take VERY POSTIVLYY what he explained to you and to us in the short VIDEO!! Your FUTURE your WELTH your HAPINES could change very “DRAMATICLY”!!!-PLEASE DO NOT LET GO ISILY..You and us need more study and INFORMATION AND A POSITIVE DRIVE!! More you learned more you gono LOVE IT!!
    arpad j.

  49. princess says:

    Im waiting on reply to my mentor contact me

  50. mary guo says:

    Hi, Mark Hamilton:
    Thank you. Thank God opened the door let me in to have that opportunity for life, happiness, prosperity, I followed God foot step my business and my life total will going to change that is GOd was promissed and plan. I really want to meet with you someday which tell you my personal have big problem, I need your help I know you will. I am will expecting that day.

    THe Miss Annabelle’s Secrests I haven’t finished read but It is a easy absorb
    book. I’ve Gotten new that is I never hard that concept before. I’ve love that book. Thannk you.

    by the way. I want to know what friday night playing?

    mary Guo

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