Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Secret Meetings

Level 12 Meeting Level 12 Meeting

Level Twelve points the world-wide Neothink® juggernaut straight toward . . . (I will reveal this when our first wave of apprentices moves onto Level Twelve.) ….you learn how to play as an adult. By discovering value creation, stagnation quickly gets replaced with exhilaration, and the child of the past returns. Your life leaps to a new level... [Read more...]

Welcome to Your Secret Meetings Site Welcome to Your Secret Meetings Site

Welcome to your own Secret Meetings Website. Each month, for the next 12 months, based on your account, you will have access to your personal next level. Every thirty days your Secret Meeting level will automatically be advanced to the next level. You will find your levels in the right hand column section “Your Secret Meetings”. Your Neothink®... [Read more...]

Meet Your Mentor Meet Your Mentor

THE JOURNEY with MARK HAMILTON A Synopsis The First Leg – Levels One through Three – Getting Ready Level One opens the door to the person you were meant to be as you learn how to play as an adult. By discovering value creation, stagnation quickly gets replaced with exhilaration, and the child of the past returns. Your life leaps to a new level... [Read more...]