Friday, March 14, 2025

Neothink® Business Alliance Application and Policy Agreement

Note: If you do not have a business enter your personal information. All items must be filled out.

*  Business Name:: *  Date:
*  State of Registration: *  EIN Number:
*  Business Contact: *  Entity Type:
*  Business Address: *  Business Phone:
*  City: *  State:
*  Zip: *  Your Email Address:
*  Essence:    
*  Do you have a Performance Based Pay Plan:
*  Do you have Essence Meetings?:
*  Do you have a Tracking Report Template?:
*  Do you use the Mini-Day and Power Thinking Process?:
*  Are your Money Marking Areas of Purpose defined?:
*  Are you a member of The Neothink® Society Web Stie?:
*  Do you support The Twelve Visions Party®:
*  Do you have an A-Team affiliation?:
*  Describe you company mission or your future vision of your business.:
*  Describe your product or service.:
*  I agree to the Business Alliance Policy Agreement (below):

Business Alliance Police Agreement

By checking the I have read and agree box (above), you have agreed to this Business Alliance Policy Agreement.

As the elected decision authority for the entity (The Company) agree to abide by the following policies regarding membership in the Neothink® Business Alliance (The Alliance);

All companies wishing to be endoresed by The Neothink® Society or Twelve Visions Party® shall be members of The Alliance;

All activities associated with the sale of products or services will follow the Prime Law;

The Company will strive to do business with suppliers and distributors who are members of The Alliance and The Company will urge suppliers and distributors to join The Alliance;

The use of the Neothink® Membership Database to promote or market products is prohibited without the express and written agreement from Mark Hamilton or his designated approval authority;

The Company will not participate in activities that could place The Neothink® Society in a vulnerable position;

This membership application and agreement does not constitute a marketing agreement;

Any violation of these policies may result in removal from The Alliance.