Saturday, March 15, 2025

Meet Your Mentor

August 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Secret Meetings

A Synopsis

The First Leg – Levels One through Three – Getting Ready
Level One opens the door to the person you were meant to be as you learn how to play as an adult. By discovering value creation, stagnation quickly gets replaced with exhilaration, and the child of the past returns. Your life leaps to a new level as you tap your deepest motivational root through discovering your Friday-Night Essence.

Level Two reveals the highly-guarded Neothink® SOS hidden secret, the coveted Ten-Second Miracle. The Ten-Second Miracle provides you with another powerful path to value creation – to the life you were meant to live. Indeed, the creation-driven life is what the human mind is supposed to experience; value creation brings values to society and pride and happiness to oneself . . . and is the answer to the often-asked question, “What is the meaning of life?” Your Friday-Night Essence and the Ten-Second Miracle are two powerful secrets to value creation.

Level Three unveils how and why you were chosen to join the Society of Secrets now the Neothink® Society. You also learn our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret. That meeting teaches you about the Forces of Nature and the Forces of Neothink®…and the powerful marketing forces of both. It also explains how common denominators can be used to pull forth those powerful marketing forces. Our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret prepares you for the next leg of the journey.

The Second Leg – Levels Four through Six – Forming Entities

Note: When I disclosed this secret information, I believed we would bring in the public through a network marketing approach. However, as I pursued the legal ramifications of network marketing over the course of this second leg, I finally decided not to take that risky approach with something so important as our goal to change the world. Keep in mind, while listening to the Levels Four, Five, and Six meetings, the network marketing approach will NOT be pursued after all, however the integrations and ideas still hold true. In fact, those apprentices forming A-Teams NOW still sit on top of a burgeoning and unstoppable movement that will grow very large. The concepts all still apply as we stay with our secret division-of-essence Neothink® Marketing Structure as found in your first Heirloom Package and forego network marketing. In the long run, our marketing approach will far surpass and outlast network marketing. Now, let us take a look at the second leg of your journey, forming local Neothink®SOS Society Chapters:

Level Four introduces the concept of taking the secret society, for the first time, to the public. The ideas of local Neothink® Clubhouses, local meetings, even a local political movement are introduced. The approach is to still keep our secrets within our society, but to now invite quality people at large into our newly named Neothink® Society of Secrets. We are transitioning form a Secret Society to a Neothink® Society of Secrets.

Level Five goes through, in detail, the three meetings to be held in the newly forming Neothink® SOS Clubhouses, as follows: the Introduction Meetings, the Workshop Meetings, and the Clubhouse Meetings. Level Five also goes into detail about the development of a new political movement now named the Twelve Visions Party.

Level Six solidifies the structure of the new entities, the newly forming local Neothink® SOS Chapters, the internal workings, the applications. In this meeting, the “marketing machine is complete” and is ready to move forward.

The Third Leg – Levels Seven through Nine – Moving Forward

Level Seven identifies the two pillars holding up the anticivilization – politics and religion. This historic meeting delivers a plan to trump those two pillars through our Neothink® Society of Secrets in order to peacefully take down the anticivilization.

Level Eight presents the big picture. In your eighth month, you will see the major movements that will come out of the Neothink® Society of Secrets. You will see the coming Twelve-Visions World. In this world, people live with great wealth, health, and peace. They are happy, exhilarated, in love, and looking for eternal life.

Level Nine releases the specifics on the first of several major movements to come out of the burgeoning Neothink® Society of Secrets. This first major movement is the political movement designed to trump politics and begin to take down the anticivilization. The Neothink® Society of Secrets, from within its Tier Two, will spread its first major movement across the country, and then the world. (Correction: In Level Nine, I misspoke, accidently saying “the eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.” Note that I meant to say “the winning percentage of eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.”)

The Fourth Leg – Levels Ten through Twelve – Engaging Public

Level Ten prepares apprentices for mentoring lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now ready to put priceless values back into the Society of Secrets, including mentoring and helping lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now openly invited, during the last leg of the journey, to bring their talents and skills into the Neothink®SOS to make it stronger. Becoming a value creator in the Neothink® SOS, living one’s Friday-Night Essence, is exhilarating beyond description. Just imagine seeing one’s own value creation moving forward the Neothink®SOS Goal, the Superpuzzle . . . you making a difference in the course of mankind. Level Ten also digs deeply into the new Twelve-Visions Government structure. For the first time, Mark Hamilton reveals integrated specifics behind a never-before-known government based on service rather than power, bringing to our planet a never-before-seen freedom paradigm and unprecedented wealth, health, and peace.

Level Eleven opens its arms to these high-level apprentices who finally experience their full human potential, unburied during this journey. Upon finally knowing their hidden abilities, these special apprentices in their final leg of the journey can finally know and access the persons they were meant to be. Level Eleven provides you with . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Eleven.)

Level Twelve points the world-wide Neothink® SOS juggernaut straight toward . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Twelve.)


762 Responses to “Meet Your Mentor”
  1. Joy Danforth says:

    I don’t know why I was chosen howver I am eternally grateful. My family was looking to leave the USA as we could not see live here getter better. We could not find another country then along cam your invitation and I see the world can change. I have two grandchildren the same age as Anabelle taught and want to get this same information to them. I have not found my motivation but know I will get assistance from you. I am so excited to know everything so I can began helping to make a difference in everyones life.

  2. sylvester green says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton,
    I’ve been looking for your web site for months now,glad I found it. I read the three books, sometimes until 7a.m.I Wonder how you choose me because I don’t feel any different from anyone else. I DO HAVE DREAMS for instance,I dream of a super healthy body,a intellegent mind, be able to heal people,be able to grow teeth in my mouth, to have clear vision, to be able to hear clearly,to be healthy,wealthy,have a lot of honest friends,to help my 4 children live a much happier live for the rest of their lives.AND A BIG THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING ME.I can’t wait for the 10 second miracle, so I CAN REALLY CHANGE MY LIFE, and help other people somehow.I ALSO WOULD LIKE TO DIGEST EVERYTHING I READ.And be able to read the minds of people. Q. What is a gravatar? so long for now.4am.

  3. James Spanier says:

    Hi Mark I attend my first meeting. I like to say I really like what you said. am 58 years old. I never had a job i didn’t like. I have all ready intergrated. It was 15 years ago. I have seen a city somewhere in the Unitd States. They had a school that was neo think. The students on friday night had a problem to souvled with their parents. e students would tried to come up with a soultiom. I again I like to say thank you very much Jim Spanier

  4. Gladys Copeland says:

    dear mr. Hamilton, my flash video stopped working, windowswill not open it and that I needed to find a program on line to open it. What should I do about it? becausemy dream of what could have been and now It’s gone. Help!! Gladys C

  5. gilmar juarez says:

    Hi MR. Hamilton
    i never like to read before but after i start readding your books i like it
    it is been good to me some how i got more energy and i am happier .
    specialy miss annabelle s secrets wich i am only hafway readding.


  6. Garry Harms says:

    Greetings Mr. Hamilton! It’s nice to be able to put a face to the author of the fine Heirloom books.

  7. Gladys Copeland says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton, I read a comment about a few video’s for lessons, 1,2,3. where will I find them? The lessons, are there something in the books to explain the Ten-second miracle?, and how will I find it. Please Reply Soon.respectifully yours, gladys C

  8. Hector Mata says:

    It is a pleasure being part of this great society!

  9. Gladys Copeland says:

    Dear Mr.Hamilton I received my pax-tech, very well written and easy to read. Thank you for including me. I have not been able to attend the meetings vir the webcast, but I called by phone a few times. I hope this week it will be available. I”m very interesting in my 2nd level meeting.

  10. System does not allow completion into members only website. Please advise.

  11. Kenneth Seaton says:

    My comment is to thank you for all the work you and your Dad plus all the other people in the World Neothink Group.

    It is refreshing to discover an ethical group of minds that want to share
    with others.

  12. gezim says:

    mr.hamilton i bot you bokk but i do not undrstend weri much i am emigrant from balkan i ned you help wer i bot you bokk sos member will soon call me to sendme password but nobadi did call me i ned you help i wont to start may conpany for export import i dont know so much about it ples help me so i ken understend what to du .thank you
    gezim breznica

  13. Allen Jump says:

    Mark Hope you are ok. So Sorry for your loss!! I have experenced alot of Trama in my life aswell. When i was 19 my daughter was just born 2 days before my accident. I was on a motercycle going to see her after work, and a lady driving a bronco turned in front of me!! My left arm and leg below the knee were Ripped off Me. Had a pint of Blood left in me, and Instantly Felt Peace with Everything!!! I know that if you are Truelly Happy and have Internal Strength, A person can Overcome the odds. No one thought i would make the Flight to Rochester, Min. I use to lower my heart rate before each surgery and Wake up during!! I also chased the Pain out of my leg, Mother of Necessity I call it.. I can also reduce the pain in my arm by releasing endorphines into it.. and i can see the Smallest detail in a Situation and Figure it Out!!! I worked Hard Labor for 20 some years, 14 with one arm and one leg. I could out Work the people around me in 5 hours..not bragging! Being factuall. I Rebuilt Altenaters for a company and came up with a Alternater that Kicked Ass.. Course my boss is a Neocheater and took credit, He also kept me over a Barrel as did the State with my Insurence. Anyways I just helped designe my new arm!!! 112 thousand dollar Electric Arm. We made 8 sockets and I Changed the way it works..You can not see me move to Opperate the hand and Elbo!!!! I Walk 2 miles a week and lift weights.. Thought You should know Who I Am. Take Great Care MARK, ALLEN SCOTT JUMP. o ya my Great Great Grandpa lived to 103 and i had a Grandma live to 94, and she RAISED ME till i was 5. I am IRISH!!!!

  14. Raheem Cleveland says:

    First off, Im sorry for your lost. Id like to talk about alot but i right now id just like to send my condolence.

  15. Hi Mark,
    It has been a long journey the last few months. I am finally at a point where I can feel the progress-though it is slow. MEANING MY SURVIVAL! It is better now that I have moved into my own apartment. I can come and go as I please. Do the night thing such as stay up and do a Friday Night Passion as I call it when I please-sometimes every night. I will finish moving – rest a couple of weeks and then look for a part time job. I will do each lesson now as soon as I can each month. I do not use shared computers to do my lessons-although I had to use my sisters for two months. My books were packed away in storage but I brought them home and now each night I read the manuscripts. Lots of intersting reading. What do you know about the secret hidden realms? I have been in them several times. Once when I had my brain aneursm and other times also. The most intreaguing time was when I wrote my Prophecy Keeper Song. I not only wrote the song-I also experienced the song! I wish I could speak with you on the phone about these realms!!! I just want to let you know I am serious about the lessons each month-just somethings were out of my control!

    Thanks for the great teachings!

  16. Vanessa Miller says:

    hello iam glade to be a member. of the group and hopping. to hear form you think for being. my mentor.

  17. Blair Tarley says:

    I have been doing alot of thinking – I am beginning to see some things I didn’t notice before. First of all the higher educated we become the less likely we are to fall for ritual thinking. Currently the muslim religion is on the rise here in the in the US because the education system has fallen down in educating our children. If children are educatd properly they think for themselves. The muslim religion attracks the uneducated to violence – I don’t know if I am being clear, but I am seeing things like this because of your books

  18. Harley Brenner says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton,

    First off thank you all for choosing me. I am forever thankful and full of gratitude. This is spectacular, I feel like power is constantly flowing through me. This is super invigorating, and I am now able to cut through the lies and injustice of the anti-civilization, like a hot knife through melted butter. I know for a fact that not even death itself can stop me. If it did I would just come back again. Knowledge is power and this knowledge pulls the weeds out of the garden of my mind, and allows that garden to flourish and create the fruits of life! I could write more, but I will save some for later.

  19. John Littriello says:

    Dear Mark,

    Please forgive me for writing twice in one day. After thinking about my comments, I realized how shallow my words might sound. In particular, the part where I talk about my money working for me, instead of me for it. I do apologize. Those words sound like all I care about is money. Addtionally, I feel I would like to tell you that I do not base my success on money alone. Health, family, quality of life, spirituality,the ability to learn,kindness, empathy,passion,drive,love and many other things fall under the umbrella of success for me. So please forgive me if I sounded materialistic.

    Also, I want to tell you I have read and am currently re-reading Dr.Wallace’s Journal. Mark, I am not ashamed of myself to tell you, that allot of the information from page 550 through page 582, Going to “Heaven” and beyond are way over my head. I was blown away the first time I read it, and it continues to capture my attention. I love to learn.

    So Mr. Hamilton,I wish to say thank you again. I want you to know, I spend hours and hours re-reading my 3 Neo-Tech books. I have learned in my life that success leaves clues. Also, I definately know that knowledge is power. We all have personal power. We all can live with passion. Happiness is a choice. In my life, I always try to innovate, not immatate. I cannot wait to continue the learning process with you. I know in my heart that someday I will understand the above stated. (pages 550 to 585 and beyond).

    Lastly, I must tell you. I wake up every day and ask myself,how can I create value for my fellow man. I go to sleep asking the same question. I know our minds are like iceburgs. 10 to 15% on top (conscious mind) 70 to 80 % under water (sub-conscious mind). I feed my mind with Neo-Tech information each and every day. I will find my essence. I will become a value creator. A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins. “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”). Thank you Mr. hamiltion, for your appearence!

  20. John Littriello says:

    Dear Mark,

    First, I would like to thank you for allowing me to be a part of the Neothink Society. I am brand new. I have read all three books, ending with Miss Annabelle’s.

    Mark, I have been the owner of my own business for 10 years. It’s seems to me, that I have hit a wall. I am very successful, have always wanted to “be somebody” and have strived all my life to figure out life.

    By hitting a wall, I mean, I am unable to grow. Furthermore, I feel and have felt, “out of balance”. I am more successful than I ever dreamed I be, yet I want to do more. In particular, I’d like to realize some balance in my life.

    My work has become my life. 16 to 18 hours per day I work in my own restaurant. It’s successful, but there is no time for anything else. Friends, family, social activities,trips, time off are all things that the business prevents me from cultivating. OUT OF BALANCE. I have managed to paint myself into a corner. Love the business, love the success of the business, don’t love that it is taking my whole life to keep it going. It’s truly a mom and pop operation.

    Whew, thank goodness for Neothink. I am looking forward to learning how to balance out my life. I would some day like my money to work for me, instead of me working for it. I believe the Neothink Society will teach me balance. I look forward to your leadership. Thank You for the opportunity. I know you will help me find my Friday night essence.

  21. Hi Mark!
    The law of Awareness says that:

    Somewhere around you is someone
    or something to help you fulfill
    your life purposes.

    Thank you for your invitation here!

  22. Alex Anderson says:

    Again Hi Mark,
    I already value created a unique greenhouse system & I only have 6 months for my Provisional U.S.Patent to expire for me to create it into reality. I am a first day Apprentice with not much money to work with & realise that you are saying that the apprenticeship covers one year for me to get into the depth of Societies abilities. My question is, can you advise me of a way to extend the life of the Greenhouse before the patent runs out? Faithfully-

  23. Alex Anderson says:

    Dear Mark,
    It is with much pleasure & anticipation that I have been invited to participate in your dynamic adventure now seen through the eyes of three heirlooms packed full of wonderful knowledge, common sense & feelings. For all this I thank you & your father.

    As to what I can offer your dream is the knowledge & experience of an eighty year old, with such a zest for life, health & the back ground of a great Scottish schooling & technical education whilst as an apprenticed engineer, at a shipyard. Then on to being a design engineer in Australia, working on many worth while endeavors for thirty two years. After which, I arrived in the U.S. where I have not been blessed with interesting work up until one year ago when the Company I worked for went into bankruptcy. Being out of work for the first time in my life was actually good for me in that I was also an inventor I realized that my mind must give me & my wife the answer for survival. The answer was quick! I am now joyfully involved in developing, in detail, an amazing greenhouse which I am certain can be successfully sold all over the world to a quality food starved people living in questionable climates.

    This is now my dream, now formulated in detail & backed by detail drawings & a U.S. Provisional Patent. My next Puzzle is,” I now need help to launch my dream.”

    As to my personal Consciousness Development & there has been many, described as follows:

    My father gave me a great start in life, in that, his thinking was extremely open & he was also an inventor/engineer & steered me gently into a very thoughtful, happy way of life.

    I was never into spiritual thinking until I arrived in the U.S. where I became a “Reiki Master” which showed me how powerful the conscious mind is.

    Following my Reiki experience I became a student of the Great Work in The School of Ancient Wisdom-Yelm WA. & taught completely by Ramtha, a Master. My time in the school was 15 years & I left the school some 10 years ago because of financial problems but gained much knowledge. You would be interested to know that the focus was on “Consciousness & Energy Creates the Nature of Reality” This teaching was given as detailed knowledge & unending practice based on consciousness is everything & was indelibly proved to the school of perhaps 100,000 people from scientists down to normal people.

    Mark, I was staggered by how close, in many areas, came the teachings of Ramtha, over a thirty year period, compared to your Neothink teaching & I will be thrilled to experience the depth your teaching will also take me.

    I can assure you that I am completely in tune with your dream & applaud You & your Dad for the meticulous work developed into this mind blowing vision now in progress.

    I & my wife Gabriele, two happy people, do thank you & concur most wholeheartedly with your big picture.


    Alex Anderson


  25. Roland Lariviere says:

    Mark,can I bitch? My first heirloom package got destroyed in the mail and received it late.My third is…I don’t know.Miss Annabelle’s Secrets are still a mystery to me.Hey, I’m not upset,just a bit disappointed. I realize now, how quite dead my mind was until I started to read the books. You know, you might have just saved what’s left of it. I hope your finding some humor in this! Hey, before I go I wanted to say how stimulated my dream state is…odd.It’s challenging at times,but, I’m trying to have a good time. Thanks,I’m very grateful.Can you see to it that I get my third heirloom,I really need it,sincerely.

  26. William Schroeder says:

    Thanks for taking me on! I’ve been my whole life on this. I welcomed Dr. Wallace’ book and then his big book and your early writing. This year in January I turned 86. In February I relished a great telephone reunion with a briliant THIRD GRADE classmate I met in 1932.

  27. Zuzana Fancovicova says:

    Dear Mr.Hamilton

    Thank you again for everything you are doing for this world.I’m very happy to be you student and I would like to go to leve13 but I have no access since December last year.Can you help me with this please? Best Regards Zuzana

  28. Jose says:

    I am very proud to be a new person in this organization.
    I have all my wish to be the very best and learn as much as I can, so I can help myself and my fellow partners. I am looking forward to get as much knowledge as I can possible get. Thank you.

  29. mehrdad says:

    constance ,,, you are right thats what i thought , that they got me wrong but something is going on , they might , we will see , i have not seen any yet

  30. mehrdad says:

    Hi mark , a lot of reespect for you as a genious , i have not finished the second one , but i started the thired , not much new so far but interesting, where we are going ? whats the name? I admit though , that you got my attention .

  31. Constance M Stonnington says:

    Dear Mark,
    How very refreshing to read the other members’ comments. I, too, am wondering if you mistook me for someone else as I don’t know quite what I can contribute. However, I am all fired up and ready to go and am especially keen to hear what you all think of the goings on right now in this world of ours and what can be done about it. I love your books and thank you so much for this opportunity to b a part of something wonderful ( even if I am a mistake! )
    Yours sincerely,

  32. Larry Marshall says:

    Hi,Mr.Hamilton, I want to thank You!,For picking Me!! I don’t know all of the powers that You see in Me,how ever I do know what My F.N.E. is; I was working in that field when I was in My 20’s,But through young pride,and stupidity,I quite,and went from Law Enforcement,into operating Heavy Equipment,and I still want back into what I Love!!!!! One of the powers,that I know that I have,because I did it once,and it worked;I was able to pass My thoughts to someone,and they stood up,and looked straight at me,and Said,Fine then You can Have Her !!,and then He went out of the apartment,and I never seen Him again;WHAT a rush!!! That was in 1972,and I haven’t tried it since.I would Like to with perfect that skill,along with mind reading,with Professional help!,and use those skills in Law Enforcement !! Thank You !!!!! Larry

  33. Elizabeth Downing says:

    Mark –

    I got my answer from Admin., which I appreciate their quick response. Sorry I didn’t see it before sending the previous message. Please disregard that message. Thank you.

    – Elizabeth

  34. Elizabeth Downing says:

    Mark –

    I left this message on the first page so please forgive me if this is repetitious. I attended the Level 1 meeting last Monday, but have not gotten any information about the level 2 meeting. Please let me know how I may attend it. Also, I did send in a question during that meeting about Zon. Thank you.


  35. admin says:

    You will automatically advance to the next level 30 days from the first login on level 1. You will continue to use your existing user name and password for the entire 12 levels and of course to go back at anytime to revisit any of the levels. Each new level is added to your site every 30 days.

  36. Elizabeth says:

    I attended the level 1 meeting and would like to know when I get the information for the level 2 meeting? Thank you.

  37. Frantz Jones says:

    Hi Mark. My name is Frantz Jones. This is my first time on your site. I am not quiet sure how to find my way around at this point. Thanks for choosing me

  38. Thomas Gillem says:

    Hi Mr.Hamilton, I’m still reading through your third book,Miss Annabelle’s Secrets.I’m excited to be involved in value creation and am already on my way to more knowledge as I’m enrolling in a reputable college at the ripe old age of 49.Hopefully the Pel Grant will help with experiences.Integrated honesty! Wow!I hope to become part of the secret meetings soon.It took a while to read but so far,i hope to start making the mini-day work for me as I have a lot of to do’s.My free year of meetings started a little soon so i may have missed out.I hope to get the Pax book if i can afford it.Thanx for the heads up on life.I’ll soon become a little God-Man myself hopefully.Things happen but, we find ways to overcome hardships in our lives through vision.I hope to get your next book soon.This ones hard to put down. Honestly, Thomas Gillem

  39. Shawn Brandt says:

    Dear mark,

    I just want to say thank you for the opportunity(s) that you have presented before me.

    All my thanks,


  40. Philip Barber says:

    Dear Mark, I have been a slow starter, due to financial issues and just recently I fell on the ice and broke my ribs. I will be getting a computer at home which will make it much easier for neothink meetings etc.. not easy in my office. Please have patience as I want to get started and turn my life around. I welcome any advice ,sir.


    Phil Barber

  41. Norman Larsson says:

    Hi Mark, Thank You for your services to mankind!!! Neothink is the best information I have ever put my hands and eyes on!!!! I spent a small fortune to get nowhere and now I wont have to go through anymore seminars for wealth and get rich quick schemes, Neothink is the real deal!!! I had been out of work for almost 2 years with no unemployment, savings depleted and a bankruptcy filed, moved in with my brother who was down to 4 day weeks for the last 2 years and finally am back working in August and now I am trying to get a business started by the end of February, I love where this is taking us all and I am completely on board in every way!!! 🙂

  42. Letha Tobias says:

    Mark, I am on level 4. I updated my password and it reset me back to meeting 1. I like all you meetings. But I was so looking forward to level 4.

  43. Mark McConney says:

    I have patiently waited for this opportunity I knew it would eventually come Many Thanks . I know all will go well I am even at this early stage better understanding my reading material Love and again Thanks Mark

  44. Willie B. Sharp says:

    Hi Mark:
    First let me thank you for including me in the Neothink group. I am a retired grandmother with three young live in grandchildren. I don’t have a lot of time on the computer as we have to go to the library to use one. I am still working on discovering my Friday Night Essence. I am also anxious and very eager to find out how and why I was chosen to join the Neothink group.

    Thanks again for including me.

    Willie B. Sharp

  45. Eric Kovac says:

    Hello Mr. Mark;
    I really don’t know why was I choosen, so far I don’t think I have any extraordinary talent…and I first I thought that it must be a mistake, however I kept on getting the books out of disbelief and curiosity.
    And here I’m now, in these secret meetings hoping that some of the teachings will rub off and change my life.
    The timing for change could not come at the best moment…I’m almost on foreclosure, I’m in a relationship with an alcoholic partner for almost 23 years, but I have hope, that somehow I’ll rise above it all and I’ll free to start living the life I was meant to life…I’ll give this a chance!
    Eric. Pasadena, CA

  46. Larry Vaughn says:

    Hi Mark I can’t seem to get threw steps 1,2&3 trying to see the videos, i click on the icon for wide screen and nothing happen. thats part of Y im behine, need help. can’t wait

  47. Zuzana Fancovicova says:

    Dear Mark
    It is my pleasure to learn from you.I’m waiting for next books and material.Thank you with all my heart. Zuzana

  48. Braulio Oro says:

    Hi Mark,
    I am still halfway with Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and decided to try to start with these meetings. I do not know how this works yet so I will go slow and will let you know if I have any question. Regarding myself I am 63 years old and retired. I close my business last February of this year and filed for early retirement. So far I am having fun with all the free time I have now by playing tennis and doing chores around the house. I just hope I can get something going with these books and these meetings to fill-in the extra hours that I have now that I am retired.

  49. Leland Adamson says:

    Hi Mark I want to thank you for picking me I don’t understand why yet but in time I will. I am not a book reader but here lately I just can’t put it down. I am 42 and dissabled. I have always been a hands on person. I injoy doing things like that but I can’t do that any more and it is so depressing to me. I am working on trying to start a computer biness. It alot of fun but it is not going very well because I don’t know much about it. I haven’t found my FNE Yet But I guess it will take time. I fight with my ingery a lot whitch takes a lot out of me. And fighting to get a income comming in is no fun. But like I said for some reasone I can’t put your books down. I look foward to talking to you. Thank you

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