Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Meet Your Mentor

August 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Secret Meetings

A Synopsis

The First Leg – Levels One through Three – Getting Ready
Level One opens the door to the person you were meant to be as you learn how to play as an adult. By discovering value creation, stagnation quickly gets replaced with exhilaration, and the child of the past returns. Your life leaps to a new level as you tap your deepest motivational root through discovering your Friday-Night Essence.

Level Two reveals the highly-guarded Neothink® SOS hidden secret, the coveted Ten-Second Miracle. The Ten-Second Miracle provides you with another powerful path to value creation – to the life you were meant to live. Indeed, the creation-driven life is what the human mind is supposed to experience; value creation brings values to society and pride and happiness to oneself . . . and is the answer to the often-asked question, “What is the meaning of life?” Your Friday-Night Essence and the Ten-Second Miracle are two powerful secrets to value creation.

Level Three unveils how and why you were chosen to join the Society of Secrets now the Neothink® Society. You also learn our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret. That meeting teaches you about the Forces of Nature and the Forces of Neothink®…and the powerful marketing forces of both. It also explains how common denominators can be used to pull forth those powerful marketing forces. Our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret prepares you for the next leg of the journey.

The Second Leg – Levels Four through Six – Forming Entities

Note: When I disclosed this secret information, I believed we would bring in the public through a network marketing approach. However, as I pursued the legal ramifications of network marketing over the course of this second leg, I finally decided not to take that risky approach with something so important as our goal to change the world. Keep in mind, while listening to the Levels Four, Five, and Six meetings, the network marketing approach will NOT be pursued after all, however the integrations and ideas still hold true. In fact, those apprentices forming A-Teams NOW still sit on top of a burgeoning and unstoppable movement that will grow very large. The concepts all still apply as we stay with our secret division-of-essence Neothink® Marketing Structure as found in your first Heirloom Package and forego network marketing. In the long run, our marketing approach will far surpass and outlast network marketing. Now, let us take a look at the second leg of your journey, forming local Neothink®SOS Society Chapters:

Level Four introduces the concept of taking the secret society, for the first time, to the public. The ideas of local Neothink® Clubhouses, local meetings, even a local political movement are introduced. The approach is to still keep our secrets within our society, but to now invite quality people at large into our newly named Neothink® Society of Secrets. We are transitioning form a Secret Society to a Neothink® Society of Secrets.

Level Five goes through, in detail, the three meetings to be held in the newly forming Neothink® SOS Clubhouses, as follows: the Introduction Meetings, the Workshop Meetings, and the Clubhouse Meetings. Level Five also goes into detail about the development of a new political movement now named the Twelve Visions Party.

Level Six solidifies the structure of the new entities, the newly forming local Neothink® SOS Chapters, the internal workings, the applications. In this meeting, the “marketing machine is complete” and is ready to move forward.

The Third Leg – Levels Seven through Nine – Moving Forward

Level Seven identifies the two pillars holding up the anticivilization – politics and religion. This historic meeting delivers a plan to trump those two pillars through our Neothink® Society of Secrets in order to peacefully take down the anticivilization.

Level Eight presents the big picture. In your eighth month, you will see the major movements that will come out of the Neothink® Society of Secrets. You will see the coming Twelve-Visions World. In this world, people live with great wealth, health, and peace. They are happy, exhilarated, in love, and looking for eternal life.

Level Nine releases the specifics on the first of several major movements to come out of the burgeoning Neothink® Society of Secrets. This first major movement is the political movement designed to trump politics and begin to take down the anticivilization. The Neothink® Society of Secrets, from within its Tier Two, will spread its first major movement across the country, and then the world. (Correction: In Level Nine, I misspoke, accidently saying “the eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.” Note that I meant to say “the winning percentage of eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.”)

The Fourth Leg – Levels Ten through Twelve – Engaging Public

Level Ten prepares apprentices for mentoring lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now ready to put priceless values back into the Society of Secrets, including mentoring and helping lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now openly invited, during the last leg of the journey, to bring their talents and skills into the Neothink®SOS to make it stronger. Becoming a value creator in the Neothink® SOS, living one’s Friday-Night Essence, is exhilarating beyond description. Just imagine seeing one’s own value creation moving forward the Neothink®SOS Goal, the Superpuzzle . . . you making a difference in the course of mankind. Level Ten also digs deeply into the new Twelve-Visions Government structure. For the first time, Mark Hamilton reveals integrated specifics behind a never-before-known government based on service rather than power, bringing to our planet a never-before-seen freedom paradigm and unprecedented wealth, health, and peace.

Level Eleven opens its arms to these high-level apprentices who finally experience their full human potential, unburied during this journey. Upon finally knowing their hidden abilities, these special apprentices in their final leg of the journey can finally know and access the persons they were meant to be. Level Eleven provides you with . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Eleven.)

Level Twelve points the world-wide Neothink® SOS juggernaut straight toward . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Twelve.)


762 Responses to “Meet Your Mentor”
  1. Lori Bjelland says:

    Hello Mark – wow – this is short as I keep losing what I write – technical difficulties! Looking forward to speaking with you asap – have much to share! I had many visions 3 decades ago that seemed important like Noah’s Ark – yet you wouldnt believe what all has transpired – I’ve met only one kindred spirit in this world yet who has passed so I am excited to meet you – seems we share many ideas!

    Best regards, Lori

  2. Philip Gallant says:

    Looking forward to the new Clubhouse program so that I can communicate with other members. Any way to do so until then???

  3. Josette Pulliam says:

    Dear Mark Hamilton:
    The day I recieved your first letter, I was at a crossroads in my life. I was not exactly making the right decisions, I was in despair over personal problems eating away at me almost every single day. I was completely taken aback at how you could possibly know anything at all about me, when I had walls of “privacy” all around me. In your first book, I saw myself. I understood everything. I was trying to figure out how you intgrated “ME” into it as if you were with me all the time. I am mystified and marveled that you have chosen me to take this next Journey into the future, I am truly blessed and eternally thankful to have you on my side, I shall forever be grateful to you for giving me this opportunity to always do more, Thank you for all your help now and in the future I am looking forward to it! – Josette

  4. Andra Morehead says:

    good day to MR. Hamilton
    its nice that you and your peers has chosen me today i got my 500 page book after i mailed out a letter to you. well i have nothing left i also had a 360 spinal fusion on my L5 and am not able to work any more. but my mind is also is good. i come up with so many ideals. it crazy. as i was reading i cant help but to say it really in so many ways its a repeat of how i see life and the way i think. its scary . i hope you have something that can tap into my head to bring out what lies deep inside of me. I feel lost and so stress out i dont know wich way to turn . so am all in . i dont truly understand why i was pick but for what reason i was then i know am here for a reason indeed. so i hope you got that magic that will boost my mind where it just comes out and there will be no stoping me.. when
    am reading this book is telling me 2 differnt things like its talkkg to me about me and telling me about neothink this group reach out to me. i hope they are really ready to take me under there wing and teach me.but right now in my life i may be out on the streets with no money no house for my kids to sleep my hole life is in the hands of a judge . so what ever it is that i got go or do am all in. So neothink you sent for me here i am how are you going change my life arroubd and how can i help you take me am all in.

  5. Shonn Allen says:

    I may have made some mistakes in previous posts, but I’ve got it now. I am deeply honored to have received this knowledge. I know many have not. I cannot thank you enough, and I look forward to learning and growing more.

  6. james dobbe says:

    Mark Hamilton I don’t know what you know about me but I hope you know me better then I do I hope that you can get what you thin will help me finish my life will alot morthen I have had th last 30 years ince my heart attack in 1992.I have been living from month to month on SSI.I don’t know much to say as now I hope I can get what you know I must have to enjoy th rest of my life feeling great about my self So I hope you can put a big smile on my fce and let you read in between the lines. So I will send this toyou THANK YOU MR.HAMILTON

  7. Jimmy Thompson says:

    Hello Mr.Mark Hamilton im looking forward to learning the ways of financial freedom from the internet; and the secrets of society. I have a 11 year old daughter that looks up to me and depends on me for everything;she is the joy of my life! I feel like im letting her down by not giving her a better life and future . Im 50 years of age and have very little to show for all of my hard work. I suppose i’ve just always thought my hard work would pay off one day but i have had very little success with that.

  8. Shonn Allen says:

    Greetings Mr. Hamilton.
    Firstly, I am deeply grateful to be here, am likewise grateful for what I’m learning, and have definitely seen the effect of it in my life since I have been utilizing these tools.
    I have been offered the newest Manuscript, and am writing here, now, to let you know I DO want it. But I have to wait. I’m actively engaged in a few real estate programs and will have to generate some revenue from a potential closing…I will, of course, have to get the property under contract first. I feel funny publishing this here, but in THIS vibrational reality, I have only $237 and some odd change in the bank. I, of course, am working on that and did powerapproach a way to get things done.

  9. Russell Anderson says:

    Hi… I have been reading all three manuscripts and with the content of them I am honored to be sending this letter to you. Like some of the others who have written above, I can see that I might have read the instructions incorrectly or I need to reason that this is a test for me to decode the message so I can get the username and password I was assigned to.
    I understand that you know much about those you have written to and these wonderful people have been through much in their lives and have love and compassion for themselves and others from the looks of the manuscripts you have written. This, I believe, is the reason you chose me to enter this test.
    The company that I have started in 2008 is based on the study of water of which began with research on what is called the oldest lake in America or the last of the oldest see-able volcanoes along the Ring of Fire located in California. With this study we have found that the origin of water begins within every planet and is finally released the atmosphere. The concept that all of economy is based on water gives us an understanding that we can now create an economy that will not pollute the planet, plus will heal the earth and bring an abundance of water and money to those who can change; has been the goal of this research since 1997.
    I don’t exactly know how you have gotten my address but I am happy to share with you this research because in all of these years of doing it I noticed that it is difficult to teach those who have believed for thousands of years that water only comes from the sky.
    I’m pretty sure this must be the reason you ave chosen me for this mission. But maybe not. At any rate, I’m up for the challenge.
    I have done the workshop you have written in the third book and it is wonderful. I matched it with the executive summery I have written for my company in 2014 and it is similar to and enhances my ideas. Thank you
    Russell Anderson

  10. Patrick & Terri Rasmusson says:

    Hi Mr Hamilton

  11. Charlie Joy Morgan says:

    Hi, I’ve finally got to this place but still haven’t been able to get to my 1st meeting. It’s very agervatin! For some reason I’m not getting an email with a password so that I can get to my 1st meetin. What I’m I doin wrong? As you can tell I havn’t any skills on a computer. I can turn it on and look at emails that sums it up.I’m not sure how I can help you. Had to retire last year because my mother had a stroke. Have been learning to be her caregiver because she wants to stay home. It’s not easy seeing my mom lose her memeroy and other things. But she is the most presious thing there is. Family takes care of family. Hope you can find the time in future to tell how to get to a meeting. THANK YOU VERY MUCH , Sincerely, Charlie Joy Morgan

  12. Douglas frank knox says:

    iKnow I’m getting ahead of myself , but I just keep wondering what the majority of people will react when we bring the Neosociety change the world idea to the public. Will it be mass confusion or maybe mass overjoyed, I’m sure we will lead into it a litte at a time.?

  13. Eric Watkins says:

    Hi! Mark. I have the three books. But I’m on the first one. I’m a very slow reader. I hope this will not put me at a disadvantive as to receive other benetfits in the Society. I do need a financial broke. I’ve been married several times, and I have been through two family courts for child support. Would you please send me the books in audio so I can keep up. I’m looking forward to my first introduction. Thank.

  14. kenneth holt says:

    Mark, I thank you and the society for being allowed to join something I feel that I have been waiting for my entire life. I have been very skeptical about this because I grew up being the poorest kid in school and was raised by my mom (along with 4 sisters) no father figure, living in st.Louis. I have been through a lot the past two years, it’s been the worst period of my life leaving me alone and broke, just surviving from month to month. This is what is my delay with purchasing the literature. I don’t have a debit card and I pay as I go and it takes time for me to save money for anything extra , going without food at times to purchase another bullshit program that doesn’t work. I am still reading the books but have a problem focusing on anything because of my family and all the blind sheep around me. Sometimes I just wish I had someone to talk to, which is something that I have never had either, like a father, a mentor or someone to confide in and get good life advice from. It’s hard for me to ask anyone for anything because the answer is usually no. Looking forward to changing my life and see how many people I can help along the way. Thanks and hope to see you soon, kenny

  15. Roy Cochran says:

    Hi, Mark
    I’m “forging ahead”, slow as a sloth, since about 1990.
    I’ve purchased ahead on the books. My insurmountable, slow-read ‘skill’ is what prompted me to prematurely get on this site (livelihood responsibilities/mistakes have relegated these most important things, unavoidably,to secondary-position going on 31 years, now…sort of as attempts to squeeze “a camel through the eye of a needle” [sorry about the ancient, sea-scroll-based cliche]).
    Little doubt “the cart will remain as to be before the horse”, for some time more,as I’ve so much to have to read or die striving.
    I’ve ‘tasted’ use of the techniques on the job 30 years ago, and in a relationship 28 years ago, so I am familiar with their real powers of love and ‘prosperity’ (increase though better organized efforts).
    I’ve wrote a little of what I have to express’
    Thank you, again.

  16. William Bruce says:

    hello again…Would you please spell Mr. Hamilton’s name correctly for me ? Thanks

  17. William Bruce says:

    This is my second visit to this website..and time I thank you, Mr.Hailton.
    I wonder if you would have considered me..if you knew my age. I feel certain
    I will be the oldest member of the society( yes, MS/MRS Earlyne Barrs, relax..I
    am much older than you) Fortunately I have been blessed with positive thinking
    and a good attitude most of my life. Right now, I have 2 businesses in mind I
    would like to would require a bank loan..which I am not willing to
    do. The other one is a product I am thinking about field I could
    start it with my own funds..but hesitate because of my age.

  18. Douglas knox says:

    I’m not a slow reader just slow at grasping what I have read(all my life) but when I get the idea better I am unstoppable! Thanks for having faith in me Mark , because that helps trmendosly

  19. HELEN A BROWN says:


  20. Lotus N Gates says:

    Greetings, Great Love Mark Hamilton!
    What a Level One Meeting Yesterday! It was awe-inspiring and truly Magickal! My AHAs, three of them all in all after Mark finished Speaking, were contemplations that I felt like my Higher Self was coming and running to The Rescue of My Inner Child, that was filled with the Descent of the Axiom “As Above So Below So Below As Above!”. I was thrilled! After my initial shock that I Got what I Got and Nothing Else, I was delighted to feel my Higher Self come right out from inside my heart to carry me in Its Bosom! It was like an experience of Surprise, that my Yin and Yang suddenly got Balanced! I did not analyze my “Take” of my experience. I stayed with the experience Witnessing my Reality! It was the emergence of the Dot I was speaking about which represented the Fundamental Nature of my Love Nature! The Dot stayed, and remained Unchanged! It is, was, and IS! I just saw the Magnanimity and the Amplification of my Life! I am a Living Being! I had an experience of what I mean every time I exclaimed: “Oh! That is so Neat!”. Mark, you are a Natural phenomenon, such a Dreamboat and a Heartthrob! I am grateful that you are alive on Earth in this same lifetime as my lifetime! How very generous of you! Thank you! – ML – Lotus N Gates

  21. Earlyne Barrs says:

    Good morning.I am an 80year old ladyand I read inthe 12th Vision people only lived into their age of 60s,70s,and 80s and I feel very blessed to have been selected at my age to join the Neothink Society. I want to thank you Mr. Hamilton for that.But my question is that with so much of my life already lived, does it make sense that I still want to live longer and help to eracidate aging and death? Are there other men/women in the Society old like me?

  22. Ella Mae Murphy says:

    I have read all the books that you have sent me, some I have two or three books the same, on some. I’m suppose to be in your pocket. No more letters, or any thing, are you alive, Believe me I don’t understand, I don’t have what you say that others have or gotten from you. Mark Hamilton, are you for real, when am I going to meet you, or hear from you. Call me. Where your books are sold, I’m sure they already have my address, and phone number as well. If not here is my phone number: 1-937-492-6508. Call me! Ella Mae Murphy, 10806 Little Turtle Way, Sidney, OH. 45365. E-mail. maiden name Clark! To: Mark Hamilton!

  23. George West says:

    Hello Mark, I look forward to meeting you. I agree with what I have read. Your books are a Great look into the future. Neo-Think is a way a Great way to change the World we live in. I look forward to meeting YOU.

  24. Jeremy Rogers says:

    I just want to say that I agree with everything that I’ve read so far, even though I’m not the world’s greatest reader(especially in small print). But at this rate I will be. So for the love of life and a better world, I need to figure out how to put the letter I into the word team, just need more time to think about it. After all if there’s a Will there’s a Way(Right) know goals to high in my book. Only what is, and not illusions for me thanks.

  25. Corina Beavers says:

    I am grateful for all this, I am so thankful you have chosen me, I hope to see what you see in me someday! I have not finished all the books yet, But I hope to have them all read soon!
    I feel I have so much I can learn from all this.. I do wish there was a Audio version.. I would so listen to it over and over!!

    Thank you for my heart for all of this,
    Corina (Rina)

  26. Kimberly Bowen says:

    Hi Mark Hamilton I am very new member and i am wondering if i am reading the right book you told me to read the third heirloom. Is that the one with the three keys on the front of it since i am so new to this i just want to make sure i am doing it right.

  27. Nishan Bhatt says:

    Hello Mark Hamilton. I was wondering when my level 02 of the secret meetings will start. It’s been more than a month and I’m still on level 01. Thanks.

  28. Henry Rolands says:

    Words alone cannot express how much i have become. Thank you Mark Hamilton. i look forward with intensity to absorb. Yes you found me and i am grateful.

  29. Sergio Munoz says:

    This is unbelievable

  30. mmurkve says:

    hi, I just want to say, that thanks to Mark Hamilton, I have went from an attitude of hopeless Servitude Fueled Nihilism masked with a carefree optimistic Charismatic Entrepreneur Business Man, to a person who fully understands his purpose in this unfortunate Jewish Subversionist Run Simulated World, I have been shifted into since the Year of 2001, where the two timelines separating our world,(where the war on terror began/twin towers toppled) and the world of the Original Twelve Visions Party Formed and took control of their respective timeline. I am in great hopes of self-affirmed Ambitions, that I can get a leg into the political system of my local WI Congress By Getting in as an Intern , And gradually working my way up all the way to the top of the political rigged US Congress, Cleaning House, and Thereby being the US’s “Saviour”(this comes from the AMC Tv Show The Walking Dead(where I got a great deal of my selfless heroic inspiration from). I’ll See you all at the polls tomorrow morning, and as you may already know I’ll be voting for the only good choice out of the 3: Potus DJT. He may not be a top man for the job, but by golly with him up there in charge we may just save this formerly doomed timeline yet!!

    After all, when enough, is enough, it doesn’t matter who’s Originally at fault, Two Wrongs Will NEVER Make a Right, and someone(me) has to step up and be the bigger man and make it fair for EVERY Race(Though with some monitoring for (((Certain groups))).lol.(something these timeline handlers desperately need to learn a hard life lesson at).

  31. William Clyde Bynum says:


  32. Joshua Brown says:

    Due to my Unemployment money not coming since July 22 its been kind of hard for me to move around Financally and Buy what I really want. Im not sure if I am elgible for another chance at the 2 New fourms I Recieved but if I am I ask could you send them again. After Checking My status there should be Money coming towards me 10/14/2020 I Hope. Thanks!

  33. Janet says:

    I must say when I got your first letter and invite it was exactly what I have been waiting for all my life.
    It was as if you have known how I have been fely for so long.
    I am looking forward to learning more now with 3 books covered and waiting for the 4th
    to arrive.
    again I appreciate you

  34. Steve Rapella says:

    They are monthly on-line meetings with Mark Hamilton and yes you can go back and review any month at any time

  35. Calvin Stone says:

    Please describe to me the monthly meetings. Are they daily, weekly bi-weekly?
    Is there any way we can go back and study previous ones?

  36. Calvin Stone says:

    Mark, finally got into my first meeting today. How many meetings do we have each month? I want to be able to stay on schedule I want to share some private personal information with you. Can I do that via email?

  37. Calvin Stone says:

    Mark, I finally got in. I have completed three three Heirlooms and enjoyed all of them. I marked several areas in the third manuscript you wrote and went back and to study so to better understand what you wrote.
    I really have enjoyed getting the letters from members of the Neohink@Scoiety members with all the positive things they enjoy as members.
    I can see, when the time comes, that a lot of work and time will be spent toward get the Twelve Vision Party established.

  38. Robert Richards says:

    I AM CURRENTLY READING BOOK 4. Falling behind a little bit. But still working at it. Great Info.

  39. Jonathan Hilliard says:

    I am honored to be a part of this movement of integrated thinkers!!! The sky is limitless for us!!! What beautiful concept being able to live out your dreams and passions. I am totally on board and I look forward to the first introduction meeting!!!

    I have all 3 manuscripts and I am currently reading the 3rd one!!! It’s hard to put it down once I start. I’m organizing time to read more into my schedule.

    I wish there was 1-800 guide to assist with reflections and discussion!!!

  40. Anthony Devine says:


  41. Gary Hinckley says:

    I am waiting for your next manuscript on Secrets after finishing all of your excellent three prior manuscripts. I can’t wait to join my monthly secret meetings; however, the navigation on the site is extremely frustrating since checking any of the links throws you out of the secure site and logs you out. This is time-consuming and frustrating as well as potentially dangerous due to the insecure location.

    Thanks for listening and I am anxious to continue the journey and mission of depoliticizing America and getting the Twelve Vision Party and Platform installed by Congress and a constitutional amendment so we can make the leap to the Civilization of the Universe and become ZenGods or Zods!

    Respectfully yours,
    Gary C Hinckley

  42. Tracie Armstrong says:

    Hello I enjoy the stories fr0m your books reading made feel like I was there watching the stories unfold I am still read the third book and have a lot to learn

  43. Jeff says:


    I blazed through manuscript one and although I now have the 1st three manuscripts I slowed down considerably to absorb the 2nd manuscript as I figured that information was crucial and I didn’t want to miss anything.

    At any rate, I am working my way through the 2nd manuscript. I’ve had puzzle pieces snapping into place even before I started reading the 1st manuscript.

    I just ran across something equally profound called Unified Physics. I was wondering if there is any association between Nassim Haramein and the SOS???

    Would it be possible to contact Mark via email or phone?


  44. Freeman Coleman says:

    I would like to talk to people that have become successful from this program and that can help me become successful like they have .

  45. Freeman Coleman says:

    Hello i was wondering if the books are available to in audio. my eyes are not the best anymore and i have a hard time reading the books.

  46. Julie L. Wallace says:

    Very honored to be here. Growing expeditiously… in leaps and bounds. I have 5 books now but am unable to access the 2nd level teachings. Please help I am hungry for more!

  47. xiu Haisty says:

    I’ve spent a few days trying hard to get in touch. Finally I’ve got onto this page. I’m curious Where it will take place? Don’t take me wrong, I’m not anxious at all!
    I am still working on Book 3. Good to see you. Thanks a lot.

  48. Erin Glidden says:

    Thank you

  49. Alice Crampton says:

    Hi, So far book one is really Amazing Miss Annabelle is really quite a Lady, Book two I am still working on and I have not gotten Book 3, still waiting over 10 days. I hope this will be as great as you say, Why you want me I am not sure. I am a witch of the Salem Ancestors but am happy to be part of this future you talk about. thanks.

  50. Olga Ibarra says:

    Hi, I’m surprised, honored and grateful for the choice you made for me.
    I already have in my hands the first 3 books,
    for now so far I will stop a little for what follows,
    This pandemic and without work does not help anything, I have had many car accidents and I have come forward with many difficulties but there I am walking little by little.
    My English is not 100% but I will continue working thanks.

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