Thursday, March 13, 2025

Meet Your Mentor

August 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Secret Meetings

A Synopsis

The First Leg – Levels One through Three – Getting Ready
Level One opens the door to the person you were meant to be as you learn how to play as an adult. By discovering value creation, stagnation quickly gets replaced with exhilaration, and the child of the past returns. Your life leaps to a new level as you tap your deepest motivational root through discovering your Friday-Night Essence.

Level Two reveals the highly-guarded Neothink® SOS hidden secret, the coveted Ten-Second Miracle. The Ten-Second Miracle provides you with another powerful path to value creation – to the life you were meant to live. Indeed, the creation-driven life is what the human mind is supposed to experience; value creation brings values to society and pride and happiness to oneself . . . and is the answer to the often-asked question, “What is the meaning of life?” Your Friday-Night Essence and the Ten-Second Miracle are two powerful secrets to value creation.

Level Three unveils how and why you were chosen to join the Society of Secrets now the Neothink® Society. You also learn our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret. That meeting teaches you about the Forces of Nature and the Forces of Neothink®…and the powerful marketing forces of both. It also explains how common denominators can be used to pull forth those powerful marketing forces. Our highly-guarded Neothink® Marketing Secret prepares you for the next leg of the journey.

The Second Leg – Levels Four through Six – Forming Entities

Note: When I disclosed this secret information, I believed we would bring in the public through a network marketing approach. However, as I pursued the legal ramifications of network marketing over the course of this second leg, I finally decided not to take that risky approach with something so important as our goal to change the world. Keep in mind, while listening to the Levels Four, Five, and Six meetings, the network marketing approach will NOT be pursued after all, however the integrations and ideas still hold true. In fact, those apprentices forming A-Teams NOW still sit on top of a burgeoning and unstoppable movement that will grow very large. The concepts all still apply as we stay with our secret division-of-essence Neothink® Marketing Structure as found in your first Heirloom Package and forego network marketing. In the long run, our marketing approach will far surpass and outlast network marketing. Now, let us take a look at the second leg of your journey, forming local Neothink®SOS Society Chapters:

Level Four introduces the concept of taking the secret society, for the first time, to the public. The ideas of local Neothink® Clubhouses, local meetings, even a local political movement are introduced. The approach is to still keep our secrets within our society, but to now invite quality people at large into our newly named Neothink® Society of Secrets. We are transitioning form a Secret Society to a Neothink® Society of Secrets.

Level Five goes through, in detail, the three meetings to be held in the newly forming Neothink® SOS Clubhouses, as follows: the Introduction Meetings, the Workshop Meetings, and the Clubhouse Meetings. Level Five also goes into detail about the development of a new political movement now named the Twelve Visions Party.

Level Six solidifies the structure of the new entities, the newly forming local Neothink® SOS Chapters, the internal workings, the applications. In this meeting, the “marketing machine is complete” and is ready to move forward.

The Third Leg – Levels Seven through Nine – Moving Forward

Level Seven identifies the two pillars holding up the anticivilization – politics and religion. This historic meeting delivers a plan to trump those two pillars through our Neothink® Society of Secrets in order to peacefully take down the anticivilization.

Level Eight presents the big picture. In your eighth month, you will see the major movements that will come out of the Neothink® Society of Secrets. You will see the coming Twelve-Visions World. In this world, people live with great wealth, health, and peace. They are happy, exhilarated, in love, and looking for eternal life.

Level Nine releases the specifics on the first of several major movements to come out of the burgeoning Neothink® Society of Secrets. This first major movement is the political movement designed to trump politics and begin to take down the anticivilization. The Neothink® Society of Secrets, from within its Tier Two, will spread its first major movement across the country, and then the world. (Correction: In Level Nine, I misspoke, accidently saying “the eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.” Note that I meant to say “the winning percentage of eighty to a hundred-million votes needed to win a presidential election.”)

The Fourth Leg – Levels Ten through Twelve – Engaging Public

Level Ten prepares apprentices for mentoring lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now ready to put priceless values back into the Society of Secrets, including mentoring and helping lower-level apprentices. Level-Ten Apprentices are now openly invited, during the last leg of the journey, to bring their talents and skills into the Neothink®SOS to make it stronger. Becoming a value creator in the Neothink® SOS, living one’s Friday-Night Essence, is exhilarating beyond description. Just imagine seeing one’s own value creation moving forward the Neothink®SOS Goal, the Superpuzzle . . . you making a difference in the course of mankind. Level Ten also digs deeply into the new Twelve-Visions Government structure. For the first time, Mark Hamilton reveals integrated specifics behind a never-before-known government based on service rather than power, bringing to our planet a never-before-seen freedom paradigm and unprecedented wealth, health, and peace.

Level Eleven opens its arms to these high-level apprentices who finally experience their full human potential, unburied during this journey. Upon finally knowing their hidden abilities, these special apprentices in their final leg of the journey can finally know and access the persons they were meant to be. Level Eleven provides you with . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Eleven.)

Level Twelve points the world-wide Neothink® SOS juggernaut straight toward . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Twelve.)


762 Responses to “Meet Your Mentor”
  1. MARY HODZEN says:

    Dear Mark I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I did not have enough money to join your group that I Truly Respect. I would love if you could let me in so you can be my Mentor next Month when I get paid. My son is 2nd LT. For Air Force and Aircraft went down and his instructor Died and someone parachuted out of plane. I call my son and told him I Love Him so very much but he has not called me back. It was my son Instructor and I was told that Brian was not driving Aircraft that day. I need him to contact me Personally. Texas is where it went down. I don’t drive and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mary MoM

  2. MARY HODZEN says:

    Dear Mark I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I did not have enough money to join your group that I Truly Respect. I would love if you could let me in so you can be my Mentor next Month when I get paid. My son is 2nd LT. For Air Force and plane went down and Crashed. My Don Brian his Instructor Died in Texas on Monday Afternoon I need someone to get a message to him to call Mary MOM so I know he is O.k.

  3. Martha Belle says:

    Hi Mark,

    I have finally finished the third book.(I am a slow reader)I enjoyed them
    very much. The first was the greatest! It was hard to put down, it was so
    inspiring. Sad at times, but mostly up beat.

    I am 81 years of age and have been retired for 7 years. I sure would love
    to see our Government cleaned up (Federal & State) and more honesty
    and help in our Medical field without the high cost.

    Mark, you are such an inspiration!! Looking forward to meeting you.

  4. Kenneth Dean says:

    Hi Mark: Thank you for taking an instrance in me. i have been reading all the material that you have sent me and I find myself moving forward in life just by applying the consept that you have layed out in your writings. I have applyed the numbers to almost everything that I do and it is making a differance in how I approch the task at hand. By applying the numbers I find that the ten-second-miracle begin to flow, becaues numbers matter. Useing the marketing consept( using the forces of nature)to appeal to others works. By making them feel that they need the services that you offer. I am looking forward to learning more and more about myself through your teachings.

  5. Hi Mark,
    I have just recently received notification from you that we are going for a wild ride!! I look forward to meeting you and discovering what life is on the other side of the universe. I have never had the opportunity to taste the water after it magically turns to wine. I hope I can enjoy the happiness and freedom to do what ever is necessary for my family. I am a Vietnam War Veteran and have been exposed to all the chemicals dropped from the sky and slowly but surely my health is starting to slip. When I die, I need to know the family will all enjoy happiness, love, and wealth while living in this crazy world, and that they won’t be afraid what tomorrow will bring. I will be quite truthful, I am scared shit, but, with you as my mentor I feel a lot more comfortable. Anyway, I am looking up at the stars and I’m ready to take the voyage with you Mark. LET’S GO FOR IT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN

    Hope to see you soon, Wandsie

  6. Robert Johnson says:

    Mr.MH Neothink I have to mention I recall the first time I realized the USofA and the rest of the world is corrupt with crime, greed and the rule of narrow minded man, was when JFK and Bobby Kennedy where assassinated. My mind just put together the puzzle pieces through my young years into one final puzzle. After this mind expanding experience I decided to live a quite life, work for the man and pay my bills. I had a lot of ideas for inventions when working. When hired I had to sign papers saying any ideas belonged to the company. So I kept them to myself. Since retiring I have returned to trying to market my ideas. Welcome to the world of complications. I see hope thru your writings and philosophy of life. The Prime Law, Twelve Visions Party best ever. The first book Wealth Health Peace on earth, I would like to lend to a friend to read, he thinks like I do. I noticed on the active member web there are two $30 charges. is this to pay to be able to communicate by phone? Thanks Bob.

  7. Roy Evans says:

    Hi Mark
    It was good to get the letter from you today. It looks like I have been on here before. I am so glad to be a part of this. I am over half way thru the last book. The first part slowed me down a lot. Now I find it much easier to read my head is spinning.
    Thanks for everything.

  8. Geraldine Gilmore says:


  9. Roy Evans says:

    Hi Mark
    I have finished reading the two books and waiting for my Last one. I hope it gets here soon. The first one was very easy to read and understand. The second one was very hard to understand at the beginning but got better about half way.
    When I started reading the first one it was like all my thoughts were right there in front of me.I think some how you got my thoughts and wrote them all down. Well anyway I think you wrote every thing out just right for every one to understand it. Just waiting one my last one to see where it will take me. I would really like to meet you soon and talk with you.

  10. william smith says:

    Mark,Man it is hard out here for a man like myself,To be able pay my bills and be able to buy to books one week and the next week can’t pay my first time dues,If you could really feel the hurt that I felt,don’t let me down now I’ve come to fire.I won’t to be apart of the Neothink that discovered me.I would be crushed if I got left behind because of the secret that suppress me from being the man Im supposed to be,hard as I work self-employed floor installer wood and ceramic tile custom showers…Mark thanks for the wisdom Wiseman keep seeking wisdom and knowledge.Mark I need a change of life from struggle…..Thanks love william smith

  11. Robert Henry says:


    One more tidbit–lol…

    Men have led a simple life up until when Jesus claimed to be God’s son…
    Then we kept improving until we grew up and forgot about Jesus…
    Jesus is my Savior and He’s everyone’s savior too…
    If we just believe He died on the cross our sins will be forgiven…
    With absolute loyalty to Jesus…
    The weight of our bodies lose just a tiny bit when we die, scientific experiments solidified that argument
    So our Spirit is energy, Einstein told us that energy has weight…
    When my brother died his eyes were transfixed on the ceiling…It was as if the Gates of Heaven were opened & Angels were waiting to greet him…
    So no one needs to convince me of the realm of Heaven…
    I saw it with my own two eyes…
    My brother is waiting for us in Heaven…Praise God…
    What has my mind made up is the events recently that could only mean there is a God…Very peculiar, even spooky…
    I would like to talk with Steve before that person contacts me…
    I definitely don’t want to blow this…
    They might call tomorrow…
    I lost many of my previous contacts because I appeared too eager for business…This lady who runs the food for the needy is sharp as a tack & one wrong move she’ll be gone for good…
    That’s it for tonight…Thank you for your wisdom, you are soooo cool…

    Robert Henry


  12. Robert Henry says:


    Hello my good man, hope you are well…All day long there have been instances where I swear, they were real but were not…Feel as if I’m losing my mind..I’m seeing things that I would never be seen before.
    Have you ever seen something you know is not real but you see it anyway? That’s the Kingdom of Heaven…It’s more real than any object you can hold…
    The Kingdom of Heaven
    The Kingdom of Heaven is like the radio waves you can hear but not see…Like television, which is on but where do the signals come from? Heaven is more real than anything we can imagine…Jesus is everything positive(+) in this world…Satan is everything negative (–)…When you’re feeling positive(+) you have a blessed day…But when you are not feeling well you’re having a negative reaction to a situation…

    (+) Positive is the absolute best we can hope for.
    (–) Negative is the worst you can ever be in..

    The (+) represents the cross, where our salvation comes from…The (–) represents the serpent…
    Why don’t people believe in our eternal soul when it’s crystal clear…God loves us so much He sent His only Son as a ransom for the many who are headed straight to hell…
    As He loves us so shall we love others–God’s love is eternal…

    Robert Henry


  13. Robert Henry says:


    Great tidings brother of GREAT JOY…
    It’s been an extremely busy day helping my mother…She just got the word that the cancer HASN’T spread throughout her body…Halleluiah!!!!!!
    That means it’s not her time to enter heaven….Which really puts a smile on my face because she’s just too precious to lose… Sorry, Mark, I was attempting to write but my mother needed my assistance…
    I realize you probably have the whole system wired…My room still isn’t finished because once I start on it something else comes up. So I’m writing this to you in a hurry before I’m requested again…My mother is so dear to me and I realize there aren’t many more days left to enjoy her…So I do whatever she needs when she requests it from me…Anyway brother, I got my prescription filled at the pharmacy…So I’m still flying high but I’ve got an appointment to see a Pain Management doctor at the end of this month…But I doubt they can help me because the pain is too damned intense…I’ve been with another network marketing business so I understand your frustrations…
    What you’ve accomplished with me there aren’t any words to give it the esteem it deserves…Because you have enabled me to retain my composure in the midst of certain chaotic events that are happening now…Wished they could be averted but I also understand that nature is a cycle and what comes out must be replaced…So I guess what I’m saying is my mother’s body is broken and needs spare parts but she won’t receive them while she remains alive…For her body needs to be replanted so she might rejoice once again…I’ll see her when I get to heaven, hopefully…Dinners ready got to go…Bye for now…

    Robert Henry

  14. Robert Henry says:


    Good morning brother, I awoke completely rested and ready for another exciting day full of surprises…
    Hope my thoughts are genuine because I feel as I feel as it’s not me but someone else’s body being transformed…If it is indeed me my thoughts are growing larger and larger every day which is great…
    I’m continuing to clean my room which should take the better part of the day if there aren’t any surprises…So much to tell you about me but typing that all out is daunting which keeps me from proceeding with it…So that’s why I told you that I need to practice my typing skills to become proficient. So that’s what I’m going to do…Wish me luck brother…Until we discuss my skills I’ll be practicing my typing…I know you wish to read more about my progress but I must improve my typing skills first…Hope you understand…

    Robert Henry
    P.S.–Next time we chat my ability to type I pray will be improved…

  15. Robert Henry says:


    Greetings, I hope your day was spectacular and full of adventure as mine was…After receiving that epiphany last night, when I awoke I began to clean my room so I’m very proud to claim it as mine… But while I was cleaning it I received another epiphany relating to my being on Percocet…I had to run and pick up my script, which was not ready when I got there, so they told me I didn’t have Plan D for drugs…
    Whereas I called the agent who signed me up and told her and she made calls all around to Medicare… Then later in the day, I went home I wrote the letter to the originator of the free food for everyone program…She should get it in a few days…That’s when the start of my business will begin…
    I’ll find out if my plan has any merit or not…But I can see” God’s Bounty” on all of our products, If or not but I will know for certain that’s for sure…I can’t wait for tomorrow to come…So I’ll be another day older for certain…I’m beginning to change one step at a time…I should learn how to type, so I’ll be more proficient at it…This way of typing has got to change with me as I change so should my skill…
    Mark, you should see this gigantic mess in my room right now…You’d say I’m not right upstairs…Because it really is the worst my room has ever looked and that’s saying something…You probably realize I cover my webcam so no one can see the mess that is my room…Small steps to build the future of my life…
    Mark, I have you to thank for my transformation…Your guide in the second manuscript is causing me to blossom…Wished everything was already as it should be but it’s not and I really have to hand it to you for putting up with my naivety…Any other man would have given up but you stick by me just like a loving brother…That’s because you know something about me that I’m really excited to learn…Well it’s late in the evening and I should retire for the night but I reserve the right to come back and build onto my previous statements…Good night Mark & Steve…

    Your gracious friend,
    Robert W, Henry

    P.S. While I watch the boob tube, named rightfully so because only ignorant men sit and have their brains stimulated with nothing but garbage…But the programs I watch stimulate my creativity inasmuch they propel me to reach out and share what TV does to our minds & Spirit…No compassion delivered to the children any more. My neck is really beginning to hurt so I can either pop a Percocet or get some rest…Rest wins out–Yea for our side..

    P.S.S.–I feel, at times that I’m not worth your efforts but I sure do appreciate your concern…

  16. Robert Henry says:



    Steve Fagan called me to let me know that there was going to be a Neothink seminar in New York City last week…Really wanted to go but no money to leave the other side of this country. Long Beach is thousands of miles from New York…3,500 to be exact…Do you know what I’m grateful for? Living in the good Ol U.S. of A….Spent the whole day rearranging our kitchen…
    Got to share this with you, I had a Eureka moment this evening. While watching a Christian movie I realized I have too much clutter. That program opened up my eyes to the realization that my life is tied up in my room…For years I’ve allowed this to continue only to throw everything away…What a trip…
    This has opened up my eyes and heart…What you’ve shown me is that nothing is worth many tears…
    Only through separation can we expect to become whole–WOW!!!!!!!!!
    I’ve got to throw many things out to retain my sanity…This is good stuff & then once everything is gone I’ll methodically rearrange each piece… Can’t wait to throw many possessions out the door…
    Think I’ll sell many items on Ebay…I’ve got some very good music but most of it is clutter…

    Robert Henry

  17. Scott Camp says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton, I have not mentioned this to anyone in the Society. This event happened to me. Only weeks apart when I was reading my first or second Neo-Tech Manuscript. The Conservatives in Washington D.C. had asked me to join with them to advance their Conservative Movement. I remember in that letter they had wondered that if I could be trusted to advance their agenda. As I was reading the Neo-Tech Manuscript I had ran across something very interesting, it said that they will invite you into their group and that they will turn you into a scholar and then that you will do the work for them to advance their agenda. I was amazed that I had read that, because it had just happened to me to become an invited person into their group to advance their agenda. My answer to them was no. The Catholic Church had automatically enrolled me into many of their tiny societies that are within other societies that is within the church. The New World Order Movement was trying to capture and lure me into their army of their evil doings. If not for Neo-Tech I would have fallen into their hands to bring more destruction upon the people. You know the song Sympathy For The Devil, by the Rolling Stones. A brilliant song of accuracy of historical biblical events and historical world events. The events that are within that song are some of the carefully planned and plotted schemed events that will lead us up to the New World Order. Many and much more events must yet occur before the New World Order can be put into place, so that is to say is that they are not ready yet. They must continue very carefully to trick and fool the people. They will decide when the end will come, they operate with extreme secrecy, its essence is its secret. One must wonder what the actual history is of the world, since that we have been lied to for 3,000 years. It is they that determine which lie should be put into place to go down in history to be put into the history books. To be in The Neo-Think Society we should see them clearly, when ever they arise. I think about the people in Africa, India, the Soviet Union, and many other places around the world. I think of what the Twelve Visions can bring to those people, what a beautiful thought. Thank You, Mr. Hamilton., Scott Camp.

  18. Robert Henry says:


    Forgive me, but I just plastered Neothink across the web and it felt right…
    If I’m not supposed to send your literature to others then please let me know otherwise I’ll keep right on doing it…Well, I just planted the first seed out to be harvested but don’t know if it will be received well.
    Once before I mentioned this idea to my pastor and he wasn’t interested in it at that time…I fellowship at Cottonwood Christian Center ( CCC ) for abbreviation. I’m fed God’s word there and have been for many years…Love the fellowship with like-minded individuals who all love God with their whole hearts… Wondering how this will be received by the person I sent it to…
    She had an awesome Christian program that fed many people and they recently been closed down… Though that may be my cue to offer her this program…I mean God did give it to me and for years I sat on it because I didn’t have the necessary capital to proceed with it…But now that we have met and what you’re telling me about myself I feel confident proceeding…It’s just that with being on Percocet I’m hoping that what you’re saying is genuine…Never thought of my eternal soul much but now is the correct time to do so…Don’t want to spend eternity in hell…God realizes how much I love Him…So I’m sure I’ll be OK…Mark, I believe you were sent by God to help me implement this business to the world so I’ll proceed with it as planned…Just hope I’m correct–lol…Just love the way this site corrects every detail of my script.

    Robert W. Henry

  19. Robert Henry says:


    So sorry my lack of proofreading skills leaves something to be desired.
    The word read was spelled rad and that made me aware of my lack of skills to be a great writer. Needless to say, that’s not what I’m after.
    Maybe I should take a refresher course in vocabulary–lol. Regardless, I’ve got to get back to helping my mom restock our shelves…Talk later…

    Robert Henry

  20. Robert Henry says:


    I wrote the letter and I believe it’s ready to be sent. I’ll let you proof rad this letter:

    It’s always a treat whenever speaking with you because your heart is so genuine and giving. It’s evident that you are one of God’s children.
    The reason for this letter is to introduce what I believe God has shown me to eradicate starvation around the world. It just needs to have the products to provide everyone who wishes to participate.
    Once they do they will be able to build their portfolio within this system of eradicating starvation.
    It was such a shame when Grateful Hearts doors were closed. But we both know when one door closes another will open if that be God’s will. I truly believe this is God’s will. I hope you’ll agree.
    Blair, I’ll be happy to share this plan with you at your convenience.
    All I would need from you is the companies that already give and nothing else, just that knowledge.
    This will essentially provide the building blocks to start this plan of world hunger becoming obsolete.
    Please contact me at your earliest convenience,

    Yours in Christ,
    Robert W. Henry

  21. Robert Henry says:


    I’ve come up with a letter of introduction about helping the many people who starve needlessly around the world. This letter will go out to the various contacts who will be instrumental in moving this cause…I’ll start there and see what happens…

    Rob W. Henry

  22. Robert Henry says:


    Good morning to you brother…I hope you received your much-needed sleep. I know I always feel much better after receiving the sleep my body requires, refreshed as I like to put it…Ready for a brand new day to move forward with my plans to eradicate starvation around the world…What will I do today? Probably write to parties that could really help me realize this business plan…Then wait for their replies.
    I’ll write more later as it unfolds,

    Your brother in Christ,
    Robert W. Henry

  23. Scott Camp says:

    Thank You Mr. Hamilton. I have passed through all of the Twelve Levels, I have purchased twelve brilliantly written Manuscripts. To me these Manuscripts are electrifying and liberating. I understand what is written in these Manuscripts from the first Manuscript up to where I am at in The Prime Cure. I am a searcher, I have always been in search of the unanswered questions. These Manuscripts contain all of the answers to the unanswered questions. I no longer need to search, I need now only to study what I have learned. In the Anti-Civilization I had become a Conservative Activist of the Year. Ted Cruz had sent me a letter stating that I was one of the most active conservative activist to be found anywhere in the United States. Today I am no longer participating with them, I have disconnected from them. I have studied many things; wars and revolutions, biblical prophecies, the Stalin’s and Hitler’s, The Communist Blueprint For Conquest, the American Presidents and other world leaders, national and world histories and just about everything in between. Today My focus is the power structure of the world, The Order of the Illuminati. I must know everything about them. I also must know everything that is written in these Neo-Tech and Neo-Think Manuscripts. I will be 54 years old in December, I have been driving a semi-truck for 29 years with over 3,200,000 of safe driving experience, as with anything that one does, it has to work for you rather than you trying to work for it. Neo-Tech and Neo-Think works for me. There is much to say about all of this, but by being a part of your puzzle picture is a complete and absolute honor. One must do as only as these Manuscripts are written, there is no other way. That is final and there can be no errors. Please wish us well as we overturn all existing governments. Thank You ever so much, Scott V. Camp.

  24. Gene R Swan says:

    Hello Mark
    It,s bine a while that we talked,but I bine have
    in to go throw 4 phone,s I beleave they Are doing thing to make my life hard,dut i,am still reading my books,shave lot to learn,i,ll make it.Tell everyone i,ll keep trying,Keep up the good works ,and I forgot how to logo in ,can you help with that,God Bless all .

  25. Edwin Smith says:

    As a Neothink member, do I need to pay anything more? Other than what I paid through the mail.

  26. Edwin Smith says:

    I paid through the mail. Do I have to pay anything more?

  27. Thank You It was a Long Journey. From Guyana Now In Albany New York. Teacher Writer Poet Sports And Culture THEN. But Still Writes. God Bless!

  28. Jerry Thornton says:

    Jerry Thornton says
    May 2nd. 2017 4:20 pm

    Thanks for your books and all the information,
    One question, well where is the address to attend the meeting since I really want to attend

    Jerry Thornton

  29. admin says:

    The instructions to register for the website are in the letter.

  30. Oscar Interiano says:

    Oscar Interiano says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton:

    I have received the invitation for the secret meetings and I am looking
    forward to learn more about the society, the letter is dated April 22,2017.
    The only problem that I have is that I do not have my username and password.
    Please advise. By the way, I have read the first book and I am almost done
    with the second one. Mr. Hamilton you are truly a genius. Thank you for the

  31. Dr. Stanley Murphy says:

    Thank you Mark for your leadership, energy, focused work and determination in continuing what Dr. Frank Wallace began many years ago. Much has been accomplished since his sudden death and I’m sure he would be proud of the work you are doing. He would also be proud of our position, in term of where we are today in our evolution, individually and collectively.

    I’m happy to be a part of the movement and look forward to giving back to the Society in the not-to-distant future as I move through the levels of the Inner-Circle. My power is growing within me. I can feel it! Thank you for believing in me.

    Dr. Stanley D. Murphy, EdD
    Nashville, Tennessee

  32. Dr. Robert Santry says:

    So far I like this program.
    I look forward to the instruction for the next 12 months.
    I also look forward to meeting other members of the society.
    R.M. Santry, M.D., Ph.D.
    Makawao, Hawaii

  33. Treena Roche says:

    Dear Mr. Hamilton, I would like to thank you very much for the amazing books that I have been given the opportunity to read. This so far has been an incredible and intriguing life altering path, I am absolutely loving the eye opening work you have made available to me. I have immense gratitude for the shift in my perception and change in my thinking, your work and knowledge have had a profound effect on my drive to live the “Life I am meant to Live”!!! I have always known there was something more and missing, a void I would say prior to your manuscripts. What an amazing gift you have allowed me to receive. I plan to continue opening my mind and absorbing the knowledge of your teachings, I see no limit to the advancement of my new future! Thank You Kindly. T.Roche

  34. Owen Grace says:

    Mark dont give up on meI have been in a car wreck.It coast 4,500 to get my car home I was 250 miles from home .I will get back on track ass soon ass i can. Please

  35. Gene R Swan says:

    Dear Mark H,
    This Gene I had two heat art act and one strouck,i,am not good on computers eat her ,
    Will this help my Brain to get better.the last attact, they put a stead in my heart ,and the doctor said that there was another vain down to 60 ,ad he did new thing to open put a stern in it ,can I fix it my sefl

  36. Alexander Agiliga says:

    Since I got this invitation, I have been feeling excited about joining the meeting. I am not sure when the next meeting takes place, I read at the beginning after activatioin that it will be thirty (days) from today for the first meeting. I cannot wait for that day. I have read the two books and I am in the process of the third one (the 950 page one) I am not sure what the benefits will be in joining this Society, but I am looking forward to it. I am very happy to be invited and I am committed to the in doing whatever it takes to make the best of it. I thank you very much “”Mark Hamilton for the invitation, and like you said you have my full trust.

    Alexander Agiliga

  37. michael torgl says:

    I am so happy in being chosen to join this exclusive society of the brightest minds and value know when I told my mom that her youngest of three boys,yes me your son mikey torgl is going to start the Torgl”s family Dynasty.She thought I must have gone know I look forward to when my mom realizes that I wasnt kidding around and she is so proud of her youngest son.because he has stepped up in this life and joined the one and only ultra rich and succesful society of good people that make a difference on this crazy planet so I just want to say thank you so much Mark Hamilton for choosing me.I look forward to meeting you.

  38. Brett Gordon says:

    Hello Mark,
    Life is a funny thing to go through in ignorance. I don’t know what to say except thank you for you your insights and many facets of life you teach and expand upon in the performance and lack of performance we as humans automatically do. I say automatic because that’s exactly my biggest problem… the bicameral mindset you so eloquently express. I’ve experience pockets of exhilaration, success, but no downstream focus for very long unfortunately for me. I don’t quite know where all of this can go for me, but I’m pushing on to finish what I’ve started here. I’ve waited along time to jump into the meetings/website’s…but will do so when I can.
    I run a Home-Improvement business that messes up my schedule all the time due to the nature of what project I have to take care of. I have been inspired to do better journaling of my projects, which allows me to keep better accounting, of the business, also for creating better services for my clientele…which makes it worthwhile when they express happiness for the work I’ve done. I definitely see the happiness neothink brings you for all your hard work. Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for allowing me to come aboard.
    Sincerely Brett.

  39. Lalta Mudgil says:

    I have read most of your books . am still not sure that all these are your visions or their are any positive results .Even Miss Annabel’s students did very well but this test has not been repeated .Your book on Miss Annabel was very interesting to read . I am still confused how you leap to Neotech or Neothink etc etc .Also how neotech can destroy mysticism etc .To undrstand I need your help.

  40. Torita Hines says:

    I want to thank you for sharing this powerful messenge to the innocent good people that want to do better in life, become wealthy, be their own leader. Like for example, I want to build a youth center were children can come be their self. To teach how to be Neothink Self-Leaders. Also I would love to be part of the Twelve Vision Party that Daniel Ward made. I want to make a business where my employees be their own entrepreneur and also bring value to the society as well. Teach them the Neothink mentality and have them to do Essence Meetings and Friday-Nights’ Essence. Also I want to give a big thanks out to who gave them a precious knowledge they can use forever and spread out to the world. First is Mrs. Annabelle Melbourne and Mr. John Melbourne, and other genius out there in the world. Also Mr. Mark Hamilton for write and publishing their stories which all the Neothink books 1,2,and 3.Without you publishing especially the last Neothink 3 Mrs. Annabelle messenger that she gave to her twelve children that now known as big leaders that is full of wealth, happiness, love

  41. Starr Harris says:

    Hi Mark, I need to find out something before I go any farther into this book. You told me that there is something special about me, I just wish I knew what that was. All I have been doing is reading, it seems like forever, but I know it has has only been since I think April or May. I get these little flashes in my mind, but I can’t make any sense out it. I was hoping you could help me with that. Am I going to get a new body in the future? I have been stuck in this wheel chair since 2001 I believe that is to long. Please help me.

  42. edward e draper says:

    I am excited to be a part of the Neo-think family, I get excited every time I open a book. Thank you so much, I write everything down I can so that don’t miss a thing.
    God bless you Mark Hamilton. I am a level three member and have some great ideas that
    I am working with and after reading your book,it all started coming together, I suddenly started getting phone calls from people I never knew asking,”what can I do to
    help you ?” and how soon can we get started. I have been offered land and professional
    advice For Free. things are starting happen. Amen

  43. keith irwin says:

    Hello Mark! It’s been a very interesting 3 months and I’ve run through the gamut of emotions: is this a rip off? Is this real? Is this some bargain hunters group? Will I really meet rich people who want to help me? Can I really help them? and the group?! I must say, having finished the third heirloom that I feel mighty priveleged to have been selected and sit in awe of the amount of work you and your father did. The vision is incredible! It was really only in reading the history of religion from the God Kings down to Abraham and Moses down to Jesus – AS IT PERTAINED TO THE EVOLUTION OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS – that i was able to make sense of it, all of it, for the first time! Suddenly I could group civilizations together that were pre-bicameral and see the evolution of the bicameral mind down to Jesus. And the Appendix II from the former Monk was a treasure! What a crazy, novel vision of how Jesus really was?!!! and Yet what an impact he had!!? I look forward to reading all the heirlooms again – especially 3 for the historical info, and 1 for the emotions. I cried so many times, especially when the solider died in Sally’s hospital bed crying out for his mother with no senses to detect her! I”m welling up now! I don’t know where this is going but I”m glad you have faith in me. I wrote quite a bit on my level 1 questions/integrations, but wanted to add that I really related to the part (in one of the visions, or power moving/energy) where you mention resistance and FIGHTING it for 30 days. I’ve had so much growth and developed so much awareness these past months due to therapy, recovery and mainly energy work I did with two mentors. I was able to see for the first time I was depressed and then knowing what I learned in rehab about my traumatized nervous system I was able to experience it. and boy did I! I was almost bed ridden for a couple of weeks, but was determined to “feel” it and be aware of it and slowly take action. It took a while, and it’s more difficult right now being unemployed, but reading about the resistance in your books, struck a chord and just made me believe more that ever that everything is connected and has a reason and has it’s time and I’m glad it’s mine.

    Thank you for your time.

    Keith Irwin

  44. Penny Wright says:


  45. Jonathan Hobbins says:

    Hello Mark Hamilton:
    May I say that I’m excited to have come this far and to read all of your exceptionally intriguing manuscripts-all 3 of them. I’ve noticed that in the first one Miss Annabelle’s students of approximately 9 years old were excited and enthused to jump right in and apply themselves to the common denominators and to see the ugliness of bicameral consciousness and those who opportunistically rule over other’s lives in every aspect of life. And then, 27 years later, these same people (Miss Annabelle’s students), applied these same principles in the freedom of the people in different areas.
    Interestingly, we, starting out, seemingly as children, excited at new discoveries and new thinking, as we progress (hopefully), we can look back to this day as the first day of our REAL life in creating new discoveries.
    Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for the opportunity to join a special organization. I look forward, with eagerness, in learning and applying the 12 visions.
    I encourage and wish everyone success in becoming part of the Neothink Society.
    Jonathan Hobbins.

  46. Robert Smith says:

    Thanks to your books, and you Mark Hamilton.
    I’am looking forward to a very happy future.
    I believe it has already brightened up,
    just after reading your 3 manuscripts.

  47. Mr.Mark Hamilton
    It”is an honor to talk to you.
    I read your first manuscript and it was a wonderfull book to read.
    I read word by word and I thought miss annabel was wonderfull with her 12 students.who later became geniuses the story unfolds into an exi
    cting picture. The turmoil that she went thru was a formidable excistance
    thru her career.The most important was the way every thing explor
    and new way of future came into view. When I was done with the first book
    I recieved the second manuscript. The story behind it was the continuation
    of the first manusript.
    When the neothink came into view.Every think came into view and the future
    came into resolving. In the first book I have to say thAt it cause some tears and fraustration. The second the future became something out of star wars.Both books were done beautifull. My congraulation. Now I am on
    my third book where all the secrets are done and explain. I am on a fantastic journey about the future in the neothink world. It a wonderful
    book and I am glad I have it. I hope that other people will appreciate all 3 books like I have. thank you for allow me to get involve with your 3 manusripts.

  48. Lee Hargroder says:

    Everything sounds interesting. Looking forward to the future as it becomes to a place of anticipation of what is to come. The secrets that are alluded to. Thank you.

  49. Randy Morgan says:

    Thank you Mark for the books and meetings I can’t wait to start.

  50. Donald Peters says:

    Dear Mark:
    Thanks for your latest letter. I am really looking
    forward to receiving the book. Everyone be well.
    I love you, all of my brothers and sisters.

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